Wednesday, 30 June 2021

OTP Based Bank Locker System Using Arduino with Biometric Fingerprint an...

BIOMETRIC AND SMS BASED BANK LOCKER SECURITY SYSTEM USING GSM TECHNOLOGY | SMS based bank locker security system using GSM technology | Smart Bank Locker Security System Using Biometric Fingerprint and GSM Technology | GSM Based Bank Locker Security System using RFID, Password and Fingerprint Technology. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Biometric Security System using Arduino and Fingerprint Sensor, 2. Top PDF OTP BASED LOCKER SYSTEM USING GSM – SVSEMBEDDED, 3. Finger Print Based Bank Locker Security System – IJERT, 4. Biometric Finger Vein based Bank Security System Using ARDUINO and GSM Technology, 5. Automated Attendance System Using Arduino + Fingerprint + RFID + GSM with SMS Notification, 6. Examination Room Guide using FINGER PRINT, RFID with Arduino and GSM-SMS Alert Jumbling System EXAMS, 7. A Multifactor Student Attendance System Using Fingerprint and RFID With SMS Alert To Parents Mobile, 8. Smart Lock Combination Lock Fingerprint Lock Digital Electronic Lock Password Card, 9. Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Based Door Lock Security System | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner, 10. Secure Bank Locker System with Biometrics, 11. Finger Print Based Bank Locker Security System – IJSDR, 12. Smart Locker: IOT based Intelligent Locker with Password Protection and Face Detection Approach, 13. Bank Locker Security System Based On Two-Factor Authentication Project, 14. SMS based bank locker security system using GSM modem, 15. bank locker security system - engineering research papers, 16. Advanced Security System for Bank Lockers Using Biometric and ,GSM, 17. Algorithm-based Security System using GSM Modem – IJITEE, 18. IOT BASED SMART LOCKER SECURITY SYSTEM – IJARSE, 19. Fingerprint based bank locker system pdf, 20. Arduino Based Bank Locker Security System Using RFID and GSM, 21. ATM Security System using Fingerprint and GSM Module, 22. OTP Based Smart Wireless Locking System Using Arduino, 23. Advanced Home Security System Using IOT – International, 24. Simulation and Implementation of Loop Based Bank Locker , 25. Bank Locker Security System Using Cost Effective Microcontroller and GSM Module, 26. REVIEW ON BANK LOCKER SECURITY SYSTEM WITH FACE AND VOICE AUTHENTICATION, 27. Advance Safe Locker Security System using Dactylogram, 28. Fingerprint Based Bank Locker with Image Capture – PDF, 29. Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System - International Journal, 30. Finger Print Based Bank Locker Security System – IJRASET, 31. BIO-METRIC BASED PRIVATE LOCKER SYSTEM WITH GSM TECHNOLOGY, 32. Biometric finger print based bank locker system using ARM 7 TDMI processor LPC2148, 33. Cloud Based Secur Cloud Based Secured Locker – IJSRET, 34. IGNITION BASED ON FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION – PDF, 35. OTP Based Smart Wireless Locking System Using Arduino, 36. Bank Locker Security using Fingerprint , 37. BANK LOCKER SECURITY USING FINERPRINT, 38. OTP Based Smart Wireless Locking System, 39. Finger Print Based Bank Locker Security System, 40. IoT Based Bank Locker System using Finger Print and OTP, 41. ATM Security System using Fingerprint and GSM Module, 42. How to make a Fingerprint Based ATM Security System using Arduino, 43. Bank Locker Security System using Fingerprint and GSM Module, 44. SMS Based Bank Locker Security System Using Dual Password And Infrared Sensor, 45. Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Based Door Lock Security System | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner, 46. GSM & Fingerprint based security system with SMS indication, 47. Automated Attendance System Using Arduino + Fingerprint + RFID + GSM with SMS Notification, 48. arduino based car locking system using gsm fingerprint and keypad with code, 49. RFID & GSM BASED BANK LOCKER SYSTEM with OTP ACCESSING, 50. Wireless Biometric Lock Using Arduino with Bluetooth and GSM SMS Alert,

Monday, 28 June 2021

IoT Based Energy Meter Reading Using Arduino with Blynk App & NodeMCU ES...

