Wednesday 29 September 2021

Arduino Based 4 way Traffic Light Control System - Simulation in Proteus

raffic Lights Using Proteus Simulator | Arduino Based 4 way Traffic Light Control System - Simulation in Proteus | Arduino Based 4 Way Traffic Light Signal Control | Basic Traffic Light using Arduino Uno in Proteus Simulator | How to make Traffic Light Control System using Arduino | Arduino based 4 Way Traffic Signal Control | Traffic light controller using arduino in proteus | Arduino based 4-way traffic light system | Traffic light controller using arduino in proteus. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. 1 way traffic light controller using microcontroller 8051, 2. 1 design a traffic light signal system in proteus, 3. 2 way traffic light controller using Arduino, 4. 2 way traffic light controller using arduino pdf, 5. 4 way traffic light circuit using 555 timer and 4017, 6. 4 way traffic light controller using arduino Tinkercad, 7. 4 way traffic light controller using arduino uno code, 8. 4 way traffic light controller using microcontroller 8051, 9. 4 way traffic light project report pdf, 10. block diagram of traffic light controller using Arduino, 11. circuit diagram of traffic light controller, 12. coding two way traffic light, 13. conclusion for arduino traffic light controller project, 14. density based traffic control system using arduino ppt, 15. density based traffic light control system using 8051 microcontroller, 16. density based traffic signal system simulation in proteus, 17. design traffic control system java, 18. develop a traffic control system, 19. microcontroller based traffic light controller pdf, 20. proteus simulation of traffic light project, 21. raffic light controller using 8051 assembly program, 22. relay control using 555 timer, 23. simulate modern traffic control system, 24. simulation of four road junction traffic controller, 25. smart traffic light controller project report, 26. smart traffic light system project, 27. smart traffic lighting system mini project, 28. traffic control system design, 29. traffic light circuit using 555 timer pdf, 30. traffic light control system project, 31. traffic light control system project ppt, 32. traffic light control system simulation, 33. traffic light controller project, 34. traffic light controller using 8051 microcontroller pdf, 35. traffic light controller using 8051 ppt, 36. traffic light controller using arduino code, 37. traffic light controller using arduino in proteus, 38. traffic light controller using arduino pdf, 39. traffic light controller using arduino ppt, 40. traffic light controller using arduino report pdf, 41. traffic light controller using avr microcontroller, 42. traffic light controller using nodemcu, 43. traffic light intersection simulation, 44. traffic light program in embedded system, 45. traffic light simulation project report, 46. traffic light simulator online, 47. traffic light using 555 timer, 48. traffic light xml, 49. traffic signal control using 555 timer in proteus, 50. traffic signal project report pdf, 51. working principle of traffic light controller

Implementation of Home Security System using GSM and ARM7

Implementation of Home Security System using GSM and ARM7 | Design and Implementation of Low cost Home security Using GSM Network | Smart Home Automation and Security System using GSM and ARM7 | GSM Based Home Security System Working with Applications | Design and Development of ARM-7 based Home Security System with GSM Technology | Design and implementation of advanced ARM7 based biometric security system using wireless communication | Design and Implementation of Security Systems for Smart Home based on GSM technology. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 *****************************************************************

Saturday 25 September 2021

Automatic Car Parking System - Arduino Project - Proteus Simulation

Simulation of car parking system with Arduino | Car Parking System - Arduino Project Hub | simulation of smart car parking system in proteus | car parking system using arduino and ir sensor | iot based smart parking system using arduino code | iot based car parking system project | smart car barrier system | car parking mini project | smart parking system using nodemcu | smart parking system using blynk. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ******************************************************************

