Friday, 26 August 2022

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Real-Time Patient Health Monitoring & Alarming U...

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Wireless ECG, Heartbeat and Body Temperature Monitoring System Using ZigBee & LabVIEW | Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless Sensor Network | Wireless ECG, Heartbeat and Body temperature Monitoring System Using ZigBee & LabVIEW | Raspberry Pi Pico Based Multi-sensor Data Acquisition System with Labview and ZigBee | Wireless Health Monitoring System Using ZigBee | Zigbee and GSM based patient health monitoring system Dedicated real-time monitoring system for health care using ZigBee. ********************************************************* If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects 
151 Projects 
103 Projects 
61 Projects 
171 Projects 
170 Projects 
67 Projects 
55 Projects 
43 Projects 
900+ Projects
********************************************************* 1. real-time monitoring system for health care using ZigBee, 2. A Zigbee Based Patient Health Monitoring System, 3. ACASESTUDYONZIGBEEBASED PATIENT MONITORINGSYSTEM, 4. Real-Time Health Monitoring System on Wireless Sensor Network, 5. Review of Health Monitoring System Using Zigbee Based Variable Devices, 6. Zigbee Based Patient Monitoring System labview, 7. Wireless Health Monitoring System using Labview, 8. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project, 9. GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring Project, 10. Wireless ECG, Heartbeat and Body temperature Monitoring System Using ZigBee & LabVIEW, 11. IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi, 12. IOT Based Temp, HeartBeat Monitoring System Using RaspberryPi Pico, 13. Real Time Patient Health Monitoring System Through IOT Using Sensors, Android App, 14. Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 15. Industrial Monitoring System using LabVIEW and GSM, 16. PORTABLE ECG, HEARTBEAT, HEALTH CARE MONITORING SYSTEM USING LABVIEW, 17. IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System, 18. Air Pollution Monitoring System using LabVIEW, 19. Arduino And GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System, 20. Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless Sensor Network, 21. Vehicle Speed Limit Controller | ARDUINO Based Automatic Speed Control System in Speed Limited Areas, 22. Home Automation - Industrial Parameters Monitoring Using WiFi | Android - Arduino Mega 2560, 23. IoT Based Integrated Smart Health Care Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi 3, 24. IRRIGATION FOR AGRICULTURAL MONITORING SYSTEM USING ZIGBEE, GSM AND LABVIEW, 25. Android based Patient health monitoring system, 26. Water Boiler Temperature Monitor and Control using LABView, 27. Health Monitoring System using Arduino UNO R3, 28. IOT Based INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DISPLAY ON WEBPAGE USING ETHERNET AND LAB VIEW, 29. NIYANTRA 2012 - WIRELESS HEALTH MONITORING USING LABVIEW, 30. SOLDIER TRACKING AND HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEMS, 31. Child Saver Machine & Wireless Monitoring Of Child in Borehole Rescue Operation System, 32. An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi, 33. PATIENT HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM, 34. voice based home automation using Internet of Things ( IoT ) - IOT Based Projects, 35. IOT Based DRUNKEN DRIVER DETECTION SYSTEM using LabVIEW, 36. IOT Based Saline Bottle Level Monitoring System | Live Tracking of Smart Saline Monitoring using IOT, 37. Monitoring of Physiological Parameters Of Patients Using LABVIEW, 38. IOT Based Real Time THMS (Transformer Health Monitoring System), 39. Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi and LABVIEW, 40. IOT Based Home Automation,Data Acquisition system Using GPRS, SMS & E-Mail Alert,

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Zigbee Based Wireless Remote Weather Station Monitoring System Using 8051

