Smart Dustbin Using IoT🚮: ESP32 - SIM800A - Real Time GPS Location📍Tracker📱SMS Notification Alert | IoT Smart Dustbin : ESP32 - SIM800A - GPS | IoT-Based Garbage Container System NodeMCU | IoT based Smart Dustbin Management System | Smart Dustbin With ESP8266 And GPS | IoT Based Smart Waste Monitoring System | IoT Smart Dustbin : SIM800L.
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Saturday, 30 September 2023
Friday, 29 September 2023
Arduino Based Smart Shopping🛒Trolley with Add/Delete ITEMS & Auto Billin...
Arduino Based Smart Shopping🛒Trolley with Add/Delete ITEMS & Auto Billing GSM - SMS📱Notification🔔 Alert | Smart Shopping Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino & Gsm Module | Smart Trolley | Smart Shopping Card with Automatic Billing System using RFID & Arduino | Smart Trolley Project | Design of Smart Trolley using RFID, RF Data Modem & Thermal Printer using Arduino | Smart Shopping Trolley Engineering final year projects | Wireless Smart Shopping🛒Cart with Automatic🖥️Billing System using RFID & Arduino.
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Creating an Arduino-based smart shopping trolley with features like adding/deleting items and auto billing with GSM SMS alert involves several components and steps. Here's a high-level overview of how you can build such a system:
Components Needed:
1. Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno or Arduino Mega)
2. GSM module (e.g., SIM900)
3. RFID reader
4. RFID tags or NFC cards
5. LCD display
6. Keypad
7. Load cells or weight sensors
8. Servo motor (for automatic door opening, if desired)
9. Relays and transistors (for controlling the door and billing system)
10. Power supply
11. Breadboard and jumper wires
12. Shopping cart with a sturdy frame
Steps to Build the System:
1. Setup Arduino and GSM Module:
• Connect the GSM module to the Arduino.
• Install necessary libraries for the GSM module.
• Configure the GSM module to send and receive SMS alerts.
2. Interface RFID Reader:
• Connect the RFID reader to the Arduino.
• Write code to read RFID/NFC tags and associate them with product data.
3. Interface LCD Display and Keypad:
• Connect the LCD display and keypad to the Arduino.
• Use the keypad to input item codes or quantities.
• Display item details and prices on the LCD.
4. Implement Add/Delete Functionality:
• Create functions to add and delete items from the shopping cart.
• Maintain a list of selected items with their quantities.
5. Auto Billing System:
• Calculate the total bill based on the selected items and their prices.
• Display the total on the LCD.
• Implement a billing mechanism that accepts payment (e.g., cash or card).
6. Weight Sensing (Optional):
• If you want to automate item addition based on weight, use load cells or weight sensors.
• Add items to the cart when they are placed on the trolley, and remove them when taken out.
7. Automatic Door Control (Optional):
• Use a servo motor to control the trolley's door.
• Automatically open the door when an item is added or when the billing process is complete.
8. GSM SMS Alerts:
• Send SMS alerts using the GSM module to a predefined number.
• Send alerts for items added, deleted, or when the billing is completed.
9. User Interface and Interaction:
• Implement a user-friendly interface on the LCD for item selection, deletion, and payment.
• Provide feedback and prompts to guide the user through the process.
10. Testing and Debugging:
• Test the entire system thoroughly to ensure all components work as expected.
• Debug any issues with RFID reading, item tracking, billing, or GSM communication.
11. Power Supply and Integration:
• Ensure a reliable power supply for the Arduino and all components.
• Integrate the system into the shopping cart securely.
12. User Manual and Documentation:
• Create a user manual or guide explaining how to use the smart shopping trolley.
Saturday, 23 September 2023
Vehicle Anti Collision with Sound Alert & GSM + GPS Based Location Track...
Automated Vehicle Anti Collision with Sound Alert & GSM + GPS Based Location Tracking System using Arduino | HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor | GPS Tracking | GSM + GPS Based Vehicle Location Tracking System using Arduino | VEHICLE ANTI COLLISION USING ULTRASONIC SIGNALS | Vehicle Accident Alert System Using Accelerometer GPS And GSM | vehicle anti- collision with sound alert and GPS Tracking.
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Creating a Vehicle Anti-Collision System with Sound Alerts and GPS-based Location Tracking using Arduino and an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor involves combining hardware components and writing software code. In this explanation, I'll outline the basic steps and components you'll need, but please note that this is a simplified overview, and you'll need to dive deeper into each component's documentation and libraries to create a robust system.
