Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Women Safety👜bag Using RF, GSM,🛰️GPS and Arduino with Location📍Tracking📱...

Women Safety👜bag Using RF, GSM,🛰️GPS and Arduino with Location📍Tracking📱Alerts | Women Safety Device With GPS With Send Location & Make Call | women based women safety security system using gsm and gps modem | WOMEN SAFETY BAG Call / Message | Arduino Gps And Gsm Based location Tracking System | Women Safety Device With GPS Tracking | CHILD / WOMEN SAFETY USING ESP32 AND GPS OVER LORA COMMUNICATION | Women Safety System using Arduino, Shock Generator, GPS & GSM Module. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements http://svsembedded.com/
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 157 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2022.php
135 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2021.php
151 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2020.php
103 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2019.php
61 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2018.php
171 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2017.php
170 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2016.php
67 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2015.php
55 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2014.php
43 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2013.php
1100+ Projects https://www.svskit.com/2022/02/900-pr...
*********************************************************** 3. GSM AND GPS Based Women Security System Using Microcontroller, 4. Womens Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts | NevonProjects, 5. GPS and GSM Based Self Defense System for Women Safety, 6. Women Security Assistance system with GPS tracking and messaging, 7. advanced security system for women - SlideShare, 8. Smart Safety Device for Security of Women - ProQuest Search, 9. GPS-GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System, 10. security-system IEEE PAPER 2022 - engineering research papers, 11. one touch alarm system for women’s safety using gsm circuit diagram, 12. one touch alarm system for women’s safety using gsm ppt, 13. womens safety device with gps tracking & alerts project, 14. smart girl security system, 15. self security through gps based protection system, 16. womens security system, 17. security based projects electronics, 18. women's security ppt, 19. Arduino Based Security System using GSM & PIR Sensor, 20. Women Employee Security System using GPS And GSM Based, 21. IoT based project: SMART GIRLS SECURITY SYSTEM USING GSM, 22. gps-gsm based real time women tracking system and women safety, 23. Women Safety Security System using 8051 and GPRS, 24. Arduino based Vehicle Tracking System using GPS and GSM, 25. smart girls security system - International Journal of Application or, 26. 70+ GSM Based Projects for Engineering Students - Electronics Hub, 27. women self defence watch - KSCST, 28. GSM Based Home Security System Working with Applications, 29. One touch alarm Women safety system -Smartkitprojects.com, 30. All in one Intelligent Safety System for Women Security - International, 31. Android Based Smart Device for Women's Safety

Friday, 27 January 2023

IoT Based RFID + Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System Using Raspberry...

IoT Based RFID + Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System Using Raspberry Pi Pico📱SMS Notification | Raspberry Pi Pico: IoT Based Smart Attendance System Using RFID & GPRS | SMS ALERT | Raspberry Pi Pico + R307 Finger Print + EM18 RFID + SIM800L GSM - SMS Alert -Smart Attendance System | Fingerprint & QR Code Students Attendance GSM - SMS Alert TO Parents Mobile Using Raspberry Pi Pico | Automated Attendance System Using Arduino + Fingerprint + RFID + GSM with SMS Notification | A Multifactor Student Attendance System Using Fingerprint and RFID With SMS Alert To Parents Mobile. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements http://svsembedded.com/
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 157 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2022.php
135 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2021.php
151 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2020.php
103 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2019.php
61 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2018.php
171 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2017.php
170 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2016.php
67 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2015.php
55 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2014.php
43 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2013.php
1100+ Projects https://www.svskit.com/2022/02/900-pr...
*********************************************************** 1. advantages of biometric attendance system for students, 2. attendance management system using iot, 3. attendance record system (arduino + rfid), 4. biometric attendance system over iot ppt, 5. biometric student attendance system project, 6. face detection based college attendance marking system, 7. fingerprint based attendance management system, 8. smart attendance system project report, 9. rfid and iot for attendance monitoring system, 10. rfid based attendance system project report doc, 11. rfid based attendance system using arduino documentation, 12. rfid based attendance system using arduino ppt, 13. rfid based attendance system using arduino project report, 14. rfid based attendance system using nodemcu project report, 15. smart attendance system using face recognition, 16. smart attendance system using face recognition project, 17. fingerprint based attendance system ppt, 18. fingerprint sensor attendance system, 19. implementation of iot based attendance management system on raspberry pi, 20. introduction of biometric attendance system, 21. Development of an IoT-based Students’ Attendance Monitoring System, 22. IoT Based Smart Attendance System SAS Using RFID – IEEE, 23. IoT based Smart Attendance Monitoring System using RFID, 24. IOT Based Biometric Attendance System using NodeMCU, 25. IoT based Automatic Attendance Management System, 26. IoT Based Biometric Attendance System - SSRN papers, 27. IoT BASED SMART ATTENDANCE SYSTEM – IRJET, 28. IoT Based Biometric Attendance system using Arduino and IoT, 29. IOT BASED SMART ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING GSM, 30. Smart Attendance and Location Tracking using IoT – IJERT, 31. IoT based smart attendance system using Fingerprint sensor, 32. RFID Based Smart Attendance System - Arduino Project Hub, 33. IoT-School Attendance System Using RFID Technology, 34. IOT BASED SMART ATTENDANCE SYSTEM, 35. Face Recognition based smart attendance system using IOT, 36. DEVELOPMENT OF IOT BASED SMART ATTENDANCE, 37. IoT based Smart Attendance Monitoring System using RFID, 38. IoT Based Smart Student Attendance Monitoring System, 39. IOT Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System using NodeMCU, 40. IOT BASED BIOMETRIC AND RFID ATTENDANCE SYSTEM, 41. IoT Based Smart Attendance System – Pinterest, 42. IoT based Touch-free Attendance System ITAS – IOPscience, 43. Biometric Attendance System Over IOT - Nevon Projects, 44. Design of IOT based smart attendance system with self-counting facility, 45. Implementation of IoT Based Attendance System on a Dedicated Web-Server,

