Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Railways Track Crack Detection System Using Raspberry Pi Pico

SIM868 GSM/GPRS/GNSS Module For Raspberry Pi Pico | Raspberry Pi Pico Sim868 Gprs/gsm/gnss Module | railway track crack detection system using ultrasonic sensor | railway track crack detection using image processing | railway track fault detection project using matlab | automatic railway track crack detection system using gsm & gps | evolution of railway track crack detection system. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 6. IR Sensor Based Crack Detection of Railway Track Using GSM & GPS, 7. An Enhanced Crack Detection and Alerting System for Railway Tracks, 8. Automatic Railway Track Crack Detection using GSM & GPS, 9. Automatic detection of squats in railway track, 10. review on railway track crack detection using ir transmitter, 11. An Arduino based Method for Detecting Cracks and Obstacles in, 12. Advanced security system for railway tracks, 13. Automatic Broken Track Detection Using IR Transmitter, 14. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological, 15. Automated Railway Track Fault Detection System Using Robot, 16. Railway Track Crack Detection Using LED-LDR Assembly, 17. crack detection system for railway track by using ultrasonic and, - ijaict, 18. Design and Fabrication of Automatic Railway Track Crack Detection, 19. A Modern Method for Detecting Cracks In Railway Tracks, 20. An Enhanced Crack Detection System for Railway Track, 21. IOT: Railway track crack detection robot USING GSM-GPS | svskits, 22. railway track security system report | Rectifier | Power Supply, 23. Railway Track Crack Detection Vehicle, 24. Railway Track Crack Detection, 25. IOT: Railway Track crack detection Robot using GPRS-GPS , 26. railway track crack detecting system, 27. Early Detection of Obstacles in the Railway Track and Crack, 28. railway track crack detection autonomous vehicle - Global Journal of, 29. Share Get App railway track crack detection system Download Here, 30. a microcontroller based stout robot with automatic crack detection in, 31. Railway Track Fault Detection Project | NevonProjects, 32. Crack Detection System for Railway Track by using, 33. An Inspection System for Detection of Cracks on the Railway Track, 34. Automatic Crack Detection System in Railway Tracks, 35. crack detection and collision avoidance in railway using arm, 36. an advance robotic system for bridge deck and railway track, 37. Robust Railway Track Crack Detection using MEMS Technology , 38. Crack and Obstacle Surveillance Using Wireless Technology, 39. Railway Track Structural Health Analyzing System, 40. LED-LDR Based Railway Crack Detection Scheme Basic rationale, 41. Crack Detection System for Railway Tracks by Using Acoustic, 42. RAILWAY TRACK CRACK DETECTION AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE, 43. Implementation of Railway Track Crack Detection and Protection, 44. Monitoring in Railway Track Crack and Obstacles Using Smart, 45. Low Cost Rail Crack Inspection System, 46. A New Novel Control Algorithm/Scheme To Detect Cracks/Damages In, 47. Robust Railway Crack Detection Scheme Using, - India Science Tech, 48. Automated Railway Track System by Utilizing GNSS and Hybrid Map, 49. smart railway automation system using iot- a literature survey, 50. Arduino Based Robust Railway Track Deviation and Rail Crack, 51. IIT Madras Folks Build Robot to Detect Cracks in Rail Tracks, Prevent,