Friday 24 September 2021


GPS TRACKER AND ALCOHOL DETECTOR WITH ENGINE LOCKING SYTEM USING RASPBERRY PI PICO WITH GSM - SMS | MQ3 ALCOHOL SENSOR. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project, 2. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 3. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 4. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System Using GSM and GPS Modem, 5. Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using GSM and GPS, 6. GPS tracking & Alcohol detection with Vehicle controlling using GSM modem, 7. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with GSM and GPS, 8. SMART VEHICLE WITH ALCOHOL DETECTION AND AUTOMATIC ENGINE SPEED CONTROL FOR DRUNKEN DRIVER’S – IoT, 9. Alcohol sensing alert with engine locking system | alcohol detection using Arduino| smart car, 10. Arduino Alcohol Sensing Engine Lock With GPS | Arduino Project, 11. Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken, 12. Arduino Based Alcohol Sensing Alert System Using GPS and GSM, 13. Intelligent System for Vehicles with Alcohol Detection and SMS Alert, 14. Automatic Engine Locking system Using GSM - Alcohol sensor, 15. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 16. Alcohol Detection & Accident Prevention of Vehicle using Arduino - Alcohol | MQ-3 | Accident | MEMS, 17. Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using ESP32 and Telegram App | IoT, 18. PIC16F877 BASED VEHICLE ACCIDENT DETECTION USING GSM,GPS,MEMS,ALCOHOL,TEMP & SMS ALERT, 19. Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken Drivers, 20. Arduino Project | Alcohol detection, auto Engine locking system with GPS & GSM | BRAC University, 21. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Using GSM – SMS, 22. ALCOHOL DETECTION SYSTEM Using PIC18F4520 and MQ3(Alcohol) Sensor in Proteous (Simulation), 23. Project on alcohol detection using GSM technology, 24. IoT Based Alcohol Detector Using Arduino with Blynk App Notification, 25. ESP32 Based Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking | Telegram App Alert Message, 26. Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety with code in Tamil |Arduino Tutorial (Robotics & IoT), 27. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor, 28. Alcohol detection using arduino and gsm module system | Project, 29. Alcohol Detection and Engine Locking system with SMS Notification using Arduino, 30. vehicle accident and alcohol sensing alert with engine locking system, 31. Smart helmet with alcohol detection and accident detection using GSM & GPS Technology, 32. Detecting Alcohol And Start Vehicle Using Finger Print Module-CSE 124(Project)2018, 33. Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking, 34. DRINK AND DRIVE USING ARDUINO | ALCOHOL DETECTION USING MQ3, 35. Smart helmet - Alcohol detection, head Mount detection, accident detection GSM GPS DC motor, 36. Alcohol Detection System for Vehicles, 37. GPS tracking & Alcohol detection with Vehicle controlling using GSM modem, 38. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with GSM and GPS, 39. GSM Based GPS Tracker and alcohol detector with engine lock by Saanthana Laxmi, 40. alcohol detection and automatic engine locking system using Arduino, 41. alcohol detection iot project, 42. alcohol detection system in vehicle using arduino ppt, 43. alcohol detection system project, 44. alcohol detection system with engine locking using gsm and gps, 45. alcohol detection system with vehicle engine locking project, 46. alcohol detection using arduino ppt, 47. alcohol detection with engine locking system using arduino code, 48. alcohol detection with engine locking using arduino pdf, 49. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling and gps ppt, 50. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling ppt, 51. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling project circuit diagram, 52. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using 8051, 53. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using 8051 code, 54. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using arduino code, 55. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using microcontroller, 56. alcohol detector project ppt, 57. alcohol detector project report pdf, 58. alcohol detector using 8051 microcontroller, 59. alcohol detector using arduino pdf, 60. alcohol detector using arduino project report, 61. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking, 62. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project pdf,

