Sunday, 28 March 2021


GSM + GPS + MPU6050 MEMS + VIBRATION + SOS + ARDUINO | ACCIDENT ALERT SYSTEM | GSM + GPS + ADXL345 MEMS + VIBRATION + SOS + ARDUINO | ACCIDENT ALERT SYSTEM. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. accident alert and vehicle tracking system project report, 2. accident alert system app, 3. accident alert system device, 4. accident alert system ppt, 5. accident alert system project report, 6. accident alert system using Arduino, 7. accident alert system using microcontroller, 8. accident avoiding system with crash detection and gps notification, 9. accident detection and alert system, 10. accident detection and alert system ppt, 11. accident detection and alert system using Arduino, 12. accident detection and alert system using arduino code, 13. accident detection and alert system using arduino pdf, 14. accident detection system ieee papers, 15. accident detection system project report, 16. accident detection system using mobile phones ppt download, 17. accident detection using arduino pdf, 18. accident detection using gps and gsm arduino pdf, 19. accident detection using gps and gsm arduino ppt, 20. accident detection using gps and gsm arduino project report, 21. accident detection using gps and gsm project report pdf, 22. accident detection using raspberry pi, 23. accident gps gsm arduino project, 24. accident identification and alerting project report, 25. accident identification and alerting project using raspberry pi, 26. accident tracking app for android mobile, 27. advantages of accident alert system, 28. arduino based accident alert system using neo 6m, 29. arduino based vehicle accident alert system using gps gsm and vibration sensor, 30. arduino based vehicle accident alert system using gps, gsm and accelerometer, 31. arduino based vehicle accident alert system using gps, gsm and accelerometer pdf, 32. automatic accident detection and rescue system, 33. automatic accident detection system, 34. automatic vehicle accident alert system using aws iot, 35. automatic vehicle accident alert system using raspberry pi, 36. automatic vehicle accident detection and messaging system using gsm and gps modem, 37. automatic vehicle accident detection and rescue system, 38. best crash detection app, 39. bike accident detection system, 40. bike crash detection hardware, 41. bike crash detection project, 42. car accident notification system, 43. collision call app, 44. crash alert app, 45. crash detection sensor, 46. crash detection using accelerometer, 47. disadvantages of accident alert system, 48. gps and gsm based vehicle tracking system using arduino ppt, 49. gps tracking system project report pdf, 50. intelligent accident detection and alert system for emergency medical assistance, 51. intelligent accident detection system, 52. intelligent automatic vehicle accident detection system using gprs, 53. iot based accident detection system, 54. iot based automatic vehicle accident detection and rescue system, 55. iot based automatic vehicle accident detection and rescue system abstract, 56. iot based automatic vehicle accident detection and rescue system pdf, 57. iot based automatic vehicle accident detection and rescue system ppt, 58. iot based vehicle accident detection and rescue information system, 59. iot based vehicle tracking and accident detection system pdf, 60. literature survey on accident detection, 61. real time vehicle accident detection and tracking using gps and gsm, 62. research paper on accident detection system, 63. smart accident detection system, 64. vehicle accident detection using arduino ppt, 65. vehicle tracking system project abstract, 66. vehicle tracking system project report doc,

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Passport Verification System Using RFID and Zigbee Technology

