Saturday 10 June 2017

IOT Based Industrial Water Quality Monitoring System using Temperature, Ph and Turbidity Sensors. The cost of the project is 13500/-. The system consists of Turbidity, PH & Temperature sensor of water quality testing, single-chip microcontroller data acquisition module, information transmission module, monitoring center and other accessories. Turbidity, PH & Temperature of water are automatically detected under the control of single chip microcontroller all day. 1. GPRS Based real time monitoring of water tanks, 2. Turbidity sensors measure the amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids in water, 3. Design of Low-cost Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring System, 4. IOT based reconfigurable smart sensor interface for industries using ARM, 5. IOT BASED WATER QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM, 6. Monitoring of Turbidity, PH & Temperature of Water Based on GSM - GPRS, 7. The Real Time Monitoring of Water Quality in IoT Environment, 8. Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System - ResearchGate, 9. A Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System: A Review - Ijritcc, 10. Wireless Sensor Networks for Water Quality Monitoring and Control, 11. Water Sensor Network (WSN) system, 12. WSN solar-based water quality monitoring system for measuring water pH, Oxygen, 13. water quality monitoring system using zigbee based wireless sensor network, 14. the real time monitoring of water quality in iot environment pdf, 15. internet of things water quality monitoring, 16. iot based water quality monitoring system, 17. water quality monitoring using wireless sensor networks, 18. the real time monitoring of water quality in iot environment based on arm 11 raspberry pi, 19. solar based advanced water quality monitoring system using wireless sensor network, 20. iot based water monitoring system, 21. Smart Water Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 22. sensing monitoring, water pollution monitoring and water pipeline leakage, 23. An IoT Based System for Water Quality Monitoring - IJIRCCE, 24. Implementation of Smart Sensor Interface for Water Quality Monitoring, 25. Water Quality Monitoring System Using Zigbee, 26. Design of Low Cost System for Real Time Monitoring of Water Quality, 27. Water Quality Monitoring System Using Zigbee Based Wireless - IJENS, 28. Smart Device to monitor water quality to avoid pollution in IoT, 29. water quality monitoring sensors, arduino IDE, Zigbee, 30. A Reconfigurable Smart Sensor Interface for Industrial WSN in IoT, 31. A Review on Real Time Water Quality Measurement using, 32. water quality monitoring system for the aquaculture industry, 33. Monitoring of Water Quality in IoT Environmen, 34. Real Time Water Quality Assurance with the Perspective of Internet of Things, 35. Continuous Water Quality Monitoring System for Water Resources, 36. Efficient Smart Monitoring of Water Resources using Internet of Things, 37. Water Quality Online Monitoring System Integration of Three Gorges, 38. Design of 6LoWPAN enabled Real Time Water Quality Monitoring, 39. Remote Water Quality Monitoring System using Wireless Sensors, 40. Water Quality Running On Droids - WorldComp Proceedings, 41. Automatic monitoring & Reporting of water quality by using WSN, 42. Real-Time On-Line Monitoring of Contaminants in Water—Developing, 43. Online Monitoring Of Water Quality Using Raspberry Pi3 Model B, 44. Solar Power Interfacing for Monitoring the Water Quality using Zigbee, 45. AUTOMATED WATER POTABILITY MONITORING SYSTEM, 46. Implementation of Smart Sensor Interface Network for Water Quality, 47. An IoT Based Water Health Monitoring System, 48. iot based real time monitoring of water quality - ijpres, 49. Smart Device to Monitor Water Quality to Avoid Pollution in IoT, 50. Design and development of IOT Based Framework for Aquaculture, 51. Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in Marine Environment, 52. A Smart Sensor Interface for Industrial IOT Environment, 53. Application of gprs technology in water quality monitoring system, 54. Remote Monitoring Using Sensors - Innovations for Poverty Action, 55. IoT for checking water pollution in Ganges river, 56. Multi-parameter probe / turbidity / pH / dissolved oxygen, 57. Multi-parameter probe / turbidity / dissolved oxygen / for water quality, 58. Water Boiler Temperature Monitor and Control using LABView, 59. IOT Air & Water Quality Monitoring System, 60. Remote Water Quality Monitoring via a Low Power, Wireless Network,

iot webpage + php code + mysql database + wiringPi  + Email alert + Sms alert.The cost of the project is 16500/-.

health monitoring system  sensors are lm35 body temperature + ecg sensor + mems fall detection+ Heat beat sensor + saline bottle detection  + gprs  iot webpage.