IoT based Smart Energy Meter using NodeMCU ESP8266 | IoT based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP12 and Arduino | energy meter using esp8266 | iot energy meter with current, voltage and cost monitoring system | smart energy meter project using arduino | iot based energy meter monitoring system | iot based smart energy meter circuit diagram | iot based smart energy meter ppt | iot based smart energy meter using raspberry pi ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Multiple Sensors, Multiple Appliances using NodeMCU & Blynk | IOT Projects | ESP8266 Projects, 2. IoT Based Smart Electricity Energy Meter using ESP32 & Blynk Application, 3. IoT Energy Meter using NodeMCU & CT Current sensor | JLCPCB | Ubidots | DFRobot, 4. Iot based smart energy meter, 5. Voltmeter DC(0-25V)With Smartphone Display / Blynk / Nodemcu, 6. IoT based Power Usage Monitoring System, 7. IoT Based Solar Power Monitoring System Using Arduino & ESP8266, 8. Off-Grid Solar Power System Monitor using Blynk & NodeMCU (ESP8266) - Arduino IDE, 9. IoT based Energy Meter on ESP 8266 & Arduino with BLYNK, 10. Monitor your current bill through your phone, energy meter in your phone, 11. PZEM-016 AC Energy Meter online monitoring with Blynk App using NodeMCU for Solar PV Projects, 12. GSM Based Smart Energy Meter || Smart Energy Meter Using Arduino, 13. PZEM-017 DC Energy Meter online monitoring with Blynk App using NodeMCU for Solar PV Projects, 14. Design of IoT Based Energy Meter Using Arduino, 15. IOT based Energy Meter | Home Automation, 16. DIY Solar AC & DC bidirectional meter using Blynk for Online Monitoring, 17. Combine 2 PZEM Energy Meters online monitoring with Blynk App using NodeMCU for Solar, 18. IoT Energy Meter on ESP32 Board & Blink, 19. IoT based Energy Meter Reading and Home Appliances Controller | smart energy meter reading, 20. IoT Based Energy Meter using NodeMCU, 21. IOT BASED ENERGY METER USING MICROCONTROLLER, 22. IOT Based Smart Energy Meter Using Proteus and Blynk with theft detection || IOT based projects, 23. IOT DATA SMART MONITORING ENERGY POWER METER USING ARDUINO AND ESP8266 WITH BLYNK APP, 24. Iot Energy meter with Blynk Notifications, 25. IOT Energy Meter With Theft Detection and Billing Notification to BLYNK App, 26. GSM based Devices switching with Energy meter kwh alerts, 27. Smart Energy metering System with Blynk Alert Notification, 28. GSM based Prepaid Energy meter with Controlling system, 29. Iot Smart Energy metering with controlling, 30. Smart Energy meter reading and periodically SMS alerts with LDR sensor and RTC, 31. IoT Blynk Smart Energy Meter with theft and Billing Detection using NodeMCU SMS, 32. Wireless Energy meter reading update using Zigbee, 33. Prepaid Electricity Billing Meter Project, 34. GSM based Energy Meter Billing with Load Control using Arduino, 35. Prepaid Energy Meter with Theft Detection System, 36. Automatic Speed Control and Accident Avoidance of Vehicle Using Multi Sensors, 37. GSM based Energy Meter Reading with Load Control by Pic Microcontroller, 38. GSM based Automatic Energy Meter Reading and Load Control System via SMS, 39. SMART CARD based prepaid Energy Meter, 40. GSM BASED ENERGY METER READING AND LOAD CONTROL | EEE PROJECTS | GRIET, 41. Prepaid energy meter project using GSM / Arduino [ with code and working ], 42. GSM Based Energy Meter Billing Using Arduino Mega 2560 (Smart Energy Meter), 43. Prepaid Energy Meter Billing VIA SMS using Arduino and GSM | Smart Energy Meter, 44. Prepaid Electricity Billing Meter Project | Arduino Based Smart Energy Meter, 45. GSM based Energy meter with tamper alert, 46. GSM based Prepaid energy meter,

Friday, 25 June 2021

IoT Based Saline Bottle Weight Calculation and Alert System Using Arduin...