Thursday 23 September 2021

Home Automation - Touchless switch Module With QR Code

Touchless Switch Board using QR-CODE | ESP32CAM | Use QR codes for touchless user interaction of control interface | Schindler Indonesia QR Touchless Solution | Touchless Elevator APP | QR Code Based Elevator Operation | Touchless Multifunctional Bedside Lamp With Digital Clock | Touchless Switch using QR CODE esp32cam | Arduino UNO based Touch less Door bell using SR04. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Automatic Smart Touchless Digital Dustbin using Arduino + Ultrasonic Sensor - School Science Project, 2. Touchless Door Bell Covid Special. | D 5 Tech, 3. HOW TO BUILD WAVE SWITCH || TOUCHLESS SWITCH, 4. How To Make A Touchless Doorbell At Home || Smart Doorbell, 5. Touchless Gesture Light Switch Demo, 6. Touchless Switch Board, 7. DIY Make a TouchLess Switch, 8. Entity Detector Using Only Wire on Arduino, 9. How to make Touch Less Switch | Corona Safety | Fair Electro, 10. Touch-less switch using Arduino and IR sensor, 11. Touchless Switch using Arduino DIY - Part 2 – Mini Projects, 12. Touchless Switch Using ST Time-of-Flight, 13. how to make hand sweep switch||DIY touchless switch, 14. Touchless doorbell for Covid-19 || IR Sensor || EIF, 15. Touchless Switch using the TI FDC2214 Evaluation Board, 16. Touchless door bell arduino tinkercad, 17. Homemade Touchless Switch For Home Appliances || Use 555 Timer IC, 18. Touchless IR Sensor Switch, 19. Touchless switch wave on wave off, 20. Contact Less IR Sensor Switch | IR Sensor Smart Switch | Touch Less Switch | BlackT, 21. Menyalakan Lampu tanpa menyentuh - touchless switch, 22. Touchless (covid-19) Doorbell using Arduino and IR sensor, 23. Touchless Gesture Lightswitch - Added fading effects, 24. Touchless soap/sanitizer dispenser Using Arduino, 25. Touchless Switch, 26. Project - Touchless Automatic Hand Sanitizer using Arduino - Tutorial | -DigitalTransformationPro, 27. COVID-19 | Coronavirus | Touchless Door Bell using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic sensor | TechNow, 28. Touchless Doorbell using -Arduino || Kedar Shivane, 29. CM 330 - Battery Powered Touchless Switch, 30. How to make Automatic Toilet light || Diy touchless light switch, 31. Saklar ON OFF Tanpa Sentuh ( Touchless Switch ) Dengan Obstacle IR + Arduino, 32. Touch Free Switch using Arduino UNO & IR Sensor, 33. Touchless Door Bell Using Arduino Uno & IR Sensor By Technoesolution | Arduino Project Cov, 34. Saklar Touchless ON-OFF Obstacle IR Tanpa Arduino. [Toggle Switch Obstacle IR Without Arduino], 35. SureWave 6" Round Touchless Switch, 36. Menjadikan Saklar Tanpa Sentuh ( IR Touchless Switch) Sebagai Toggle (ON/OFF) Switch, 37. Ei Bangla | An engineering college student made a touchless switch board device, 38. Touchless doorbell alarm using ultrasonic sensor, 39. Timer Switch using Arduino DIY - Part 3 - Mini Projects, 40. The Contact Less Switch Using Arduino uno and IR sensor, 41. How To Make Hand Gesture Controlled Switch / Touchless Switch, 42. Presentation Touchless-switch, 43. Touchless Switch using Ultrasonic Sensor, 44. Touchless Switch using Arduino UNO, 45. touchless switch for automatic door, 46. IOT Touchless Switch, 47. touchless light system with ultrasonic sensor and arduino, 48. -contact -less -switch -using -ultrasonic -sensor -using -arduino –project, 49. E Tool Arduino Challenge, 50. Touchless Hand Wash Liquid Using Arduino,

Wednesday 22 September 2021

RGB LED Controller using Rotary Encoder and Raspberry Pi Pico

RGB LED Controller using Rotary Encoder and Raspberry Pi Pico | WS2812 LED Ring Light with Raspberry Pi Pico | RGB LED Color Control using Rotary Encoder & Arduino | RGB Rotary Encoder on Raspberry Pi | RGB LED Color Control using Rotary Encoder & Arduino | How to use an RGB LED with the Raspberry Pi Pico. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. absolute encoder, 2. absolute rotary encoder, 3. adafruit rotary encoder, 4. arduino nano rotary encoder, 5. arduino optical encoder, 6. arduino rgb led rotary encoder, 7. arduino rotary encoder, 8. arduino rotary encoder led brightness, 9. arduino rotary encoder pwm, 10. arduino wheel encoder, 11. autonics counter wiring, 12. digital encoder knob, 13. encoder controller, 14. encoder with led ring, 15. endless rotary encoder, 16. fastled rotary encoder, 17. i2c rotary encoder, 18. illuminated rotary encoder, 19. incremental rotary encoder, 20. incremental rotary encoder working, 21. led encoder, 22. magnetic rotary encoder, 23. rgb encoder knob, 24. rgb rotary encoder, 25. rotary encoder – illuminated, 26. rotary encoder - illuminated (rgb), 27. rotary encoder arduino, 28. rotary encoder breakout board, 29. rotary encoder c code, 30. rotary encoder datasheet, 31. rotary encoder knob, 32. rotary encoder led ring, 33. rotary encoder module, 34. rotary encoder rgb, 35. rotary encoder sensor, 36. rotary encoder switch, 37. rotary encoder wiring diagram, 38. rotary encoder with push button, 39. rotary encoder with push button datasheet, 40. rotary encoder with push button pinout, 41. rotary encoder with switch, 42. rotary encoder working, 43. shaft encoder working principle, 44. sparkfun qwiic twist, 45. sparkfun rotary encoder, 46. types of encoder in cnc machine, 47. types of encoder pdf, 48. what is an encoder,

Monday 20 September 2021

IR Wireless Underwater Sensors (Temperature / Humidity / Lighting) Monit...