electronic passport using rfid project pdf | rfid based e-passport ppt | rfid based projects with source code | rfid based projects using arduino rfid based attendance system source code | zigbee rfid reader | rfid billing system | rfid project synopsis | rfid based e-passport ppt | smart card based electronic passport system | rfid based passport project | rfid attendance system with sms notification using arduino | attendance monitoring system using rfid with sms notification thesis. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. PASSPORT VERIFICATION SYSTEM USING, 2. Extend Active RFID With A ZigBee Network | Microwaves & RF, 3. RFID Based Passport Project - Nevon Projects, 4. RFID based Passport Details identification system, 5. RFID technology and Zigbee networking in improving, 6. PASSPORT VERIFICATION SYSTEM USING RFID, 7. Electronic Passport using RFID - | International Journal of, 8. ELECTRONIC PASSPORT USING RFID - IJEAST, 9. The Electronic Passport and Future Government Issued RFID, 10. Privacy and security protection of RFID data in e-passport, 11. rfid passport IEEE PAPERS - engineering research papers, 12. Smart Card Based Electronic Passport System Using RFID, 13. The study of recent technologies used in E-passport system, 14. The Electronic Passport and the Future of Government-Issued, 15. RFID BASED ELECTRONIC PASSPORT - International, 16. WIRELESS E-PASSPORT USING SMART CARD, 17. The Use of RFID for Human Identity Verification - Homeland, 18. Know about RFID Technology and Latest RFID Applications, 19. RFID Enabled Passport Verification - Python Machine, 20. RFID Based E-Passport System - Midlands State University, 21. RFID Projects Ideas for Final Year Engineering Students, 22. A Framework for Assessing RFID System Security and Privacy, 23. An Analysis of Security Weaknesses in the Evolution of RFID, 24. RFID based Projects Ideas for Final Year Engineering Students, 25. RFID Project Ideas For Engineers | Full Circuits With Source, 26. Design and optimization of an RFID-enabled passport tracking , 27. An Overview of Electronic Passport Security Features, 28. RFID E-passport System - SlideShare, 29. RFID Based Security and Access Control System - IJET, 30. RFID-Based Students Attendance Management System - IJSER, 31. Design and Development of FPRS, ZIGBEE Based Passport , 32. Fingerprint Based Wireless Terminal for Driving License, 33. Zigbee Wireless Vehicular Identification and Authentication , 34. RFID based Projects Ideas for Final Year Engineering Students, 35. Design of ZIG BEE PRO Based Wireless order system, 36. Zigbee and RFID Based Student Attendance Monitoring,

Sunday, 21 March 2021

AirPi Mobile Weather and Air Quality Measuring Station using Raspberry Pi

AirPi Mobile Weather and Air Quality Measuring Station using Raspberry Pi ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. "AirPi” mobile weather and air measuring station., 2. Raspberry Pi Weather Station: Monitoring Humidity, Temperature and Pressure over Internet, 3. AirPi Air Quality & Weather Project, 4. Implementation of Monitoring System for Air Quality, 5. Raspberry Pi Weather Station: Monitoring Humidity, 6. Low Cost, Multi-Pollutant Sensing System Using Raspberry Pi , 7. Monitor air quality with a Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi, 8. Raspberry Pi projects | Uses and ideas for 2021 – IONOS, 9. INDOOR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT USING RASPBERRY , 10. Environmentally-friendly Raspberry Pi projects | Computerworld, 11. Weather station using arduino and labview - Grove Village, 12. AirPi Air Quality & Weather Project, 13. Raspberry Pi Weather Station for schools - Raspberry Pi, 14. Monitor air quality with a Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi, 15. Raspberry Pi Air Quality Station, 16. AirPi Kit v1.4 - Raspberry Pi Weather Station Kit, 17. Raspberry Pi Air Quality Station, 18. Build an air quality monitor with InfluxDB, Grafana, and Docker on a Raspberry Pi, 19. How to monitor Air Quality with a Raspberry Pi, 20. Raspberry Pi Solar Weather Station, 21. raspberry pi based weather monitoring system, 22. raspberry pi weather display, 23. raspberry pi weather project, 24. raspberry pi weather forecast project, 25. raspberry pi weather board, 26. connect weather station to raspberry pi, 27. simple raspberry pi weather station, 28. raspberry pi projects,