IOT based saline Bottle Level monitoring and alerting through Blynk app Notification widget | DIY IoT Weighing Scale using Load Cell HX711 & ESP8266 for Remote Weight Monitoring | Blynk | DIY IoT Weighing Scale using HX711 Load Cell, Nodemcu ESP8266, & Arduino | IOT Based Saline Bottle Level Monitoring System ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. IOT Based Saline Level Monitoring & Automatic Alert System. 2. IOT-based Saline Bottle Level Indicator designed. 3. IOT Based Saline Bottle Level Monitoring System. 4. IoT BASED SALINE LEVEL MONITORING SYSTEM. 5. IOT BASED SMART SALINE BOTTLE FOR HEALTH CARE. 6. How to create Automatic Saline Level Monitoring System. 7. IOT Weighing Scale with HX711 Load Cell & ESP8266. 8. DIY IoT Weighing Scale using HX711 Load Cell, Nodemcu. 9. Connected Weighing Scale Using HX711 and ESP8266. 10. IoT Based Smart Weighing Machine for Remote Weight. 11. DIY IoT Weighing Scale using Load Cell HX711 & ESP8266. 12. Portable Arduino Weighing Machine using HX711 Weight. 13. Connected Weighing scale using HX711 and ESP8266. 14. 10 Things you can do with your HX711 and Load Cell – Latest. 15. IOT Based Weighing Machine System Using Nodemcu. 16. IOT BASED SMART SALINE BOTTLE FOR HEALTH. 17. Smart Saline Level Monitoring System Using ESP32 And Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. 18. IoT BASED SALINE LEVEL MONITORING SYSTEM – OAIJSE. 19. Smart saline level monitoring system using IOT | Naga. 20. IoT Based Electrolyte level Monitoring System – International. 21. Smart Saline Bottle - European Journal of Molecular & Clinical. 22. Smart saline level monitoring system using IOT – ResearchGate. 23. automatic and low cost saline level monitoring system – IJRET. 24. Intelligent Saline Monitoring System - | International Journal. 25. Smart Saline Level Monitoring System Using IOT Free Essay. 26. Saline Level Indicator - IOSR Journal. 27. IoT based saline level monitoring system. 28. DESIGN AND DEVELOP A MODEL FOR SALINE monitoring system. 29. AUTOMATIC MONITORING AND REGULATING OF SALINE. 30. Raspberry-Pi and IoT based Health Monitoring System – CORE. 31. Patient Assisted Saline Level Monitoring System Using NRF. 32. SMART HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS USING INTERNET – IJESC. 33. Smart saline level monitoring system using IOT | Semantic. 34. Wireless Saline and Health Monitoring – Akhilesh Patil. 35. Live tracking of saline for betterment of patient – International. 36. Smart Saline Level Monitoring System Using Load Cell. 37. An Automated Saline Monitoring System. 38. Improved Saline Level Monitoring System For Patients. 39. Smart Saline Monitoring System – IJRASET. 40. Live Tracking of Smart Saline Monitoring System using IOT.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Control of Lights + Fan using Bluetooth & 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen "Smart"...