IR Wireless Underwater Sensors (Temperature / Humidity / Lighting) Monitoring Using Arduino with LCD

IR Wireless Underwater Temperature Humidity Monitoring Using Arduino | IR Wireless Underwater Communication System | underwater wireless communication Using IR project | UNDER WATER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS | ir wireless underwater communication system using arduino | Temperature Humidity Sensor | Arduino Tutorial | Arduino Based Temprature and Humidity Sensor. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ******************************************************************

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Underground Drainage Monitoring with Sensors using Arduino Alert Through...

Manhole Detection and Monitoring System | underground drainage monitoring system using arduino | IOT based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System | SMART REAL TIME MANHOLE MONITORING SYSTEM | Manhole cover monitoring system over IOT. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. IOT based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System, 2. Manhole Detection and Monitoring System – IJERT, 3. SMART REAL TIME MANHOLE MONITORING SYSTEM – IRJET, 4. Manhole cover monitoring system over IOT – ResearchGate, 5. Secure Manhole Monitoring System Employing Sensors and GSM Techniques, 6. Underground Drainage Monitoring system using IOT – SERSC, 7. Smart Drainage Monitoring and Controlling System Using IOT, 8. SMART DRAINAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT, 9. Drainage Monitoring System Using IoT – IJREAM, 10. Drainage Monitoring System, IoT, Monitoring Smart City – IJARIIT, 11. IOT-ENABLED UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING WATER FLOW SENSOR, 12. Smart Underground Drainage Blockage Monitoring and Detection System Using IoT, 13. Underground Drainage Monitoring System Using IOT – IJIRSET, 14. underground drainage monitoring system using iot, 15. underground drainage monitoring system using Arduino, 16. smart sewage system, 17. smart sewage monitoring system, 18. smart safety monitoring system for sewage workers with two way communication, 19. smart safety monitoring system for sewage workers, 20. smart drainage system using Arduino, 21. smart drainage system project, 22. smart drainage system pdf, 23. sewerage system, 24. sewage monitoring system project, 25. sewage monitoring system, 26. sewage meaning, 27. sewage disposal, 28. reduction of electricity theft through iot ppt, 29. ppt on smart drainage system using iot, 30. overhead line monitoring system, 31. iot device for sewage gas monitoring and alert system, 32. iot based smart energy meter project report pdf, 33. iot based smart energy meter monitoring with theft detection ppt, 34. iot based smart energy meter monitoring with theft detection, 35. iot based smart energy meter documentation pdf, 36. iot based smart energy meter block diagram, 37. iot based smart drainage worker safety system, 38. how to detect blockage in sewage, 39. energy meter monitoring over iot ppt, 40. electricity theft detection project report pdf, 41. drainage overflow monitoring system using iot (doms), 42. drainage blockage detection systems, 43. drain monitoring system, 44. automatic drainage cleaning system research paper, 45. application of iot based smart energy meter,

