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Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Wifi HomeAutomation | NodeMcu ESP8266 | Blynk App
1. Wifi Home Automation using NodeMCU ESP8266 with App Making,
2. Wifi HomeAutomation | NodeMcu ESP8266 | Blynk App,
3. Wifi HomeAutomation | NodeMcu ESP8266 in Hindi,
4. ESP 8266 Wifi Controlled Home Automation: 5 Steps (with Pictures),
5. Home Automation With ESP8266 WiFi Without Using Blynk!: 24 Steps,
6. Home Automation using using ESP8266 & Blynk App - IoT – electroSome,
7. How to connect your phone to your ESP8266 module | Evothings,
8. ESP8266 Android MIT App Inventor Tutorial | Random Nerd Tutorials,
9. Smallest IoT Home Automation using ESP8266-01 | Complete IoT,
10. 90 wifi Projects - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create,
11. IOT Home Automation using Blynk and NodeMCU – FactoryForward,
12. home automation using esp8266 nodemcu,
13. home automation using nodemcu and relay,
14. home automation using nodemcu project,
15. home automation using nodemcu report,
16. home automation using arduino and wifi module,
17. home automation using nodemcu and google assistant,
18. home automation using esp8266 (3rd edition) pdf,
19. home automation using esp8266 pdf,
20. Connect Your ESP8266 To Any Available Wi-Fi network - Ubidots Blog,
21. Blynk for NodeMCU - Home automation | Robo India,
22. Blynk for NodeMCU - Introduction | Robo India,
23. Android Controlled Home Automation System, - BRAC University,
24. Connecting NodeMCU with Blynk app - Need Help With My Project,
25. IoT Light Control Over Internet - Arduino or NodeMCU ESP8266,
26. NodeMcu -- An open-source firmware based on ESP8266 wifi-soc,
27. IOT based Voice Controlled Home Automation using ESP8266 and,
28. home automation using arduino wifi module esp8266 – Core,
29. Control a Relay using ESP8266 and Android MIT App Inventor,
30. Esp8266 based home automation system using wifi – Microcontrollers,
31. Control a Lamp Remotely Using the ESP8266 WiFi Chip,
32. 107 Projects tagged with "NodeMCU" |,
33. Home automation under Wi-Fi through Android apps from any smart,
34. WiFi Module - ESP8266 - WRL-13678 - SparkFun Electronics,
35. The Internet of Things for Arduino: Modules, Platform and 6 IoT projects,
36. How to Make Your Own Wi-Fi Connected Button With ESP8266,
37. ESP8266 WIFI MODULE - NodeMCU Lua ESP8266 ESP-12E Module,
38. Blynk - IoT for Arduino, ESP8266/32, Raspberry Pi - Apps on Google,
39. ESP8266 Home Automation Projects: Leverage the,
40. ESP8266 first project: home automation with relays, switches, PWM,
41. RGB LED with NodeMCU and Blynk | DIY GEEKS,
42. Internet of Things for Non-Programmers with Arduino, Blynk and,
43. GitHub - spacehuhn/esp8266_deauther: Scan for WiFi devices, block,
44. Deauthentication attack and other 'wifi hacks' using an ESP8266,
45. A Simple IoT Project with the ESP8266 WiFi module - Electronut Labs,
46. Home Automation projects with NodeMCU ESP8266 & iOS 11 | Udemy,
47. WiFi Quad Relay Board with ESP8266 for IoT & Home Automation by,
48. how to communicate mobile app though Visual Studio with NODEMCU,
49. ESP8266WiFi library — ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.4.0 documentation,
50. ESP8266 Arduino Core Documentation – ReadTheDocs,
51. Wi-Fi connections - A Beginner's Guide to the ESP8266,
52. ESP8266 WIFI HOTSPOT | EngineersGarage,
53. Introduction | Home Automation in the Cloud with the ESP8266,
54. Serial-to-WiFi Tutorial using ESP8266 - MIT Fab Lab,
55. Building an ESP8266 Internet Connected Four-Relay Switch - DZone IoT,
56. NodeMCU ESP8266 - WiFi Robot Car Controlled by Application (Wifi,
57. ESP8266 WiFi Control with Android App.,
58. How to Make Arduino ESP8266 WiFi Robot Car | Controlled with,
59. ESP8266 WIFI Based Home Automation,
60. Using WiFi NodeMCU and Blynk App to turn ON-OFF LEDs,
61. ESP8266 Android MIT App Inventor Tutorial | Random Nerd Tutorials,