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

IoT and Cloud Based Environment Monitoring System Using Arduino

IoT Based Environment Monitoring System Using Arduino | iot based environmental monitoring system using arduino uno and thingspeak | Environmental Monitoring System Using IoT and Cloud | IoT Based Environmental Monitoring System using Arduino | IOT based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements​​​​ M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. An IoT Based Real-Time Environmental Monitoring System, 2. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT, 3. Arduino Environmental Monitoring - Arduino Project Hub, 4. Design of an IoT based Real Time Environment Monitoring, 5. IOT Based Environmental Monitoring System using Arduino, 6. IoT Based Environment Monitoring Robotic with an Arduino, 7. IOT based environmental pollution monitoring system – IRJET, 8. IOT Based Smart Environmental Monitoring Using Arduino, 9. Smart Environmental Monitoring through Internet of Things, 10. A Novel Environmental Monitoring System for Real Time using, 11. IoT Based Energy Efficient Environmental Monitoring Alerting, 12. IoT based Temperature and Humidity Controlling using, 13. Advances in Smart Environment Monitoring Systems Using, 14. IoT Empowered Real Time Environment Monitoring System, 15. An IOT Based Environmental Monitoring System, 16. Arduino Environmental Monitoring System using Grove, 17. IOT BASED ENVIRONMENTAL WEATHER MONITORING , 18. IoT Based Humidity and Temperature Monitoring Using , 19. An inexpensive environmental monitoring system with IoT, 20. IOT based Weather Monitoring System using Arduino, 21. LoRa IOT Home Environment Monitoring System : 11 Steps, 22. IOT based Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System Project, 23. IoT Based Smart Environmental Monitoring Using,- IJAREEIE, 24. IOT BASED ENVIRONMENT,- MyGov Innovation, 25. IoT Based Pollution Monitoring System for Effective Industrial, 26. IoT based patient health monitoring system ppt, 27. The Design and Implementation of GPS Controlled, 28. IoT-based monitoring of environmental conditions to improve , 29. IOT BASED GARBAGE MONITORING USING ARDUINO By, 30. Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT – Research, 31. Web Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and, 32. 30+ IoT Projects | Awesome IoT Project Ideas for Enthusiasts, 33. Smart Environmental Sensing Robotic Vehicle for the,- IJEDR, 34. (IOT) Based Weather Monitoring system – IJARCCE, 35. An Arduino UNO Based Environment Monitoring System, 36. IoT based Pollution Monitoring and Controlling using Arduino, 37. Arduino: Make an IoT environment monitor | Udemy, 38. WEATHER MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT AND,- SERSC, 39. Design and Implementation of an IDC Environmental, 40. IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System – IJSER, 41. Arduino and NodeMCU based Smart Water Quality Monitoring, 42. IoT Based Intelligent Agriculture Field Monitoring System, 43. Construction of Indoor Thermal Comfort Environmental , 44. A SURVEY ON TOXIC ENVIRONMENT MONITORING USING, 45. Greenhouse Monitoring and Automation Using Arduino, 46. IOT Based Smart Greenhouse Automation Using Arduino, 47. IOT Based Air & Sound Pollution Monitoring System – IJARIIE, 48. IOT Based Smart Plant Monitoring System – IJARSE, 49. IoT Based Environmental Monitoring System for Real Time, 50. ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM BASED PLANNING,

Monday, 15 March 2021

IOT based Smart School Bus Monitoring and Notification System With Child...