GSM - SMS Based Railway Crossing Gate Control Through Arduino

Arduino and GSM Based Opening and Closing of Railway Gate by sending SMS | Arduino Based Railway Crossing Gate Control Through GSM - SMS | Automatic Railway Gate Control Using 8051 & IR Sensor | Automatic Railway Gate Control System | GSM Based Railway Track Fault Detection | Automatic Railway Gate Control System Using Arduino and Android. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Automatic Railway Gate Control System Alert via SMS, 2. advantages of automatic railway gate control system, 3. Alarm System of Railway Gate Crossing based on GPS and GSM, 4. applications of automatic railway gate control system, 5. Arduino crossing gate controller, 6. Arduino train crossing, 7. Automated Railway Crossing With Auto Train Speed Control Technology and Live Tracking., 8. Automatic Rail crossing Barrier, 9. AUTOMATIC RAIL GATE CONTROL WITH GSM ,RFID BY VELTECH MULTITECH STUDENTS, 10. automatic railway barrier, 11. Automatic railway gate, 12. Automatic railway gate control, 13. automatic railway gate control documentation, 14. automatic railway gate control pdf, 15. automatic railway gate control ppt, 16. automatic railway gate control project price, 17. automatic railway gate control project report, 18. automatic railway gate control seminar report, 19. Automatic Railway Gate Control System GSM Based Railway Track Fault Detection, 20. automatic railway gate control system project report pdf, 21. automatic railway gate control system research paper, 22. automatic railway gate control system using 8051 microcontroller ppt, 23. automatic railway gate control system using microcontroller, 24. automatic railway gate control system using ultrasonic sensor, 25. automatic railway gate control system with signals, 26. automatic railway gate control using 8051 microcontroller code, 27. automatic railway gate control using 8051 microcontroller report, 28. automatic railway gate control using Arduino, 29. automatic railway gate control using arduino and ultrasonic sensor, 30. automatic railway gate control using arduino ppt, 31. automatic railway gate control using arduino ppt download, 32. automatic railway gate control using arduino project report pdf, 33. automatic railway gate control using iot, 34. automatic railway gate control using ir sensor, 35. automatic railway gate control using microcontroller, 36. Automatic railway gate control., 37. automatic railway gate controller using 8051, 38. automatic railway gate controller with high speed alerting system pdf, 39. Automatic railway gate crossing | KIET GHAZIABAD, 40. block diagram of automatic railway gate control system, 41. conclusion of automatic railway gate control system, 42. Controlling of Railway Level Crossing Gate through GSM Using Programmable Number Features, 43. disadvantages of automatic railway gate control system, 44. future scope of automatic railway gate control system, 45. GSM automatic railway gate, 46. gsm based railway gate control and track switching, 47. how railway gate works, 48. intelligent railway station monitoring and alert system, 49. introduction of automatic railway gate control system, 50. motivation for automatic railway gate control system, 51. objective of automatic railway gate control, 52. PLC based automatic railway gate control system, 53. Railway Level Crossing Gate Control Through GSM by SMS, 54. Railway Level Crossing Gate Control through GSM by SMS with User Programmable Number Features by the Station Master or the Driver, 55. RAILWAY LEVEL GATE CROSSING CONTROLLER USING ANDROID & GSM, 56. Railway Management System using IR sensors and Internet of Things Technology, 57. SMS Controlled Railway Level Gate Control With Programmable Numbers, 58. source code for automatic railway gate control,

Monday 13 September 2021

Smart Home Automation - GSM Based Home Automation System using Raspberry...