1. Hence the latest trend in Healthcare communication method using IOT is adapted.

2. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Zigbee, BLE, Cloud Integration, Analytics, Mobile Apps, Web.

3. Secured Smart Healthcare Monitoring System Based on Iot .

4. IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi.

5. An IoT based patient monitoring system using raspberry Pi,

6. IoT Based Health Monitoring System by Using Raspberry Pi and ECG,

7. IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi,

8. Raspberry-Pi Based Health Monitoring System,

9. Patient Parameter Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi,

10. Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi - IOT,

11. IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi,

12. raspberry pi based patient health status observing method using iot,

13. An IoT based patient monitoring system using raspberry Pi3,

14. patient health monitoring system using raspberry pi,

15. iot based health monitoring system project ppt,

16. iot based patient health monitoring system project,

17. internet of things: remote patient monitoring using web services and cloud computing,

18. patient health monitoring system project report,

19. iot based health monitoring system ppt,

20. secured smart healthcare monitoring system based on iot,

21. iot based patient monitoring system using raspberry pi,

22. IoT Based Health-Care System Using Raspberry Pi - IRJET,

23. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project | svsProjects,

24. Patient Monitoring System Using Raspberry PI - International,

25. Survey of Health Monitoring Management Using Internet of Things (IOT),


27. Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi,

28. A Review on system of IOT Based Human Activity Monitoring By Using raspberry pi processor,

29. smart healthcare system also helpful to monitor patient's dieses,


31. IoT Solutions - The Next Generation Projects - The DIYguru Project,

32. raspberry pi IEEE PAPER 2018 - free IEEE Paper,

33. IoT Based Remote Patient Health Monitoring System | prakash,

34. Raspberry pi Based Smart Supervisor using Internet of Things (IoT),


36. BSN-Care: A Secure IoT-Based Modern Healthcare System Using Body,

37. An Iot Based Patient Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi(IEEE-2017),

38. ECE final year projects for B.Tech & M.Tech students | IEEE 2017,

39. Smart street lights and fault location monitoring in cloud over IoT,

40. Projects based on ARM11 based Raspberry Pi with Linux Environment,

41. Wireless Patient Health Monitoring System Using ZigBee ,RFID , GSM,

42. real time wireless health monitoring application using mobile devices,

43. Wireless Remote Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi and IOT,

44. raspberry pi home automation with wireless sensors using smart phone,

45. Embedded Linux based Projects using Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone,

46. IP Based Device Control and Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi,

47. IOT Projects for B.Tech and M.Tech Engineering Students,

48. ECE Projects: BE Diploma Final Year Embedded Project Consultancy,

49. smart health care system using internet of things,

50. Real time vehicle monitoring and tracking system based on embedded Linux board and android application,

51. Smart drip irrigation system using raspberry pi and arduino,

52. Multi-hop WBAN Construction for Healthcare IoT Systems,

53. IoT based Remote Patient Monitoring System,

54. IOT Based Soldier Navigation and Health Monitoring System,

55. Raspberry PI based Data Sensing and Logging System,


57. Wireless Medical Surveillance System Using Raspberry Pi and X-Bee,

58. Design of Solar Remote Monitoring Using Raspberry PI,

59. Internet of Things (IoT) Platform for Structure Health Monitoring,

60. Smart Surveillance Monitoring System Using Raspberry PI and PIR,

61. Remote Health Monitoring Using IOT - IJARIIT,

62. IoT Enabled Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) using Raspberry Pi,

63. Embedded Projects - India's Leading Electronics Research,

64. a study on security issues in healthcare applications using medical,

65. Wearable Devices in Medical Internet of Things: Scientific Research,

66. IOT Solution for Remote Patient Monitoring and Alert System,

67. Iot Based Smart Poultry Farming using Commodity Hardware,

68. IOT Based Data Logger for Monitoring and Controlling,

69. Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi,

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