IoT Based School Bus Monitoring System | IOT based Smart School Bus Monitoring and Notification System | IOT Based School Bus Monitoring System With Child Security | Smart School Bus Monitoring, School Bus Child Safety Solutions, Environment Monitoring, Cold Storages Monitoring, Process Monitoring, Tank Level Monitoring,School Safety | Vehicle Tracking | Car | Bus | GPS | GPRS | Fleet | iot based smart school bus monitoring and notification system ppt | iot based smart school bus monitoring and notification system, ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements​​ M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** • iot based school bus tracking and arrival time prediction, • iot based school bus monitoring system, • https smartschoolbustracking com ssis home index, • embedded system based college bus tracking for students, • dps bus tracking app, • college bus tracking system project in android source code, • college bus tracking system project in android, • bus tracking system using gps project report, • bus tracking system project using iot, • bus tracking system project report, • bus tracking system project in android studio, • bus tracking system project in android source code, • bus tracking system project in android ppt, • bus tracking system project documentation, • bus tracking system ieee paper, • an iot based scholar bus monitoring system, • smart school bus using iot, • smart school bus tracking, • smart school bus tracking com ssis, • smart school bus system, • smart school bus :iot based school bus monitoring system, • smart bus tracking system, • school bus tracking system project, • school bus tracking system project report pdf, • school bus tracking system project, • school bus tracking system pdf, • school bus tracking system open source, • school bus tracking system, • school bus monitoring system, • school bus gps tracking system india, • research paper on bus tracking system, 2. Design a Smart Bus System - Electrical and Computer Engineering, 3. School Bus Tracking System Based On Android - LecLife - Online, 4. Smart School Bus Tracking System, 5. Scope of RFID School bus tracking systems in school – Trackschoolbus, 6. Smart School Bus for Children Transportation Safety, - IJIRCCE, 7. Smart Tracking System for School Buses Using Passive RFID, 8. Bus Safety System for School Children Using RFID, - Semantic Scholar, 9. School Districts Are Getting On Board with Smart School Bus Tracking, 10. Smart bus: A tracking system for school buses - Conference Publication, 11. Securing Children with Smart School Bus GPS Tracking System, 12. an iot based school bus tracking and monitoring system, 13. An IoT based scholar bus monitoring system - IEEE Conference, 14. IoT BASED SCHOOL BUS TRACKING AND ARRIVAL, - IEEE Xplore, 15. Smart School Bus for Children Transportation Safety, - IJIRCCE, 16. RFID Based School Bus Tracking System, 17. Android Based School Bus Tracking System | NevonProjects, 18. an iot based school bus tracking and monitoring system – ResearchGate, 19. Smart Tracking System for School Buses Using Passive RFID, 20. Scope of RFID School bus tracking systems in school – Trackschoolbus, 21. Smart Bus Tracking and Management System using Iot – IJRASET, 22. Smart School Bus – SlideShare, 23. Iot based smart bus tracking system – SlideShare, 24. Poster presentation on Smart School Bus project. – SlideShare, 25. School Bus Monitoring System from MapmyIndia – Techplayon, 26. School Bus Tracking System & Solutions For Student Safety - Tata, 27. Tech M|School Bus Parent Alert - Tech Mahindra, 28. How IoT and mobility enhance traditional School Bus tracking solution?, 29. Bus Safety System for School Children Using RFID, - Semantic Scholar, 30. Is Your School An Internet Of Things Smart School? - Extreme Networks, 31. RFID Based School Bus Tracking System Using IOT Video Download, 32. SMS Based Kids Tracking and Safety System by Using RFID, - IJISET, 33. School Bus Tracking App | Vehicle Monitoring System | Driver App, 34. MyRakshak School Bus Tracking System - FIoTS (Fidel IoT Solutions), 35. Ospox School Bus GPS Tracking Software, GPS Tracking System., 36. smart transport – Presidio, 37. Intelligent Bus Monitoring System - International Journal of Computer, 38. A Bus Ride The Best Part About School - Keeping Safe with GPS, 39. Smart Vehicle Tracking System - Smart School Bus Tracking System, 40. Real Time Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System for School Bus via,

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue Information with Anti lock Braking...

Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue Information with Anti lock Braking System Using ARM7 - LPC2148 | IoT Based Vehicle Tracking and Accident Detection System, SafeDrive is a dedicated Internet of Things (IoT) device that crash detection technology,SafeDrive ensures that help will reach when needed without any unnecessary delay. The device automatically detects crashes and uses its cellular connectivity – a SIM card that makes it operate like a phone — to contact help. In the case of a crash, the device sends the sms alert perticular persons. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements​​​​​​ M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 2. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System Using - svsembedded, 3. Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System - svskits, 4. IOT Based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System - 9491535690, 5. Automatic Accident Detection and Ambulance Rescue System -7842358459, 6. IOT Based Projects: Intelligent Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection, 7. Automatic Accident Detection and Rescue with Ambulance, 8. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, 9. Modeling IoT-Based Solutions Using Human-Centric Wireless Sensor, 10. survey of accident avoidance prevention and detection, - IJETTCS, 11. Accident Detection and Messaging System using GSM and GPS, 12. intelligent automobile system for accident prevention and detection, 13. ECE final year projects for B.Tech & M.Tech students | IEEE 2018, 14. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, 15. Accident Prevention and Reporting System Using GSM - Scientific, 16. accident detection & alerting system -, 17. Vehicle Accident Detection Using MEMS,GSM,GPS and Raspberry Pi, 18. Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System – IJRASET, 19. Intelligent Accident-Detection And Ambulance- Rescue System, 20. IJMPERD - Design and Implementation of Sensor-based, - TJPRC, 21. Book Automatic Accident Alert And Safety System, - Canterbury, 22. sensor based application for smart vehicles – Ijltet, 23. an iot based accident prvention and tracking system – KSCST, 24. automatic accident detection with ambulance rescue with traffic control, 25. Accident Detection and Ambulance Rescue using Raspberry Pi, 26. Autonomous Vehicle Safety Depends on Advanced Radar System, 27. Ships Crash Despite Singapore Port Warning, 28. Beware the 'Internet of Things': Expert warns connected devices, 29. A survey on Road Accident Detection and Reporting -, 30. How to make a automatic accident detection system video, 31. Automatic accident detection and rescue system video – AmiraPress, 32. ACCIDENT DETECTION AND VEHICLE TRACKING USING GPS,GSM, 33. GSM and GPS based Vehicle Accident Detection System using, 34. Automotive Safety - In-Vehicle Emergency Call System leveraging IoT, 35. Automotive Safety - In-Vehicle Emergency Call System leveraging IoT, 36. iot based live streaming of vehicle, position accident, - IJRTER, 37. Accident Detection and Alert Systems for Immediate Emergency, 38. vehicle theft detection using gps , gsm and Raspberry Pi | BITLING, 39. Automatic Accident Detection and Ambulance Rescue System – ijritcc, 40. Play: Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection Using Mems Gsm Gps, 41. Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System, 42. Accident Avoidance and Detection – IJLTEMAS, 43. Using Smartphones to Detect Car Accidents and Provide Situational, 44. ECE final year projects for B.Tech & M.Tech students | IEEE 2017, 45. Car Accident Detection and Notification System Using Smartphone, 46. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection & Rescue Information System, 47. An IoT approach to vehicle accident detection, reporting, and, 48. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System, - Scribd, 49. automatic accident detection and ambulance rescue with, - ijareeie, 50. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System, 51. Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System, 52. Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Messaging System Using, 53. iot based accident detection system, 54. automatic vehicle accident detection and messaging system using gsm and gps modem, 55. iot based vehicle tracking system pdf, 56. automatic accident detection using iot, 57. iot based vehicle monitoring system, 58. vehicle accident detection with gps and gsm modem circuit diagram, 59. advanced vehicle monitoring and tracking system based on raspberry pi, 60. vehicle tracking system using iot,

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Water Boiler Temperature Control using Arduino with LABView