Smart Home Automation - GSM Based Home Automation System using RaspberryPi Pico | turn on/off leds using arduino and gsm module | sms based home automation system using arduino atmega328 with gsm | sms based home automation system using arduino | how to send message from gsm module using arduino | home automation using gsm project report pdf | home automation using arduino ppt. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Smart Home Automation - Security System Using Arduino, PIR Sensor and Camera with SMS Alert, 2. Arduino SIM900A GSM Home Automation, 3. GSM Based Home Automation System using Arduino, 4. IOT Based Home Automation, 5. HOME AUTOMATION USING SMS complete demo by MIRZA SULMAN BAIG, 6. IOT PROJECTS: Arduino Home Security System, 7. Sending Text Message(SMS) using ESP8266-01 | DHT11 | IFTTT, 8. GSM Based Home Automation System Using App-Inventor for Android Mobile Phone, 9. How to make GSM based home security using arduino and pir sim800A., 10. SMS Text Home Automation System, 11. Control Home Appliances Using -GSM module SIM 900A by sending an SMS, 12. GSM Controlled Home Automation with Arduino || SIM800 || simple || easy || vishal soni, 13. 8 Channel Home Automation using GSM Module SIM 900A || JLCPCB, 14. Arduino Sim800l Relay Control with SMS | Control Home Appliances with Arduino and Sim800l, 15. GSM Sim800l Based Home Security System Using Arduino and Pir Sensor, 16. Smart Surveillance System Using PIR Sensor Camera and GSM ( SMS Alert ), 17. IOT Project : Smart Home Automation Using GPRS, EMAIL - SMS ALERT, 18. GSM BASED RELAY CONTROL NEW VERSION WITH DTMF, 19. Arduino Based Door Open Close System Using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM-SMS, Android App, 20. SMS - Call based Home Automation project with Realtime Feedback using TTGO TCall module, 21. Using Arduino with GSM SIM900A for Receiving SMS and ON/OFF lights, 22. Raspberry Pi Based Wireless Home Appliances Monitoring and Control System Using GSM – SMS, 23. GSM Based Home Automation, 24. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E - MAIL ], 25. GPS-GSM BASED REAL TIME WOMEN TRACKING SYSTEM AND WOMEN SAFETY DEVICE CALL / SMS ALERT USING ARM7, 26. Home Automation - Industrial Parameters Monitoring Using WiFi | Android - Arduino Mega 2560, 27. Internet Controlled "Local Area Home Automation" | ESP32 Projects | IoT Projects, 28. Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation - Sensors Monitoring System Based On Bluetooth, 29. Check Status of Your Home Appliances Just sending an SMS. (GSM SIM900A+ARDUINO), 30. GSM based home automation, 31. How to make GSM based Home Appliance Control using Arduino and GSM | GSM based Home Automation, 32. GPS based Automated Public Transport Fare Collection System Based on Distance Traveled by Passenger, 33. IOT Based Home Automation Using GPRS, 34. SMS / GSM BASED APPLIANCE CONTROLLER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION project by, 35. GSM based home automation system using Arduino, 36. IOT based industrial automation using AT89S52, 37. GSM Based Industrial Devices Controlling Using Arduino Android SMS App, 38. Arduino-based Home Security System (with TC35 GSM Module), 39. SMS operated Relay- GSM sim900 A Home Automation by Manmohan Pal, 40. IOT THEFT DETECTION DEVICE WITH SMS FEATURE (Pi Home Security) -LOW_COST, 41. GSM SMS Home Automation using Sim900A Module By Manmohan Pal, 42. home automation system using microcontroller, 43. IVRS Based Home Automation with Immediate Voice - SMS Feedback Using Arduino TTS - GSM SIM800L DTMF, 44. How to make DTMF Phone Call Control Home Appliance Using Arduino and GSM Module | GSM DTMF Project, 45. GSM (SMS) based DC Motor Speed and Direction Monitoring and Control System, 46. NodeMCU Sim800L Relay Control with SMS | Esp8266 GSM Based Home Automation System, 47. How to make Android Control Home Automation in Proteus8 Software - -Easytronic Tutorial, 48. Design and Implementation of Security Systems for Smart Home based on Raspberry Pi – GSM, 49. voice based home automation using Internet of Things ( IoT ) - IOT Based Projects, 50. GSM based Home Automation using Arduino, 51. Golden Security 2016 Newest 3G/GSM +WIFI+GPRS+SMS smart home automation alarm system GS-S1, 52. SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System, 53. SMS Based LED Scrolling Message Display using Arduino and SIM800L, 54. GSM Based Home Automation | Sim800L MIT App Inventor Relay Control, 55. Home Automation via SMS messages, 56. Device control using sms, 57. IOT Based Home Automation,Data Acquisition system Using GPRS, SMS - E-Mail Alert,

Saturday 11 September 2021

RaspberryPi Pico Based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring On Bluetooth App

RaspberryPi Pico Based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring On Bluetooth App | Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System using Arduino, dht11 and hc-05 bluetooth module. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. How to Build a Raspberry Pi Pico Weather Station | Tom's Hardware, 2. Interfacing DHT11 Sensor with Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython, 3. Weather Station Using DHT11 and Raspberry Pi Pico, 4. How to build a weather station using Raspberry Pi Pico, 5. How to Build a Raspberry Pi Pico Weather Station, 6. Weather Station with BMP280 Sensor and Raspberry Pi Pico, 7. DHT11 HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE SENSOR WITH RASPBERRY PI PICO AND MICROPYTHON, 8. USE RASPBERRY PI WITH DHT11 TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY SENSOR, 9. DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor and the Raspberry Pi, 10. Measure Humidity and Temperature with DHT11/DHT22, 11. Barometric Pressure And Temperature Sensor And Oled, 12. Raspberry Pi: Top projects to try yourself | IT PRO, 13. Build your own long-range weather station with Lora GPS, 14. raspberry pi pico weather station, 15. dht11 raspberry pi, 16. raspberry pi pico temperature sensor, 17. dht11 sensor interfacing with raspberry pi, 18. raspberry pi weather station, 19. raspberry pi weather station 2021, 20. raspberry pi pico lcd display, 21. raspberry pi pico dht22,

Thursday 9 September 2021

Bluetooth 4-Channel Relay Control ( Light ) board (with Android App) | R...