Control of Lights + Fan using Bluetooth and 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen | Android and Arduino | Home "Smart" Automation | arduino 2.4'' tft lcd touch shield code | smart touch panel for home automation | how to interface touch screen with arduino | arduino touch screen projects | touch screen switch board for home | how to create a touch screen interface | best home automation projects | arduino touch screen menu | bluetooth home automation using arduino | home automation using bluetooth project report pdf |home automation using bluetooth ppt | home automation using android | bluetooth based home automation system |home automation using bluetooth hc-05 | bluetooth based home automation pdf | smart home automation system using bluetooth technology pdf. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Smart Touch Switch Board For Home Automation With IoT, 2. Smart Touch Panel For Home Automation | Full Electronics Project, 3. 2.4 inch Arduino TFT LCD Touch Screen Home Automation System, 3. Android HMI development- control HMI touch screen using Bluetooth TFT, 4. How to control home appliances with Arduino Bluetooth, 5. Voice control home automation system using Arduino, 6. Smart Touch Switch Board For Home Automation With IoT, 7. Control Your Room Lights With Your Mobile, 8. 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen Home Automation System, 9. Bluetooth based Home Automation using Arduino, 10. Control Your Room Lights With Your Mobile | Make Your Home "Smart" | Arduino Uno FULL Setup, 11. IoT Based Home Automation System Over The Cloud (Final Year Project), 12. My biggest Home Automation project using ESP32 | IoT Projects | ESP32 Projects | Ubidots | LCSC, 13. HOME AUTOMATION CONTROL DEVICES REMOTELY THROUGH INTERNET USING ARDUINO, 14. Arduino Based Home Automation Using Bluetooth Android Smartphone, 15. How to make voice control home automation system using Arduino, 16. how to make voice control home automation system, 17. Control a Light Bulb using Android and Arduino | Home Automation, 18. Control of Lights + Fan using Wi-fi and Bluetooth, 19. DIY Home Automation using Arduino, 20. How to make Home Automation System Using Arduino- Code + Connection, 21. How to make android home automation using Arduino, 22. Alexa Home Automation project with Manual Switches using NodeMCU & ESP8266 | IoT Projects, 23. IOT Smart Plant Monitoring System | Smart Irrigation, 24. Wifi Home automation system by NODE MCU ESP8266 and Blynk app, 25. How to Make Google Assistant at home | NodeMCU, 26. Home automation using Arduino, 27. Home automation using arduino || android home automation, 28. Wifi Projects :Android Arduino Home Appliances Control using WiFi Module - ESP8266, 29. How to make Bluetooth Based Home Automation Using Arduino in Detailed, 30. Control Home Appliances Using Mobile - ARDUINO PROJECTS, 31. Open a Lock using Arduino and Android | Science Project for Home Automation, 32. GSM Based Home Automation System using Arduino, 33. Home automation using Raspberry Pi Full tutorial, 34. Home Automation using Google Assistant, Blynk, IFTTT, NodeMCU ESP8266 | IoT based projects, 35. IOT Home Automation using Arduino, 36. Learn to Build an Electrical (EEE) Project on Home Automation Systems - Skyfi Labs, 37. Arduino esp8266 wifi Tutorial: esp8266 Projects:Home/Office Automation using Android cell phone app, 38. Home automation using NodeMCU and Blynk App - IOT based Project, 39. Wifi Smart Home Automation system with Manual Switches using NodeMCU ESP8266 & Blynk | IoT Projects, 40. DIY Android Bluetooth Home Automation Using Arduino | Control UpTo 8 Devices Using Your SmartPhone, 41. Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation Using Bluetooth Android Smart Phone, 42. Bluetooth Controlled Electronic Home Automation System using Android, 43. ESP32 projects for Beginners, ESP32 IoT projects, ESP32 Simple Projects, ESP32 Projects IoT, Top 10, 44. Tutorial - Arduino UNO Smart Home Lighting Simulation w/LEDs, HC-05 Bluetooth Module + mBlock 3 , 45. Control Your Room Light by Your Mobile| Arduino FULL Setup home automation system electronic project, 46. Tutorial | How to make a Bluetooth Controlled Home Automation System using Arduino, 47. HomeAutomation Using Arduino And Bluetooth Module | with complete project report, 48. My biggest Home Automation project using Blynk & ESP32, 49. Arduino Home Automation | Bluetooth Application Controlled, 50. BLUETOOTH HC-05 WITH ARDUINO AND RELAY., 51. Voice Activated Home Automation Using Arduino (Bluetooth + Android),

SMART DUSTBIN for SMART CITY with SMS Alerts Using Arduino - GSM

SMART DUSTBIN for SMART CITY with SMS Alerts Using Arduino - GSM | AUTOMATED GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING GPS, GSM AND IOT | ARDUINO MICROCONTROLLER BASED SMART DUSTBINS FOR SMART CITIES. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. IoT based Smart City Bin, 2. smart dustbin using arduino and gsm code, 3. how to receive sms using gsm module with arduino code, 4. smart dustbins for smart cities ppt, 5. smart dustbin for smart cities seminar report, 6. smart dustbin project report pdf, 7. smart dustbins for smart cities ieee paper, 8. send and receive sms arduino sim900, 9. arduino sms projects, 10. Smart Dustbins for Smart Cities – ResearchGate, 11. SMART DUSTBIN USING ARDUINO – ResearchGate, 12. AUTOMATED TRASH COLLECTOR WITH SMS ALERT, 13. GSM Based Smart Dustbin Management System – IJESC, 14. IOT Based Dustbin for Smart City - Krishi Sanskriti, 15. Digital Dustbin - Smart Bins for Smart Cities – IJITEE, 16. Smart Garbage System – IJRAR, 17. Smart Dustbin Vigilant System using GSM and Arduino Uno, 18. DEVELOPMENT OF SMART DUSTBIN BY USING APPS, 19. Garbage Monitoring System using Arduino – StudyLib, 20. AUTOMATIC GARBAGE FILL ALERTING SYSTEM, 21. Smart Dust Bin for Waste Management, 22. Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Waste Management, 23. Smart Dustbin, 24. IoT BasedSmart Waste Management System, 25. Iot Based Smart Dustbin - International Journal of Scientific, 26. A REVIEW ON SMART GARBAGE DUSTBIN – IJARIIE, 27. Smart City Waste Management System Using GSM | Semantic, 28. Automated Self Navigated Dustbin Dispensary System, 29. Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino – ijirs, 30. IOT BASED SMART DUSTBIN – IRJMETS, 31. Smart Dustbin for Smart City using Solar – IJARnD, 32. SMART DUSTBIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – IJESRT, 33. Smart Waste Bin Using GSM Technology – IJIR, 34. SMART DUSTBIN FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH PROJECT REPORT, 35. AUTOMATED GARBAGE COLLECTION USING GPS AND GSM, 36. Review of: Smart Bins for Garbage Monitoring and Collection Using IoT System, 37. IOT BASED GARBAGE MONITORING USING ARDUINO, 38. A Survey on Waste Management Monitoring System Based on IoT,