Water Boiler Temperature Monitor and Control using LABView | Temperature Monitoring System - Automated Monitoring | final project on water boiler temperature monitor and control | Automatic Liquid Level & Temperature Monitoring and Controlling using LabVIEW and ARDUINO, ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements​​ M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Arduino + ESP32-CAM Based Women/Child/Kids Tracking and Send Captured Image to Telegram | GSM | GPS 2. Distance Based Accident Avoidance System in Automobiles Using Arduino with CAN Protocol | SMS Alert 3. Examination Room Guide using FINGER PRINT, RFID with Arduino and GSM-SMS Alert Jumbling System EXAMS 4. RFID Based Access Control System Using Arduino | Arduino to Excel Communication (PLX-DAQ) | Library 5. DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino Automated Shopping Cart with Add/Delete ITEMS 6. Smart Door Locks Security System using ESP32-CAM with QR Code 7. Digital Temperature Controller | Temperature Controlled Fan Using 8051 8. GSM Based Smart Energy Meter with Arduino Project 9. Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken Drivers 10. Medicine Reminder System | Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project 11. Smart E - Agriculture Monitoring Based on Arduino With Android App & SMS Alert 12. Soldier Health and Position Tracking System Using Arduino, GSM Module and GPS Module 13. Underwater Wireless Communication Using IR Project 14. GSM and GPS Based Women Tracking System using Arduino | Proteus Simulation 15. Smart Crop Protection System From Animals Using Arduino | Lazer | LDR 16. Industrial Sensor's Monitoring System using IIoT | Arduino 17. Women's Safety using Arduino & LabVIEW in Web Browser | Google Maps | Open URL in Default Browser VI 18. Arduino Dual (Voice + Button) Control Pick and Place Bluetooth Robot Using Android App 19. Biometric Security System using Fingerprint with ARM7 and GSM Module 20. IoT Based Dust bin Monitoring System Using Node MCU 21. Arduino pick and place robot | Pick and Place Robot using Arduino + Android App | Bluetooth Robot 22. Happy New Year 2021 | LED Scrolling Message Display | SVSEMBEDDED 23. ESP32-CAM Surveillance Camera System Using PIR Sensor | Arduino Home Automation and GSM - SMS Alert 24. Accident Identification and Alerting Project Using ARM7 LPC2148 25. Fingerprint Electronic Voting System using Arduino Nano | R307 | NOTA 26. Body Movement Recognition & Smart Sensors Techniques For Monitor Comatose Patient Monitoring 27. Soldier Position Tracking System Using Arduino, GSM and GPS Module 28. IOT Based Indoor Air Quality Monitor With | MQ9 - CO2 | LM35 - Temperature | MQ6 - LPG GAS | Arduino 29. Biometric Fingerprint Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner 30. How to make a Automatic Car Parking System With Empty Slot Detection Using Arduino Uno & IR Sensor's 31. SOLDIER TRACKING AND HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEMS 32. Automatic Baby Cradle | Automatic E-Baby Cradle Cry (Sound Sensor) Bed Using Arduino 33. Automatic Headlight Dimmer / Dipper for Vehicles Using LDR | Inspired Award Project 34. LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System | Inspired Award Project 35. Intelligent Energy Meter using GSM Modem with Arduino 36. Arduino/Android - BLUETOOTH Home Control + APP - HC-05 | 4 - AC Light's | 2 - DC Fan Speed Control 37. Accident Avoidance and Detection on Highways 38. Vehicle Engine Lock System for Theft and Alcohol Detection 39. Remote Home Security Alarm System Using GSM | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR 40. Vehicle Monitoring and Theft Prevention System Using ARM Cortex-M3 LPC1768 | GSM | GPS 41. How to Program ARM CORTEX-M3 LPC1768 | Dumping Hex File to LPC1768 Using Flash Magic 42. Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies 43. RF Controlled Robot with Obstacle Avoidance Using Ultrasonic Sensor 44. Implementation of a Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors with Arduino 45. Zigbee Based Temperature, Smoke & Gas Sensor Using ATmega328 and GSM Module with SMS Alert 46. Zigbee Based Temperature Sensor, Smoke & Gas Sensor Alert Using ATmega328 | (LM35 + MQ2 + MQ6 +XBee) 47. IoT-based Collision Avoidance System to Prevent Vehicle Accident using CAN Protocol | ARM7 LPC2148 48. Remote Patient Monitoring System | IOT 49. High-tech car theft: Photo Captures Driver Caught In Stolen Vehicle Using ESP32CAM and Arduino, GSM 50. Theft Detection and Controlling System of a Vehicle Using GSM, GPS

Monday, 8 March 2021

Density Based 4 Way Traffic Light Control System with IR Sensor and Prio...