62. IOT Light Control Over Internet _NodeMCU ESP8266: 5 Steps,
63. Smartphone controlled NodeMCU (ESP8266) 4WD WiFi Robot Car,
64. 90 wifi Projects - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create,
65. How to Control Your ESP8266 From Anywhere in the World | Random,
66. Wifi Controlled Home Automation || ESP8266 || Blynk,,
67. WIFI car on ESP8266 with Blynk control.,
68. Control Home Appliances from Smartphone Using NodeMCU and,
69. Smallest IoT Home Automation using ESP8266-01 | Complete IoT,
70. WiFi project: ESP8266 Based Home Automation Using ARM7,
72. ESP8266 +MIT app wifi control,
73. DIY WiFi Weather Station using ESP8266 & Blynk,
74. Android Arduino Wifi Control Devices with ESP8266 and Arduino,
75. How to Build an Android App to Control Your WiFi Enabled Arduino,
76. Esp8266 NodeMcu wifi bot tutorial,
Getting started with NodeMCU / ESP8266 12E
Getting started with NodeMCU / ESP8266
Getting started with NodeMCU / ESP8266
Getting started with NodeMCU (ESP8266
tutorial #1),
Getting started with NodeMCU (ESP8266
tutorial #1),
TUTORIAL: Quickly getting started with
NodeMCU / ESP8266 12E - In,
TUTORIAL: Quickly getting started with
NodeMCU / ESP8266 12E - In,
Getting started with NodeMCU (ESP8266
tutorial #1),
Getting started with NodeMCU (ESP8266
tutorial #1),
Getting Started with Node MCU(ESP8266
12e development Board,
Getting Started with Node MCU(ESP8266
12e development Board,
Get Started With ESP8266 Using AT
Commands, NodeMCU, or,
Get Started With ESP8266 Using AT
Commands, NodeMCU, or,
Get Started With NodeMCU (ESP8266). 3
Get Started With NodeMCU (ESP8266). 3
Getting started with NodeMCU or ESP8266
12E using Arduino IDE,
Getting started with NodeMCU or ESP8266
12E using Arduino IDE,
Tutorial 01 for NodeMcu : Getting
started with NodeMcu,
Tutorial 01 for NodeMcu : Getting
started with NodeMcu,
How to program ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU
using Arduino IDE,
How to program ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU
using Arduino IDE,
Getting Started With NodeMCU | ESP-12E,
Getting Started With NodeMCU | ESP-12E,
NodeMCU (esp8266-12E) VIDEOREVIEW,
NodeMCU (esp8266-12E) VIDEOREVIEW,
Getting started with NodeMCU (ESP8266)
step by step,
Getting started with NodeMCU (ESP8266)
step by step,
Programming NodeMCU ESP-12E IoT Module
using Arduino IDE,
Programming NodeMCU ESP-12E IoT Module
using Arduino IDE,
Getting Started with ESP8266 12E or
NodeMCU using Arduino IDE,
Getting Started with ESP8266 12E or
NodeMCU using Arduino IDE,
Getting Started with NodeMCU V3,
Getting Started with NodeMCU V3,
Getting Started with Node MCU (ESP8266
12E development Board,
Getting Started with Node MCU (ESP8266
12E development Board,
Getting started with ESP NodeMcu using
ArduinoIDE -,
Getting started with ESP NodeMcu using
ArduinoIDE -,
How to program ESP8266 ESP 12E NodeMCU
using Arduino IDE,
How to program ESP8266 ESP 12E NodeMCU
using Arduino IDE,
ESP8266 ESP-12E nodemcu LED Blink test -
Getting started with,
ESP8266 ESP-12E nodemcu LED Blink test -
Getting started with,
Using a NodeMCU (V3) 12E ESP8266 with
Arduino IDE,
Using a NodeMCU (V3) 12E ESP8266 with
Arduino IDE,
How to program ESP8266 ESP 12E NodeMCU
using Arduino IDE,
How to program ESP8266 ESP 12E NodeMCU
using Arduino IDE,
Checking Out A New Lolin NodeMCU V3
(ESP8266 12E),
Checking Out A New Lolin NodeMCU V3
(ESP8266 12E),
Quick presentation ESP8266 01 &
ESP8266 12E NodeMCU Lolin,
Quick presentation ESP8266 01 &
ESP8266 12E NodeMCU Lolin,
1.Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP8266 |
RoboShala Hindi,
1.Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP8266 |
RoboShala Hindi,
1-Quick Start to Nodemcu ESP8266 on
Arduino IDE,
1-Quick Start to Nodemcu ESP8266 on
Arduino IDE,
NodeMCU ESP8266: Begin with Lua
Programming (LED Blinking,
NodeMCU ESP8266: Begin with Lua
Programming (LED Blinking,