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Through GSM using Arduino Nano

Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Through GSM using Arduino Nano | Wireless Temperature Monitor for Cold Room/WareHouse GSM Based Alert on SMS/Email/Cloud IoT | GSM sim900A/sim900D based temperature monitoring from anywhere using Arduino board,DHT11,android cel. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Gsm Based Device Monitoring And Controlling System, 2. Wireless temperature sensor using gsm and microcontroller, 3. GSM Temperature Control And Monitoring (GSM-1308T), 4. A GSM-Based Remote Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Granary, 5. Embedded based Industrial Temperature Monitoring Systems using GSM, 6. GSM based Temperature & Humidity Monitoring System, 7. Greenhouse Monitoring System Using GSM - IJSER, 8. Greenhouse Environment Monitoring & Controlling through SMS, 9. GSM Based Water level and Temperature Monitoring System, 10. GSM Based Agriculture Monitoring and Controlling System, 11. Automatic plant monitoring and controlling system over GSM using sensors, 12. Design Of GSM Based Smoke Detection And Temperature Monitoring System, 13. Design and Implementation of Weather Monitoring and Controlling System, 14. GSM BASED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER MONITORING AND CONTROLLING SYSTEM, 15. Embedded based Industrial Parameters Monitoring and Controlling System using Internet of Things, 16. Design of Remote Monitoring and Control System with Automatic Irrigation System using GSM-Bluetooth, 17. GSM Based Water level and Temperature Monitoring System, 18. TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY MONITORING & CONTROL, 19. SYSTEM BASED ON ARDUINO AND SIM900A GSM SHIELD, 20. GSM-GPRS remote monitoring module TCG120 - Teracom, 21. GSM Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System, 22. GSM BASED SINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER MONITORING AND CONTROL, 23. GSM sim900A/sim900D based temperature monitoring from anywhere using Arduino board,DHT11,android cel, 24. GSM based Temperature monitoring and control system using arduino, 25. Request Sensor Data via SMS using Arduino and SIM900 GSM Module, 26. Environment Monitoring & Recording with SIM card - Temperature, Humidity, Water Leak, Power Failure, 27. LM35 sensor and GSM based patient temperature monitoring [ with circuit ], 28. how to make a Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System using Arduino and dht11, 29. Arduino and GSM based Temperature Monitoring and Control, 30. Arduino Digital Temperature monitoring system and GSM Alarm System-SIM900 Application : IATLBD, 31. GSM module with arduino controller in proteus | GSM based message alert in proteus, 32. GSM based embedded web server for substation monitoring and controlling, 33. IoT Based Irrigation, Monitoring & Controlling System Make Your Own || Irrigation Project, 34. GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring Project, 35. air temperature sensor using microcontroller, 36. arduino fire alarm system using temperature and smoke sensor, 37. arduino send sms with button, 38. arduino text message alert, 39. code for sending message from arduino to mobile for multiple condition, 40. design and construction of a gsm sms based fire alarm system, 41. design of an arduino based home fire alarm system with gsm module, 42. esp8266 dht11 thingspeak arduino code, 43. gps and gsm interfacing with arduino code, 44. gsm based fire alarm system using Arduino, 45. gsm based fire alarm system using arduino pdf, 46. gsm based fire alarm system using arduino ppt, 47. gsm based home security alarm system using arduino pdf, 48. gsm based home security system using arduino ppt, 49. gsm based home security system using arduino project, 50. gsm based temperature monitoring system Arduino, 51. gsm interfacing with arduino code, 52. gsm interfacing with arduino simulation in proteus, 53. how to read message from gsm modem using Arduino, 54. how to receive sms using gsm module with arduino code, 55. how to send message from gsm module using Arduino, 56. how to send message from gsm module using arduino code, 57. how to send multiple message from gsm module using Arduino, 58. how to send sensor data through gsm, 59. humidity and temperature monitoring using arduino with the iot ppt, 60. iot based humidity and temperature monitoring using arduino uno pdf, 61. iot based temperature and humidity monitoring system, 62. iot based temperature and humidity monitoring system pdf, 63. iot based temperature monitoring system ppt, 64. send sensor data to thingspeak using Arduino, 65. sending multiple sms using gsm modem, 66. sending sms to multiple recipients using at commands,

Monday, 14 June 2021

DIY Wireless Smart Trolley Using RFID and ZIGBEE | Arduino Shopping Cart...