Zigbee Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity) System Using 8051 | Zigbee Based Wireless Remote Weather Station Monitoring System Using 8051 | Zigbee based weather monitoring system | Raspberry Pi based Weather Monitoring using IOT | Remote Monitoring System with Labview and XBee. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects 
151 Projects 
103 Projects 
61 Projects 
171 Projects 
170 Projects 
67 Projects 
55 Projects 
43 Projects 
900+ Projects
*********************************************************** 1. Zigbee based weather monitoring system, 2. a low cost zigbee based automatic wireless weather station, 3. Design of Weather Monitoring System Using Zigbee and LabVIEW, 4. Remote Weather Station Design Using Zig-Bee, 5. zigbee based wireless weather station monitoring system, 6. Zigbee based wireless system for remote supervision and control of a substation, 7. Zigbee Based Wireless Remote Weather Station Monitoring System, 8. ZigBee Based Real Time Weather Monitoring System Using Matlab GUI, 9. Zigbee Based Projects for Final Year Engineering Students, 10. Low cost smart weather station using Arduino and ZigBee, 11. Secured ZigBee Based Weather Monitoring for Agriculture, 12. Zigbee based weather monitoring system, 13. THE ROLE OF ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY IN WEATHER MONITORING SYSTEM, 14. A Survey on Weather Monitoring System in Agriculture Zone using Zigbee, 15. Zigbee technology based wind solar complementary street lamp monitoring system, 16. A ZigBee Based Smart Wireless Sensor Network For Monitoring an Agricultural Environment, 17. ZIGBEE BASED TEMPERATURE SENSOR, SMOKE & GAS SENSOR ALERT USING ATMEGA328 | (LM35 + MQ2 + MQ6 +XBEE), 18. Design and Development of Portable Automatic Weather System, 19. CONSTRUCTION OF WIRELESS WEATHER MONITORING SYSTEM USING GSM MODULE, 20. A Zigbee Based Smart Sensing Platform for Environmental Monitoring, 21. DESIGN OF ZIGBEE BASED WIRELESS ONLINE MONITORING SYSTEM FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS, 22. Wireless Sensor Based Remote Controlled Agriculture Monitoring System using ZigBee , 23. Remote monitoring of Greenhouse Parameters using Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network, 24. Design of Wireless Weather Parameters Monitoring System, 25. Wireless Weather Monitor Using Internet of Things – imanager, 26. Real Time Weather Monitoring System Using Iot, 27. Design of Wireless Weather Parameters Monitoring System,

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

QR-CODE and IoT Based Electronic Passport Verification System Using Rasp...

QR-CODE and IoT Based Electronic Passport Verification System Using Raspberry Pi Pico | Display QR code on OLED using Arduino or ESP8266 - IoT | RFID based Passport Verification through IOT ESP8266 | RFID and IoT Based Electronic Passport Verification System | oT Based RFID Attendance System Using ESP8266 & Arduino | QR-CODE Based Electronic Passport Verification Through IOT ESP8266. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects 
151 Projects 
103 Projects 
61 Projects 
171 Projects 
170 Projects 
67 Projects 
55 Projects 
43 Projects 
900+ Projects
*********************************************************** 1. RFID Based Passport Project, 2. RFID based Electronic Passport System for Easy Governance using Arduino., 3. Passport Verification System Using RFID and Zigbee Technology, 4. RFID Based Passport Verification, 5. Passport Identification | RFID Based Identification using Arduino (latest Project 2023), 6. RFID Based Passport Details Verification System, 7. RFID et ZigBee - Electronic passport uisng RFID, 8. Passport authentication system using RFID, 9. rfid based passport verification, 10. RFID Based Passport Details Identification System., 11. RFID based Passport Verification through IOT ESP8266, 12. RFID and Zigbee Based Electronic Passport Verification System, 13. IoT NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES: Wi-Fi | LoRa | sigfox | ZigBee | Bluetooth | RFID | NFC, 14. PASSPORT VERIFICATION SYSTEM USING RFID, 15. RFID Based Passport Project – svsprojects, 16. RFID based Passport Details identification system, 17. ELECTRONIC PASSPORT USING RFID TECHNOLOGY, 18. ELECTRONIC PASSPORT USING RFID – IJEAST, 19. RFID and IoT Based Electronic Passport Verification System, 20. Pin on Passport Verification System Using RFID and Zigbee, 21. Smart card based electronic passport system – SlideShare, 22. RFID based Projects Ideas for Final Year Engineering Students, 23. Studyof RFID application with Zigbee Network in Supply, 24. Advanced FootStep Power Generation System Using RFID for Mobile Charging, 25. Arduino UNO RFID based Shopping Trolley with Auto-Billing, 26. Automated car report - GAS , ALCOHOL, SOS GSM GPS RFID details, 27. Automated Petrol pump using prepaid RFID Petro Card with SMS alerts, 28. Automatic plant irrigation system using RFID and Robot, 29. Automatic sky car parking system using RFID and PIC micro controller, 30. Bus Identification System for blind with voice based on RFID, 31. DS1307 RTC module , RFID reader and LCD interfacing with PIC16F877A, 32. Fingerprint based car ignition Controlling system using PIC Microcontroller and RFID, 33. Prepaid card for petrol station using RFID keypad LCD, 34. Raspberry pi and RFID based IoT Smart car parking system with web application, 35. Raspberry pi and RFID based system for school children transportation safety, 36. Raspberry Pi based ration distribution system using RFID and 4x4 keypad, 37. RFID and Arduino based shopping Trolley/Cart using Zigbee, 38. RFID based Mobile Charging with piezoelectric plates and Automation using LM35 , LDR using Arduino, 39. RFID based Mobile phone charging system, 40. RFID based Passport Verification through IOT ESP8266, 41. RFID BASED SHOPPING TROLLEY, 42. RFID based Smart Shopping trolley for shopping malls, 43. RFID BUS ticketing system using PIC MICROCONTROLLER,