Programming ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU
Using Arduino IDE - a,
Programming ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU
Using Arduino IDE - a,
Get Started With NodeMCU (ESP8266): 3
Get Started With NodeMCU (ESP8266): 3
Getting Started With ESP-12E NodeMcu V3
Module Using ArduinoIDE,
Getting Started With ESP-12E NodeMcu V3
Module Using ArduinoIDE,
Getting started with ESP NodeMcu using
ArduinoIDE -,
Getting started with ESP NodeMcu using
ArduinoIDE -,
Nodemcu Getting Started With Nodemcu
Using Arduino Ide | Nodemcu,
Nodemcu Getting Started With Nodemcu
Using Arduino Ide | Nodemcu,
Tutorial: Basics of IoT with a NodeMCU
chip – Junction,
Tutorial: Basics of IoT with a NodeMCU
chip – Junction,
Getting Started with Node MCU (ESP8266
12E development Board,
Getting Started with Node MCU (ESP8266
12E development Board,
Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP-12
using Arduino IDE: Blinking an,
Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP-12
using Arduino IDE: Blinking an,
nodemcu esp8266 examples,
nodemcu esp8266 examples,
esp8266 getting started,
esp8266 getting started,
nodemcu esp8266 pinout,
nodemcu esp8266 pinout,
nodemcu examples,
nodemcu examples,
hiletgo esp8266,
hiletgo esp8266,
nodemcu amica,
nodemcu amica,
nodemcu wifi,
nodemcu wifi,
nodemcu devkitNodeMCU tutorials – IOT –
Building Reliability -,
nodemcu devkitNodeMCU tutorials – IOT –
Building Reliability -,
NodeMCU ESP8266 ESP-12E Catalogue -
Einstronic Enterprise,
NodeMCU ESP8266 ESP-12E Catalogue -
Einstronic Enterprise,
DevKit (ESP8266): Getting Started -
ACROBOTIC | Fun and Unique,
DevKit (ESP8266): Getting Started -
ACROBOTIC | Fun and Unique,
Getting Started with the Lolin NodeMCU
with the Arduino IDE,
Getting Started with the Lolin NodeMCU
with the Arduino IDE,
Build an ESP8266 Web Server - Code and
Schematics | Random,
Build an ESP8266 Web Server - Code and
Schematics | Random,
NodeMCU Documentation: Overview,
NodeMCU Documentation: Overview,
Getting started with MicroPython on the
ESP8266 — MicroPython,
Getting started with MicroPython on the
ESP8266 — MicroPython,
Getting Started With NodeMCU | ESP-12E -
Getting Started With NodeMCU | ESP-12E -
Getting to know NodeMCU and its DEVKIT
board – IBM Developer,
Getting to know NodeMCU and its DEVKIT
board – IBM Developer,
OneClickBox NodeMCU LUA WiFi Internet
ESP8266 ESP-12E,
OneClickBox NodeMCU LUA WiFi Internet
ESP8266 ESP-12E,
Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP-12E
Board : esp8266 - Reddit,
Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP-12E
Board : esp8266 - Reddit,
Wireless module CH340 NodeMcu V3 Lua
WIFI ESP8266 esp-12e,
Wireless module CH340 NodeMcu V3 Lua
WIFI ESP8266 esp-12e,
NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 ESP-12E Philippines
Makerlab Electronics,
NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 ESP-12E Philippines
Makerlab Electronics,
Getting Started with NodeMCU Board
Powered by ESP8266 WiSoC,
Getting Started with NodeMCU Board
Powered by ESP8266 WiSoC,
Monday, 24 December 2018
P10 LED Display with Arduino Nano | SVSEMBEDDED
P10 LED Display with Arduino Nano | SVSEMBEDDED
P10 LED Display with Arduino Nano | svsembedded
P10 LED Display with Arduino Nano | svsembedded
32 x 16 high brightness Red LEDs (512 LEDs total) on a 10mm pitch
32 x 16 high brightness Red LEDs (512 LEDs total) on a 10mm pitch
5V operation
Viewable over 12 metres away
Tough plastic frame
Controller ICs on board, simple clocked data interface
Arduino compatible library, graphics functions and example support
You can see a two connectors on the P10 modul. One of them is for power, one of them is for data
I have use 5v 10 A. But if you want to connect lots of panel, maybe you have to buy 20 A or 40 A. For example when i use 24 P10 modules in another project, i bought a power supply unit that 50 A. I took a picture how to connect the cables.