Density Based Traffic Light Control System Using IR Sensor and Priority for Emergency Vehicles | Density Based 4 Way Automatic Traffic Signal Control System Using Arduino and IR Sensor | Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements​​​​​​ M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Density Based Traffic Control System with Priority for Emergency Vehicles, 2. Density based traffic control system using IR sensors, 3. Density Based Traffic Signal System using Micro controller, 4. Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency, 5. Density Based 4 Way Automatic Traffic Signal Control System Using Arduino and IR Sensor, 6. Remote Override of Traffic signal in Emergency, 7. Density based Traffic Signal System with Android Remote Override, 8. Traffic Light for Emergency Vehicles & VIP Vehicles | Intelligent Traffic Light Control System, 9. Make it Yourself Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override RF Project, 10. Priority and Density based Traffic Signals Control for Emergency Vehicles, 11. Traffic Signal Management and Control System using Arduino with 4 servo motors, 12. Intelligent and Adaptive Traffic Light Controller (IA-TLC) using FPGA, 13. smart traffic sensor (S.T.S), 14. Density Based Traffic Signal Control With Android Remote, 15. Intelligent and adaptive Traffic Light Controller (IA-TLC) using FPGA, 16. Density and Priority Based Traffic Signal Control System | Project | NITW, 17. Smart Density Based Traffic Management With Emergency vehicle priority, 18. Density based traffic signal using sensors, for emergency vehicles detection, 19. Traffic Signal controlling based on vehicle density Sensor, 20. Density Based Traffic Light Control System Project, 21. Density Based Traffic Signal System | 8051 Microcontroller Projects, 22. Density based Traffic Signal System using PIC Microcontroller, 23. Density Based Traffic Light Control System - Engineering Projects, 24. Automatic Traffic Light Control System Using PIC Microcontroller, 25. Density based traffic light using microcontroller, 26. Density based traffic light system , 27. Density based Traffic Signal System with Remote Override, 28. Density based traffic control system, 29. Density Based Traffic Signal System, 30. Density based Traffic Signal System with Android Remote Override, 31. Traffic Light Controller Based On 8051 Microcontroller, 32. Density based traffic control using plc, 33. Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control system, 34. Automatic traffic light controlling based on vehicle density and smoke, 35. Density based Traffic controll system, 36. Density based Automatic Traffic Signal Controller System, 37. Density-based Traffic Light Controller Using 8051, 38. Intelligent Traffic Light and Density Control using IR Sensors, 39. density based traffic signal system ppt, 40. density based traffic signal system using microcontroller pdf, 41. density based traffic signal system pdf, 42. density based traffic signal system using arduino, 43. density based traffic signal system code, 44. density based traffic signal system using 8051 microcontroller pdf, 45. density based traffic light control system project report, 46. Dynamic Road Traffic Signals Control System with help of IR Sensors, 47. traffic light controller using 8051 microcontroller ppt, 48. traffic light controller project using 8051 with source code, 49. automatic traffic light controller project pdf, 50. microcontroller based traffic light controller pdf, 51. 4 way traffic light controller using microcontroller 8051, 52. traffic light controller using 8051 circuit diagram, 53. density based traffic signal system using 8051 microcontroller, 54. c code for traffic light controller using 8051,

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Arduino + ESP32-CAM Based Women/Child/Kids Tracking and Send Captured Im...

Arduino + ESP32-CAM Based Women/Child/Kids Tracking and Send Captured Image to Telegram | GSM | GPS ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements​​​​ M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Design and Implementation of Women Safety System Based On Iot Technology, 2. ESP32 Cam Motion detect | Send captured image to Telegram, 3. Telegram: ESP32-CAM Take and Send Photo (Arduino IDE), 4. Real-Time 2G/3G/LTE Arduino GPS Tracker + IoT Dashboard, 5. SMART GADGET FOR WOMEN SAFETY USING IoT, 6. AN IOT BASED WOMEN SAFETY JACKET USING ARDUINO, 7. Smart baby monitoring system using mobile App, 8. IoT based patient health Monitoring System, through this system, 9. Arduino UNO based Projects List - Use Arduino for Projects, 10. A Survey on Fire Safety Measures for Industry Safety, 11. ESP32 Cam Motion detect | Send captured image to Telegram, 12. Real-Time 2G/3G/LTE Arduino GPS Tracker + IoT Dashboard, 13. Women Safety | GPS Tracking and Alerts | ESP32-CAM Take, 14. ESP32-CAM with Telegram: Take Photos, Control Outputs, 15. ESP32-CAM Video Streaming and Face Recognition, 16. ESP32 Weather Station Interface PCB Shield | Random Nerd, 17. ESP32-CAM Capture Photos and Send Through E-mail Using SPIFF Memmory, 18. ESP32 tutorial B-08: Robot controlled with an Android App, 19. ESP32-CAM PIR Intruder Alert with Photo Capture and Send, 20. esp32-cam motion detection without pir, 21. arduino gps tracker code, 22. arduino gps tracker instructables, 23. arduino nano gps tracker, 24. female safety system using gps and gsm, 25. gps gsm tracker arduino code, 26. arduino gps tracker google maps, 27. arduino gps tracker for car,

AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS🛰️, Eye...

AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS, Eye blink, Alcohol, MEMS & SMS📱Alert📍| Eye Blink + Alcohol + M...