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Ultrasonic Sensor Based Efficient and Energy Saving Street Lighting Syst...

automatic light using ultrasonic sensor | automatic room light controller using ultrasonic sensor | automatic street light information | automatic street light project | automatic street light project using arduino | automatic street light using ultrasonic sensor | ldr sensor | motion detection using ultrasonic sensor | motion detection using ultrasonic sensor arduino | smart street light project using arduino uno, ldr and led | smart street light using arduino | smart street light using ldr | smart street lights using ldr and ultrasonic sensor | street lights | ultrasonic sensor arduino code with led | ultrasonic sensor light switch. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements http://svsembedded.com/
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 157 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2022.php
135 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2021.php
151 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2020.php
103 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2019.php
61 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2018.php
171 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2017.php
170 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2016.php
67 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2015.php
55 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2014.php
43 Projects  https://svsembedded.com/ieee_2013.php
1100+ Projects https://www.svskit.com/2022/02/900-pr...
*********************************************************** 1. Real Time Efficient Street Light Controlling System, 2. IoT-Based Smart Street Lighting Enhances Energy Conservation, 3. Smart Street Lighting using IoT | Best Internet of Things (IoT) Projects, 4. Smart Street Light Automation Energy Conservation Solution, 5. How to make smart street light | science fair project, 6. Quantitative characterisation of battery layer structures using ultrasound, 7. Arduino Uno Based Smart Street Light Project | how to make smart street light project, 8. Smart City: Street light energy saving ideas, 9. How to make Automatic Street light (DIY), 10. Arduino Project - Smart Street Lighting Project Using Arduino, 11. Automatic Street Light. Control System, 12. Smart street lighting system using LDR and ultrasonic sensor, 13. How to make Automatic Street light Controller | Automatic LED Street Light Controller Circuit, 14. HomeHop Solar street, garden light | Solar sensor light | Street LED smart light demo testing, 15. Automatic Staircase lights IR sensor Based using Ic 555 by Manmohan Pal, 16. IoT Smart Street Light System with Energy Saving - Final Year Project Ideas, 17. How to make Automatic street light using Arduino, 18. Smart Street Light Using IR Sensor with Arduino | Unacademy Live Laboratory | Satish Kumar Sir, 19. Automated Street Light | Energy Saving | Power Saver using Arduino (latest Project 2020), 20. Smart Street Lights Using LDR and ultrasonic sensor, 21. How to make Automatic street light | Best project for Arduino | Smart street light | 2021, 22. Smart Street Light System Innovation Track, 23. Smart Street Light Using Arduino | Auto Intensity Control Of Street Light, 24. Arduino ultrasonic sensor led projects | Hc-sr04 Ultrasonic sensor, 25. simulation of smart street lights with arduino in proteus | street lights automation in proteus, 26. IoT Based Motion Detection Smart Light System for UniMAP Campus Streetlights, 27. Automate Light with PIR sensor Using Arduino | Automatic Light | Save Electricity, 28. Smart Street Light Using Arduino | Auto Intensity Control, 29. LDR sensor with arduino uno automatic street lights || how ldr sensor works || telugu, 30. How to make Automatic Street Light with Solar System | Science project, 31. How does a Street Light work Solar LED Street Light,

A Novel Approach for Vehicular Accident Detection and Rescue Alert Syste...

A Novel Approach for Vehicular Accident Detection and Rescue Alert System using IoT | A Novel Approach to Automatic Road-Accident Detection ...