1-Download ZIP into your computer and open Arduino IDE.
2-Install a new library into your Arduino IDE you can use the Library Manager
3-Click to the "Sketch" menu and then Include Library >Add zip library..
2-Install a new library into your Arduino IDE you can use the Library Manager
3-Click to the "Sketch" menu and then Include Library >Add zip library..
if you are succesful, you can see in the examples DMD_master.
4-You can upload demo program to Nano..And finish..:)
4-You can upload demo program to Nano..And finish..:)
Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation
Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation & Sensors Monitoring System Based On Bluetooth
The main objective of this project
is to develop a home automation system using an Arduino board with Bluetooth being
remotely controlled by any Android OS smart phone. As technology is advancing
so houses are also getting smarter. Modern houses are gradually shifting from
conventional switches to centralized control system, involving remote
controlled switches. Presently, conventional wall switches located in different
parts of the house makes it difficult for the user to go near them to operate.
Even more it becomes more difficult for the elderly or physically handicapped
people to do so. Remote controlled home automation system provides a most
modern solution with smart phones.
In order to achieve this, a Bluetooth
module is interfaced to the Arduino board at the receiver end while on the transmitter
end, a GUI application on the cell phone sends ON/OFF commands to the receiver
where loads are connected. By touching the specified location on the GUI, the
loads can be turned ON/OFF remotely through this technology. The loads are
operated by Arduino board through opto-isolators and thyristors using triacs.
android app link :
software code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7,8,9,10,11,12);//rs,en,data pins d4 -d7
SoftwareSerial myserial(4, 5); // RX, TX
int led1 = 3; //Connect LED 1 To Pin #2
int led2 = 4; //Connect LED 2 To Pin #3
int led3 = 5; //Connect LED 3 To Pin #6
int led4 = 6; //Connect LED4 To Pin #1
String voice;
char c;
int val;
float TEMP;
unsigned int SMOKE;
const int buzz=13; // the number of the LED pin
void setup()
pinMode(buzz, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led4, OUTPUT);
myserial.println("voice based home automation using bt");
lcd.print("VOICE BASED HOME");
lcd.print("AUTOMATION B.T");
delay (3000);
void allon(){digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);delay (300);digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);delay (300);digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);delay (300); digitalWrite(led4, HIGH);delay (300);}
void alloff(){digitalWrite(led1, LOW);delay (300);digitalWrite(led2, LOW);delay (300);digitalWrite(led3, LOW);delay (300);digitalWrite(led4, LOW);delay (300);}
void loop()
val = analogRead(0);float T=( val/1024.0)*5000;float TEMP= T/10;
SMOKE = analogRead(1);
lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("T:");lcd.setCursor(3,0);lcd.print(TEMP);delay (50);
lcd.setCursor(0,1);lcd.print("S: ");lcd.setCursor(3,1);lcd.print(SMOKE);delay (50);
if (TEMP>60)
{digitalWrite(buzz, HIGH);myserial.println("OVER TEMPERATRE");myserial.print("TEMP:");myserial.print( TEMP);myserial.println("deg");delay (10);}
if (TEMP<60)
{digitalWrite(buzz, LOW);}
if (SMOKE>750)
{digitalWrite(buzz, HIGH);myserial.println("SMOKE ALERT");myserial.print("SMOKE:");myserial.print( SMOKE);myserial.println(" ");delay (10);}
if (SMOKE<750)
{digitalWrite(buzz, LOW);}
while (myserial.available()){ //Check if there is an available byte to read
delay(10); //Delay added to make thing stable
char c =; //Conduct a serial read
if (c == '#') {break;} //Exit the loop when the # is detected after the word
voice += c; //Shorthand for voice = voice + c
if (voice.length() > 0) {
//----------Control Multiple Pins/ LEDs----------//
if(voice == "*all on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("all on");allon();myserial.println("all on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();} //Turn on All Pins (Call Function)
else if(voice == "*all of"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("all off");alloff();myserial.println("all off");delay (3000);lcd.clear();} //Turn off All Pins (Call Function)
//----------Turn On One-By-One----------//
else if(voice == "*light on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("light on");digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);myserial.println("light on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*bulb on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("bulb on");digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);myserial.println("bulb on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*LED on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("LED ON");digitalWrite(led4, HIGH);myserial.println("LED on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*fan on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("fan on");digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);myserial.println("fan on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*DC on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("DC MOTOR/FAN ON");digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);myserial.println("DCMOTOR on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*AC on"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("AC on");digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);myserial.println("AC on");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