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Home Automation Using Bluetooth Android Smartphone | Home Automation System Based On Raspberry Pi Pico | Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi Pico | Home Automation using Arduino, Relay, Bluetooth | Android App-Based Home Automation System Using IOT. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Control Your Room Lights With Your Mobile | Make Your Home "Smart" | Arduino Uno FULL Setup, 2. Bluetooth 8-Channel relay control ( Fan and Light ) board (with Android App), 3. How to do Simple Home Automation with Amazon Alexa || ESP8266, 4. My biggest Home Automation project using ESP32 | IoT Projects | ESP32 Projects | Ubidots | LCSC, 5. Arduino Based Home Automation Using Bluetooth Android Smartphone, 6. New Bluetooth Philips Hue Lights - Setup and Demo, 7. How to make voice control home automation system using Arduino, 8. Smart Home with Google Assistant - Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 (Manual + Voice) | IoT Projects 2021, 9. how to make voice control home automation system, 10. What is HomeKit- | The Basics of Building a Smart Home With Apple's HomeKit in 2021, 11. Control a Light Bulb using Android and Arduino | Home Automation, 12. DIY Home Automation using Arduino, 13. Control of Lights + Fan using Wi-fi and Bluetooth, 14. How to make Home Automation System Using Arduino- Code + Connection, 15. How to make android home automation using Arduino, 16. Alexa Home Automation project with Manual Switches using NodeMCU - ESP8266 | IoT Projects, 17. How to Make Google Assistant at home | NodeMCU, 18. Make Smart Home Automation in -999- || Alexa Home Automation || WIFI Switches for HOME, 19. Bluetooth Control FAN Speed And Light From Smartphone, 20. Home automation using arduino || android home automation, 21. Wifi Projects :Android Arduino Home Appliances Control using WiFi Module - ESP8266, 22. Arduino Control with Google Voice (using Bluetooth Module), 23. How to make Bluetooth Based Home Automation Using Arduino in Detailed, 24. Top 10 IoT Projects for Beginners | DIY IoT Projects 2021, 25. Home Automation using BLE Beacons and Happy Bubbles, 26. HomeAutomation App Making, 27. Home Automation using Google Assistant, Blynk, IFTTT, NodeMCU ESP8266 | IoT based projects, 28. Wifi Smart Home Automation system with Manual Switches using NodeMCU ESP8266 - Blynk | IoT Projects, 29. Home automation using NodeMCU and Blynk App - IOT based Project, 30. Control Home Appliances Using Mobile - ARDUINO PROJECTS, 31. Open a Lock using Arduino and Android | Science Project for Home Automation, 32. Remotely Switch ON/OFF LIGHTS with your Phone - Home Automation-, 33. GSM Based Home Automation System using Arduino, 34. Arduino esp8266 wifi Tutorial: esp8266 Projects:Home/Office Automation using Android cell phone app, 35. IOT Home Automation using Arduino, 36. Voice controlled home automation project, 37. DIY Android Bluetooth Home Automation Using Arduino | Control UpTo 8 Devices Using Your SmartPhone, 38. Proteus Simulation of Bluetooth Module and Arduino | App Development on MIT App Inventor, 39. Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation Using Bluetooth Android Smart Phone, 40. Bluetooth Controlled Electronic Home Automation System using Android, 41. Tutorial - Arduino UNO Smart Home Lighting Simulation w/LEDs, HC-05 Bluetooth Module + mBlock, 42. HomeAutomation Using Arduino And Bluetooth Module | with complete project report, 43. Alexa Smart Home Automation system using NodeMCU ESP8266 - Relay Module | IoT Projects, 44. Jarvis Artificial Intelligence, Home Automation using Arduino voice controlled lights using Arduino, 45. WiFi Door Lock using ESP32 CAM - Blynk - IoT Projects for Smart House, 46. Home Automation with WiFi - Bluetooth together, 47. Arduino Home Automation | Bluetooth Application Controlled, 48. Bluetooth Presence Detection And You-, 49. Smart Home Automation using Blynk - ESP32 IoT projects | WiFi - Manual control 8 Relays, 50. Voice Activated Home Automation Using Arduino (Bluetooth + Android), 51. bluetooth based home automation ppt, 52. bluetooth based home automation system, 53. bluetooth based home automation system ppt, 54. bluetooth based home automation system using cell, 55. bluetooth based home automation system using cell phone pdf, 56. bluetooth based home automation using arduino, 57. bluetooth based home automation using arduino project report, 58. bluetooth based smart automation system using android, 59. bluetooth controlled home appliances ppt, 60. bluetooth interfacing with lpc2148,