Friday, 5 August 2022

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Vehicle Tracking and Intelligent Car Anti-Theft ...

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Vehicle Tracking and Intelligent Car Anti-Theft Detection System Through GSM and GPS | Raspberry Pi Based Intelligent Car Anti-Theft System Through GSM and GPS | Vehicle Engine Lock System for Theft and Alcohol Detection | High-tech car theft: Photo Captures Driver Caught In Stolen Vehicle Using ESP32CAM and Arduino, GSM | Theft Detection and Controlling System of a Vehicle Using GSM, GPS | GPS Tracking + GSM Based Vehicle Theft Alert & Engine Lock System Using Arduino | Vehicle Theft Location Intimation by GPS/GSM to the Owner. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. Antitheft Protection of Vehicle by Using Raspberry PI & GPS with Fingerprint Verification, 2. Anti-Theft Detection System For Automobiles – IJIET, 3. Real Time Application of Vehicle Anti Theft Detection and Protection with Shock Using Facial Recognition and IoT Notification, 4. RASPBERRY PI BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND SECURITY SYSTEM FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS, 5. RASPBERRY PI VEHICLE ANTI-THEFT FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM, 6. RASPBERRY PI BASED SMART CAR SECURITY FOR THEFT CONTROL AND ACCIDENT NOTIICATION, 7. LTE BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND ANTI-THEFT SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI MICROCONTROLLER, 8. ANTITHEFT VEHICLE TRACKING AND CONTROL SYSTEM BASED IOT, 9. Design and Implementation of Vehicle Navigation System in Urban Environments using Internet of Things (Iot), 10. Advanced Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System based on Raspberry Pi, 11. A Comprehensive Study on IoT Based Accident Detection Systems for Smart Vehicles, 12. RASPBERRY PI BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND SECURITY SYSTEM FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS, 13. Intelligent Car Anti-Theft System Through Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi and Global Positioning System, 14. Novel Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Controlling and Tracking System, 15. Vehicle Security System using Raspberry Pi, 16. raspberry pi vehicle anti-theft face recognition system ppt, 17. anti theft vehicle system using face recognition in iot, 18. car security system using raspberry pi, 19. iot based vehicle theft detection ppt, 20. raspberry pi car alarm, 21. face recognition based car ignition and security system, 22. raspberry pi innovation, 23. raspberry pi mechatronics projects, 24. Car Identification and Theft Control Using Raspberry-Pi and IoT, 25. Raspberry Pi-2 Based Anti-Theft System for Car Logo, 26. Development of Smart Vehicle Security and Entertainment System (SSES) using Raspberry Pi, 27. ADVANCED VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI, 28. Novel Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Controlling and Tracking System, 29. IoT-Based Smart Alert System for Drowsy Driver Detection, 30. Smart Traffic Accident Monitoring System, 31. Design and Development of Vehicular Monitoring, Tracking and Accident Identification System using Raspberry Pi, 32. Design of a Smart Safety Device for Women using IoT, 33. Innovative Real-TimeVehicle Monitoring and Tracking System based on Raspberry pi, 34. Real Time Anti-Theft Vehicular Surveillance System Using Raspberry Pi, 35. Design of Smart Vehicle to Detect Unauthorized Access and Theft Detection, 36. Raspberry Pi based Embedded System for Vehicle Automation over Internet, 37. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System Using GPS Modem,

AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS🛰️, Eye...

AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS, Eye blink, Alcohol, MEMS & SMS📱Alert📍| Eye Blink + Alcohol + M...