//----------Turn Off One-By-One----------//
else if(voice == "*light off"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("light off");digitalWrite(led1, LOW);myserial.println("light off");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*bulb of"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("bulb of");digitalWrite(led3, LOW);myserial.println("bulb oF");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*LED off"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("LED OFF");digitalWrite(led4, LOW);myserial.println("LED OFF");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*fan of"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("fan off");digitalWrite(led2, LOW);myserial.println("fan of");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*DC of"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("DC MOTOR/FAN OFF");digitalWrite(led2, LOW);myserial.println("DCMOTOR OFF");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
else if(voice == "*AC off"){lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("AC oFF");digitalWrite(led2, LOW);myserial.println("AC OFF");delay (3000);lcd.clear();}
voice="";}} //Reset the variable after initiating
Friday, 21 December 2018
IOT Based Agriculture Crop - Field Monitoring System and Irrigation Automation
IOT Based Agriculture Crop - Field Monitoring System and Irrigation Automation
1. IOT Based Agriculture Crop - Field Monitoring System and Irrigation Automation.
2. IOT based crop-field monitoring and irrigation automation - IEEE Xplore
3. iot sensor network based approach for agricultural field monitoring
4. Smart Agriculture System with IoT
5. Field Monitoring and Automation Using IOT in Agriculture Domain
6. Smart Agriculture System with IoT -
7. Wireless Sensor Based Remote Monitoring System for Agriculture
8. Agricultural Field Monitoring System Using ARM - IJAREEIE
9. IoT project Agriculture Field monitoring system
10. Agriculture: Automated Irrigation System for Agricultural Crop Field
11. An Approach for Agricultural Field Monitoring and Control Using IoT
12. Review for ARM Based Agricultural Field Monitoring System
14. iot in agriculture pdf
15. iot based agricultural projects
16. iot based smart agriculture ppt
17. internet of things applications in agriculture
18. iot based crop field monitoring and irrigation automation
19. development of iot based smart security and monitoring devices for agriculture
20. iot in agriculture ppt
21. iot based automated irrigation system
22. Smart E-Agriculture Monitoring Using Internet Of Things - IJERA
23. Sensor based Automated Irrigation System with IOT
24. Study on an Agricultural Environment Monitoring Server System using iot
25. Iot Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System - ijritcc
26. IoT based Smart Agriculture - IJARCCE
27. Automatic Monitoring System for a Precision Agriculture Based On
28. Wireless Sensor Based Remote Controlled Agriculture Monitoring
29. Real-Time Implementation and Analysis of Crop-Field for Agriculture
31. A Survey of Futuristic Approach on Smart Agriculture
32. Internet of Things based approach to Agriculture Monitoring
33. Sensor-based M2M Agriculture Monitoring Systems
34. SAVE CROP: Internet of Things system for agriculture - Auroras srl
35. Agriculture iot system - Coda-Clips
36. Arduino Based Smart Drip Irrigation System Using Internet of Things
37. How Internet Of Things Is Modernizing Agriculture Landscape
38. Internet of Things Greenhouse Monitoring and Automation System
39. Wireless Monitoring of Soil Moisture, Temperature & Humidity
40. Real-Time Monitoring Of Agricultural Activities Using Wireless Sensor
41. A Test-bed on Real-time Monitoring of Agricultural
42. Intelligent Agricultural Solutions - Advantech
44. Wireless Sensor-based Agricultural Monitoring System
45. Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network for Real Time Monitoring
46. Monitoring for Precision Agriculture using Wireless SensorNetwork
47. Distributed Monitoring Systems for Agriculture based
48. Smart soil moisture monitoring system
49. Internet of Things Implementation for Wireless Monitoring
IOT Projects : RFID Based Mobile Payment System Using GSM - GPRS Network
IOT Projects : RFID Based Mobile Payment System Using GSM - GPRS Network
iot - IoT projects - IOT Projects - internet of things (IoT) - IoT - Internet of Things - IOT Based Projects - iot project ideas.