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Real Time Efficient Street Light Controlling System

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Monday 6 September 2021

Raspberry Pi Pico Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor

Raspberry Pi Pico Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor | How to make Arduino based Alcohol Detector | IoT Based Alcohol Detector Using Arduino with Blynk App | Arduino Alcohol Detector Circuit Board. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 2. Micro controller based automatic engine locking system for drunken driver, 3. Alcohol Detection Alert with Automatic Engine Locking Project, 4. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNK AND DRIVER, 5. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Controlling, 6. automatic drunken drive prevention system - GIAP Journals, 7. Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Controlling - IJETA, 8. Road Accident Avoiding System using Drunken Sensing Technique, 9. automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers pdf, 10. alcohol sensing and engine locking system ppt, 11. ppt on automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers, 12. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project pdf, 13. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project circuit diagram, 14. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking ppt, 15. automatic engine locking system for drunk and driver using raspberry pi, 16. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using arduino, 17. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 18. Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking, 19. Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken, 20. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project, 21. Alcohol sensing alert with engine locking, 22. VEHICLE LOCK SECURITY AND ALCOHOL DETECTOR SYSTEM, 23. Alcohol detector project, 24. vehicle accident and Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking system, 25. Drunk Driving Detection And Control, 26. High sensitive Alcohol sensor with auto car ignition disable function, 27. Liquor Detection through Automatic Motor Locking System Using, 28. Breathalyser circuit featuring the MQ3 alcohol sensor, 29. Alcohol Detector System, 30. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with, 31. Factory Worker Alcohol Detector with Automatic Machine Shutdown, 32. Arduino Alcohol Detector for Cars, 33. SMART VEHICLE WITH ALCOHOL DETECTION AND AUTOMATIC, 34. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling, 35. How to make a Alcohol Detection System, 36. Alcohol Detection and Accident Avoidance Using Locking With Tracking, 37. smart drunken driver detection and speed monitoring system, 38. Alcohol Detection and Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System, 39. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 40. Drunken Driving Protection System, 41. Mcep Based Intelligent Vehicle With Multitask Management, 42. Alcohol Detection and Motor Locking System, 43. Driver Safety Awareness and Assistance System for, 44. Automatic alcohol detection circuit breaker deployed in the, 45. Helmet Based Vehicle's Auto Ignition with Alcohol Detection, 46. Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM, 47. Automatic locked control system of vehicle drunken driving based on, 48. ARM Based Drunk Driver Identification with Tracking System, 49. Automated Control System for Alcohol and Pollution Detection, 50. Intelligent Vehicle Control Using Wireless Embedded System in, 51. Alcohol Detection System in Vehicle Using Arduino, 52. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling, 53. Intelligent Car System for Accident Prevention Using ARM7, 54. International Journal of Engineering Research-Online A Peer, 55. Embedded system based automobile accident prevention, 56. Driver Authentication and Accident Avoidance System for Vehicles, 57. Implementation of Advance Automobile System for, 58. Design and Implementation of Weal Vehicle System, 59. Drunk Driving Detection Vehicle Controller, 60. Fuzzy Based Model for Accident Prevent System, 61. Patent US8201437 - Alcohol detection system and method for vehicle, 62. Study on the prevention of drink-driving by the use of alcohol interlock, 63. Vehicle Ignition over Ride System Using Breath Analyzers for, 64. VEHICLES ACCIDENT PREVENTION SYSTEM BIN, 65. Blood alcohol sensors could make cars shut down if over legal limit, 66. An Intelligent Vehicle Control and Monitoring Using Arm - International, 67. Unobtrusive Breath Alcohol Sensing System, 68. GPS and GSM/GPRS Based Futuristic Automobile Live, 69. Ignition Interlock Devices to Prohibit Operation of Motor Vehicles By,

Sunday 5 September 2021

Real Time Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking Using GSM, GPS & Raspb...

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Design & Implementation of an Automated Medicine Reminder for Old People...

Design & Implementation of an Automated Reminder Medicine for Old People in Hospitals Using Arduino | Design and implementation of Autom...