DIY Wireless Smart Trolley Using RFID and ZIGBEE | Arduino Shopping Cart with Add/Delete ITEMS | smart trolley project | smart trolley project report | smart trolley project pdf | smart trolley using rfid ppt | smart trolley using rfid arduino | smart trolley using smart phone and arduino | smart trolley company | automated shopping trolley for billing system ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** • rfid based shopping trolley source code, • smart shopping trolley using rfid ppt, • ZIGBEE module, • RFID tag reader, • barcode reader, • ARM7 microcontroller, • ZIGBEE transceiver, • Smart Trolley, • RFID Reader Module, • RFID Cards, • Automatic billing System through RFID and ZigBee, • wireless card that has built-in the embedded chip, • smart shopping cart, • RFID and ZIGBEE, • Shopping malls, • RFID Based Intelligent Trolley System using Zigbee, • Wireless ZigBee Module, • Infra-Red (IR) transmitter and receiver, 2. Smart Trolley using RFID - 9491535690, 3. RFID Based automatic trolley billing system and Coin Based universal, 4. Development Of Electronic Shopping Trolley in Super Market, 5. smart trolley system for automated billing using rfid and zigbee, 6. smart trolley system - svsembedded, 7. RFID based shopping trolley, 8. SMART TROLLEY USING RFID, 9. Smart Trolley - 7842358459, 10. RFID Based Shopping Trolley - svskits, 11. Wireless Smart Trolley for Shopping Malls usingZIGBEE - IJAIEM, 12. Smart Cart with Automatic Billing, Product Information, - Science Direct, 13. (PDF) RFID based Advanced Shopping Trolley for Super Market, 14. RFID Based Intelligent Trolley System using Zigbee - International, 15. A New Technology of Smart Shopping Cart using RFID and ZIGBEE, 16. Super market billing system using RFID and zigbee - IJRTER, 17. rfid based smart trolley for supermarket automation - Irjet, 18. IOT Based Intelligent Trolley for Shopping Mall - IJEDR, 19. smart shopping trolley project, 20. smart trolley for malls, 21. smart trolley in mega mall, 22. smart shopping cart project, 23. smart shopping trolley using rfid ppt, 24. smart shopping cart with automatic billing system through rfid and zigbee, 25. smart trolley using barcode scanner, 26. intelligent shopping trolley using rfid project, 27. SHOPPING TROLLEY FOR SUPER MARKET BILLING SYSTEM, 28. Futuristic Trolley for Intelligent Billing with Amalgamation of RFID and, 29. rfid based smart trolley for supermarket automation - Irjet, 30. Automatic Billing Trolley using RFID and ZigBee with, - ijareeie, 31. Smart shopping system - SlideShare, 32. Smart Shopping Trolley using RFID - IJESC, 33. Smart Trolley with Instant Billing to Ease Queues at Shopping Malls, 34. Smart Shopping System with Inventory Control - ijirset, 35. design and development of low cost smart billing system, 36. Wireless Intelligent Billing Trolley for Malls - International Journal of, 37. smart shopping trolley using rfid - IJARCET, 38. Design and Implementation of a Smart Shopping Cart by RFID, 39. IOT Based Smart Shopping Cart (SSC) With Automated Billing and, 40. RFID, ZigBee and GSM Based Automatic Billing Trolley For Shopping, 41. Automatic Goods Carrier Navigation and Billing System, 42. Automatic Billing Trolley using RFID and ZigBee with Android, - ijrise, 43. Smart Trolley System Based on Android - IJSTE, 44. Automatic Billing System in Mall - Research and Scientific Innovation, 45. RFID-Cloud Smart Cart System, 46. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research, -, 47. A Review on Smart Trolley and Billing System - International Journal, 48. BillSmart- A Smart Billing System using Raspberry Pi and RFID, 49. Automated Shopping Trolley System Using Raspberry Pi Device, 50. smart trolley in mega mall - IJARSE, 51. Automated Billing Cart - IJCST, 52. IJEEER-Advanced Shopping Cart and Billing Using RFID, - TJPRC, 53. RFID Based Automatic Shopping Cart - ijasre, 54. rfid based shopping cart - IJIREM, 55. Paper Title (use style: paper title) - IOSR journals, 56. lifi based automated smart trolley using rfid - Ijser, 57. Smart Shopping Cart for Automated Billing Purpose using Wireless, 58. Wireless Integratted Passive Rfid Based Shopping System, 59. arm7 based web enabled smart shopping trolley - IJIRT, 60. Follow Me Multifunctional Automated Trolley - IJERT, 61. rfid based smart trolley for automatic billing system - Global Journal of, 62. RFID Based Smart Trolley Inventory System - ManTech Publications,