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ATM Security System using Fingerprint and GSM Module
ATM Security System using Fingerprint and GSM Module
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7. ATM Security using GSM and Fingerprint with Authorized Permission
8. Fingerprint, ATM, GSM modem, Magnetic strip card
9. ATM Security using Fingerprint Recognition
10. High Speed ATM Security System using LPC2148 Microcontroller
11. Implementation of ATM Security by Using Fingerprint recognition
12. Bank Lockers Security System using Biometric and GSM
13. GSM FPRS Keypad Based ATM Security System BE Electronics
14. Fingerprint and GSM based Security System.
15. ATM Security System using GSM and finger Module
16. ARM7 based Smart ATM Access System
17. Microcontroller Based Smart ATM Access & Security System
18. ATM security by using fingerprint recognition and GSM MODEM
19. ATM Terminal Security Using Fingerprint Reconition
20. Fingerprint Based ATM Security by using ARM7
21. Fingerprint Based Authentication System using ARM7
22. security system for atm terminal by using biometric technology and gsm
23. GSM Based Bank Locker Security System using RFID, Password
24. locker opening and closing system using rfid, fingerprint, password
25. Design of Highly Secured Automatic Teller Machine System by Using fingerprint
26. High protection ATM system with fingerprint identification technology
27. Analysis and Automation of Security Management System for Remote
28. Implementation of ATM Security by Using Fingerprint Recognition
29. Implementation of Real Time Embedded Security System for ATM
30. Fingerprint Verification of ATM Security System by Using Biometric
31. Download ATM Security System using GSM and finger Module
32. ATM Transaction Using Biometric Fingerprint Technology
34. Atm Client Authentication System Using Biometric Identifier
35. atm security system by using gsm
36. fingerprint based security system for banks
37. ATM Terminal Security using Fingerprint Recognition
38. Fingerprint Based Biometric ATM Authentication System
39. BioMatric ATM Security GSM Based - Engineer Labz
40. gsm based atm security system pdf - seminar projects
41. atm security system using gsm and mems module project
42. atm security by using fingerprint recognition and gsm
43. Design of a GSM-Based Biometric Access Control System
45. biometric high secure and cost effective finger vein
46. ATM Systems Authentication Based On Fingerprint Using ARM Cortex
47. security system using gsm fingerprint touchscreen - Full Projects Report
48. ATM Transaction Security Using Fingerprint/OTP
49. ATM Security using Fingerprint Authentication and OTP
50. Implementation of ATM Security by Using Fingerprint
51. Biometric Finger-Vein Recognition for ATM
52. An Embedded Real-Time Finger-Vein Recognition System
53. Survey of Security of ATM Machine
54. Design of Highly Secured Automatic Teller Machine System
55. Fingerprint Based ATM System
56. Arm7 based smart atm access security system using fingerprint
58. GSM Based Anti-theft Transaction System
59. embedded system main project list 2016-17
60. RFID AND GSM synthesis for authenticated ATM transaction
61. An Authentication of ATM System Using DNA bar Code
63. Implementation of GSM Technology in Prison Locker System
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