Components you'll need:
1. Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, or Arduino Mega)
2. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
3. GPS Module (e.g., NEO-6M)
4. GSM Module (e.g., SIM800L)
5. Buzzer or speaker for sound alerts
6. Power supply (usually 5V for Arduino and sensor modules)
7. Connecting wires
8. A SIM card with mobile data for the GSM module
Here are the steps to create your Vehicle Anti-Collision System:
1. Ultrasonic Sensor Setup:
• Connect the HC-SR04 sensor to your Arduino.
• Wire the trigger and echo pins of the sensor to digital pins on the Arduino (e.g., Trig to D2 and Echo to D3).
• Power the sensor using the Arduino's 5V and GND pins.
2. GPS Module Setup:
• Connect the GPS module to your Arduino.
• Usually, GPS modules use UART communication. Wire the TX pin of the GPS module to a digital pin on the Arduino (e.g., TX to D4).
• Power the GPS module using the Arduino's 5V and GND pins.
3. GSM Module Setup:
• Connect the GSM module to your Arduino.
• The GSM module also communicates using UART. Wire the TX pin of the GSM module to another digital pin (e.g., TX to D5).
• Power the GSM module using the Arduino's 5V and GND pins.
4. Sound Alert Setup:
• Connect the buzzer or speaker to a digital pin on the Arduino (e.g., D6).
5. Coding:
• Write Arduino code that reads data from the ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles and calculates the distance to them.
• Use a GPS library to read location data from the GPS module.
• Write code to send the GPS data, along with collision alerts, to your GSM module.
• Trigger the sound alert when an obstacle is detected.
• This code reads GPS data, detects obstacles using the ultrasonic sensor, and sends collision alerts via the GSM module while sounding the buzzer when a collision is detected.
• Please note that this is a simplified example, and you may need to refine the code to meet your specific requirements and add more features such as real-time tracking, remote control, and data storage. Additionally, consider power management to ensure your system can run for extended periods in a vehicle.
Friday, 22 September 2023
Female Safety bag Using RF With Arduino Based Location Tracking Using G...
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Drip Saline Fluid Level Monitoring & Automatic Alert System Using Arduin...
Drip Saline Fluid Level Monitoring & Automatic Alert System Using Arduino with GSM- SMS Notifications | IOT Based Saline Level Monitoring & Automatic Alert System | Monitoring System using IoT and Node MCU | IV Drip Monitoring and Control System | Intravenous Drip Monitoring System for Smart Hospital | IoT Based Automated Saline Drip and Hand Movement | IOT IV Bag Monitoring and Alert System.
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A drip saline fluid level monitoring and automatic alert system is a healthcare technology designed to ensure the accurate and continuous delivery of intravenous (IV) saline fluids to patients while also providing real-time monitoring and alerts to healthcare providers in case of any issues. Such a system can enhance patient safety and streamline healthcare operations. Here's an overview of how such a system might work:
Components of a Drip Saline Fluid Level Monitoring & Automatic Alert System:
1. IV Drip Set: The system starts with a standard IV drip set that includes a saline bag, tubing, and a flow regulator. The saline fluid is administered to the patient through this setup.
2. Fluid Level Sensors: Specialized sensors are attached to the IV line near the fluid bag and at a critical point in the tubing near the patient's IV site. These sensors continuously monitor the fluid level and flow rate.
3. Controller Unit: A central controller or monitoring unit is responsible for collecting data from the sensors, processing it, and triggering alerts when necessary. It may be a standalone device or integrated into hospital monitoring systems.
4. Alert System: The system includes an alert mechanism, which can include alarms, notifications, or alerts sent to healthcare providers' smartphones or central monitoring stations.
Creating a drip saline fluid level monitoring and automatic alert system using an Arduino is a practical project that can be useful in medical settings or for personal use. This system will monitor the fluid level in a saline bag and send alerts when the level becomes critically low. Below, I'll outline the steps to build this system:
Components You'll Need:
1. Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno or Arduino Nano)
2. Ultrasonic distance sensor (e.g., HC-SR04)
3. Servo motor
4. Buzzer or LED for alerts
5. Saline bag or container
6. Power supply for Arduino and servo
7. Jumper wires
8. Breadboard (optional)
How the System Works:
1. Initial Setup: A healthcare professional sets up the IV drip as usual, connecting the tubing to the saline bag and the patient. They also attach the fluid level sensors at the specified locations.
2. Continuous Monitoring: The sensors constantly measure the fluid level and flow rate. The data collected is sent to the controller unit.
3. Alert Parameters: Healthcare providers can set predefined parameters for the system. For example, they can set a minimum acceptable fluid level or flow rate. If the system detects a deviation from these parameters, it triggers an alert.
4. Alerts and Notifications: When an alert is triggered, the system immediately alerts healthcare providers. This can be through audible alarms, visual indicators, or notifications sent to their devices.
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