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Raspberry Pi Based Intelligent Car Anti-Theft System Through GSM and GPS

Raspberry Pi Based Intelligent Car Anti-Theft System Through GSM and GPS | raspberry pi vehicle anti-theft face recognition system ppt | anti theft vehicle system using face recognition in iot | raspberry pi car alarm | iot based vehicle theft detection ppt. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Antitheft Protection of Vehicle by Using Raspberry PI & GPS with Fingerprint Verification, 2. Anti-Theft Detection System For Automobiles – IJIET, 3. Real Time Application of Vehicle Anti Theft Detection and Protection with Shock Using Facial Recognition and IoT Notification, 4. RASPBERRY PI BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND SECURITY SYSTEM FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS, 5. RASPBERRY PI VEHICLE ANTI-THEFT FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM, 6. RASPBERRY PI BASED SMART CAR SECURITY FOR THEFT CONTROL AND ACCIDENT NOTIICATION, 7. LTE BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND ANTI-THEFT SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI MICROCONTROLLER, 8. ANTITHEFT VEHICLE TRACKING AND CONTROL SYSTEM BASED IOT, 9. Design and Implementation of Vehicle Navigation System in Urban Environments using Internet of Things (Iot), 10. Advanced Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System based on Raspberry Pi, 11. A Comprehensive Study on IoT Based Accident Detection Systems for Smart Vehicles, 12. RASPBERRY PI BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND SECURITY SYSTEM FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS, 13. Intelligent Car Anti-Theft System Through Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi and Global Positioning System, 14. Novel Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Controlling and Tracking System, 15. Vehicle Security System using Raspberry Pi, 16. raspberry pi vehicle anti-theft face recognition system ppt, 17. anti theft vehicle system using face recognition in iot, 18. car security system using raspberry pi, 19. iot based vehicle theft detection ppt, 20. raspberry pi car alarm, 21. face recognition based car ignition and security system, 22. raspberry pi innovation, 23. raspberry pi mechatronics projects, 24. Car Identification and Theft Control Using Raspberry-Pi and IoT, 25. Raspberry Pi-2 Based Anti-Theft System for Car Logo, 26. Development of Smart Vehicle Security and Entertainment System (SSES) using Raspberry Pi, 27. ADVANCED VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI, 28. Novel Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Controlling and Tracking System, 29. IoT-Based Smart Alert System for Drowsy Driver Detection, 30. Smart Traffic Accident Monitoring System, 31. Design and Development of Vehicular Monitoring, Tracking and Accident Identification System using Raspberry Pi, 32. Design of a Smart Safety Device for Women using IoT, 33. Innovative Real-TimeVehicle Monitoring and Tracking System based on Raspberry pi, 34. Real Time Anti-Theft Vehicular Surveillance System Using Raspberry Pi, 35. Design of Smart Vehicle to Detect Unauthorized Access and Theft Detection, 36. Raspberry Pi based Embedded System for Vehicle Automation over Internet, 37. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System Using GPS Modem, 38. An Intelligent automobile Anti-Theft Tracking and Calamity Detection System Based on IoT using RASPBERRY PI For Real Time Applications, 39. Biometric Based Anti-Theft Warning System for Enhanced Security of Automobile, 40. Intelligent Helmet Using Raspberry Pi Technology for Accident Detection and Reporting System, 41. Real-Time Vehicle Tracking Using GSM & GPS with Location Display on Google Maps Using Raspberry Pi, 42. An IOT Based Alarm System in Car for Traffic, Alcohol and Drowsiness Detection and Accident Prevention, 43. Advanced Vehicle Tracking System Using ARM7, 44. Vehicle Security System using Short Message Service (SMS) as a Danger Warning in Motorcycle Vehicles, 45. NodeMCU and IoT-based Safety and Security Ecosystem for Heavy Vehicles, 46. SMART FUEL THEFT DETECTION SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI, 47. GPS AND GSM BASED ACCIDENT DETECTION SYSTEM, 48. ENHANCED VEHICLE SECURITY SYSTEM USING IOT, 49. Cloud Computing based Real-Time Vehicle Tracking and Speed Monitoring System, 50. Implementation of a Vehicle Safety Monitoring System for Security Enhancement using Internet of Things,

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

ESP32 Based Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking | Telegram App Ale...

ESP32 Based Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking | Telegram App Alert Message | Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using ESP32 and Telegram App | IoT. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Alcohol Detector Using Arduino & MQ3 Sensor | The IOT, 2. IOT Based Alcohol Smocking Detection System - One Guy, 4. Alcohol detection for car locking system using ESP32, 5. ESP32 Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 6. Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using ESP32 and Telegram App | IoT, 7. ESP32 Based Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking | Telegram App Alert Message, 8. Drive After A Good Alcohol Buzz Beat The Ignition Interlock System on Your Car, 9. Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken drivers, 10. Arduino Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor, 11. Alcohol Sensing Alert System with and Telegram App Using ESP32, 12. Alcohol Sensing Alert System with ESP32 and Telegram App | IoT, 13. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking , 14. Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken drivers, 15. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 16. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 17. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, Speed sensors’s, GSM & GPS, 18. ARDUINO PROJECT | ALCOHOL DETECTION ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM | VIT UNIVERSITY, 19. Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using GSM and GPS, 20. vehicle accident and Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking system, 21. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with GSM and GPS, 22. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 23. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 24. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, Speed sensors, GSM & GPS, 25. How to make Arduino based Alcohol Detector, 26. Alcohol Sensor Working Tutorial, 27. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System Using GSM and GPS Modem, 28. ALCOHOL SENSOR MQ3 WITH COMPLETE DETAIL [ HOW TO USE], 29. Vehicle Accident Prevention Using Eye Blink, Alcohol, MEMS and Obstacle Sensors, 30. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling, 31. Arduino Alcohol Detector Circuit Board, 32. Alcohol Detection Systems Determinator User Video Service Center Exchange, 33. Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS), 34. NodeMcu ESP8266 Blynk Fire Alarm Security Notification, 35. IOT Based Gas Leakage Detection System | ESP8266 (NodeMcu) with Gmail, 36. SMART VEHICLE WITH ALCOHOL DETECTION AND AUTOMATIC ENGINE SPEED CONTROL FOR DRUNKEN DRIVER’S – IoT, 37. Drink & Drive Accident Prevention | Alcohol Sensing with Engine Locking Project, 38. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project, 39. Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken, 40. Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking, 41. Arduino based Alcohol Detection Alert with Automatic Engine Locking, 42. Arduino Based Alcohol Sensing Alert System Using GPS and GSM, 43. Smart Helmet: Smart Solution for Bike Riders and Alcohol Detection with Auto Ignition, 44. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 45. Intelligent System for Vehicles with Alcohol Detection and SMS Alert, 46. Alcohol Sensing based Engine Locking Project, 47. Alcohol Detection & Accident Prevention of Vehicle using Arduino - Alcohol | MQ-3 | Accident | MEMS, 48. Automatic Engine Locking system Using GSM - Alcohol sensor, 49. Arduino Project | Alcohol detection, auto Engine locking system with GPS & GSM | BRAC University, 50. Vehicle Theft Alert & Engine Lock System Using Arduino, 51. Alcohol Detecting and Notification System for Controlling Drink Driving, 52. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Using GSM – SMS, 53. Alcohol sensing alert with engine locking, 54. Alcohol Sensing Alert With Engine Locking Project - By Controlling "DRUNK & DRIVE ACCIDENTS, 55. Detecting Alcohol And Start Vehicle Using Finger Print Module-CSE 124(Project)2018, 56. vehicle accident and alcohol sensing alert with engine locking system, 57. Alcohol Sensing Alert with engine locking, 58. Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking, 59. Automatic Engine Locking System Through Alcohol Detection, 60. gps tracker and alcohol detector with engine locking system using gsm, 61. automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers ppt download,

A Novel Approach for Vehicular Accident Detection and Rescue Alert Syste...

A Novel Approach for Vehicular Accident Detection and Rescue Alert System using IoT | A Novel Approach to Automatic Road-Accident Detection ...