Monday, 27 June 2022

Automatic Medicine Reminder System Using Arduino

Automatic Medicine Reminder System Using Arduino | Medicine Reminder and Vending Machine - Arduino Project Hub | automatic medicine reminder using arduino pdf | automatic medicine reminder using arduino ppt | medicine reminder using arduino code | medicine reminder project using microcontroller | medicine reminder project report pdf | automatic medicine reminder using arduino report | medicine reminder system project | medication reminder project report. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can Provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. Smart Medicine Box - (Smart medicine-box for elderly people) - Android Speaker app, 2. Make a Medicine reminder alarm using DS3231 RTC Module and 16*2 LCD with Arduino Uno, 3. Medicine Reminder System Using Arduino, 4. Smart Medicine Reminder Box,e-pill Medication Reminders, 5. MeDuino - Automatic Medicine Reminder. Arduino diy, 6. Medicine Reminder using Arduino by Saddam Khan, 7. Arduino Uno based Medicine reminder project, 8. Automated Pill Dispenser using Arduino, 9. Pill Reminder with Arduino version 1, 10. Automatic Pill Reminder Using Arduino uno - Tuthowto, 11. Automatic patient medicine reminder system || Best project center in Bangalore, 12. IoT Based Smart Medicine Box, 13. Smart Medicine Dispenser, 14. Automatic Medicine Reminder with date using Arduino, 15. Medicine Reminder simulation on proteus, 16. Smart Medicine Pill Reminder IOT Project using Aurdino, 17. Automatic medication dispenser Best Arduino Project, 18. Medicine Reminder Box Using Arduino, 19. Medicine Pill Reminder Project, 20. Smart Medicine Reminder Box with Arduino,Smart Medicine Box,Arduino Project, 21. Medicine vending machine Using Arduino, 22. Medicine reminder/Alarm using Arduino, 23. MedBox: Smart Medication Box with Arduino - self test, 24. Medicine reminder using Arduino, 25. Best Medicine Reminder DIY, 26. Explanation of our Medicine Reminder Project, 27. Smart Medicine Reminder Alarm Using Arduino - (DS3231 RTC) - Android Bluetooth Speaker App, 28. Arduino Tutorial: Photoresistor-based DIY AUTOMATIC PILL DISPENSER & Intro to TinkerCAD 3D Design, 29. Medication Reminder using PIC Microcontroller, 30. Simulation: Photoresistor-based Smart Pill Dispenser,Schematic Diagram, Arduino Code & Simulation, 31. Medicine Reminder Using Home Made Arduino, 32. IOT Based Medicine Reminder System with Email Alert, 33. Medicine Reminder System Using Microcontroller, 34. Learn to build a Smart Medicine Reminder Box, 35. Medicine Reminder System Using Arduino || Embedded Projects, 36. Smart Medicine Reminder System - Final Year Project Ideas, 37. PILL REMINDER USING ARDUINO BOARD, 38. Our first mini project(Vishva- automatic medicine reminder), 39. Arduino Project - 01 - Baymax (Automatic Medicine Delivery System), 40. Automatic Medication Reminder for People to Take Medicines in Time,

Bluetooth 4 Channel Relay App - Arduino Project 4 Channel Relay Board

bluetooth based home automation system using android and arduino | bluetooth 4 channel fan and light control board | bluetooth 8 channel relay control circuit diagram | circuit diagram for home automation using arduino | home automation system using arduino and bluetooth module | arduino bluetooth relay on/off. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can Provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. Control Your Room Lights With Your Mobile | Make Your Home "Smart" | Arduino Uno FULL Setup, 2. Bluetooth 8-Channel relay control ( Fan and Light ) board (with Android App), 3. Raspberry Pi: 4-channel Relay step-by-step with example scripts for home automation, 4. Control of Lights + Fan using Wi-fi and Bluetooth, 5. How to use 2 channel relay to control AC and DC loads in Arduino, 6. Sinhala Arduino Tutorial 10 - Relay | Controll AC 230V current with Bluetooth, 7. Arduino and Android Bluetooth Relay Control (Tutorial), 8. *NEW* Home Automation Using Arduino UNO, HC-05 Bluetooth & Android | Full Tutorial in Hindi 2020, 9. HOW TO INTERFACE 5V 4 CHANNEL RELAY MODULE WITH ARDUINO, 10. Home Automation Menggunakan Nodemcu dan Blynk (Internet of Things) 4 Channel Relay, 11. Remote Control Relay Module 4 Channel 5 volt, 12. 4 Channel Remote Relay 12 volts, 13. Arduino Home Automation | Bluetooth Application Controlled, 14. TOSR08 Smartphone Relay Control -- Via Bluetooth and Wifi By Android and Iphone IOS, 15. The 4-Channel Active Low Relay Module - A Demonstration Video, 16. Android Arduino BT Control RC 16 Relays Control Channel Relay Led Lamp 110V Home Automation, 17. how to make 8 channel relay switch module at home, 18. Home Automation using arduino bluetooth | Smart Home | Manual and smartphone, 19. How to Make Bluetooth Based Home Automation Circuit with 8 Channel Designed Circut Added, 20. ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth Smart Home Automation with Manual Switch & Blynk App | IoT projects 2021, 21. DIY How To Use and connect arduino with 16 Relay Trigger 12V LM2596, 22. The Bluetooth/Android Controlled Relay Board Module, 23. How to make 4 channel 5 volt Relay Module, 24. On Off Remote controller system With 4 channel RF programmable, 25. Rangkaian Relay dan Bluetooth HC 05, 26. Bluetooth 2-Channel relay control ( Fan and Light ) board (with Android App), 27. App Android Arduino Bluetooth RC 4 Channels Relay Led Lamp 110V Home Automation, 28. Home automation system using HC-05 Bluetooth module with Arduino Nano| Arduino project, 29. Bluetooth 4 channel relay control, 30. 4 Channel Smart Wifi Switch, 31. 32 PATTERNS | 8 CHANNEL RELAY MODULE 230V LIGHT CHASER ARDUINO, 32. Smartphone control relay TOSR04 Measure tempreture via wifi and Bluetooth, 33. Home Automation using ESP32 Bluetooth and IR remote control Relay | ESP32 Projects 2021, 34. 12V 4 Channel Multifunction Bluetooth relay Module Remote Switch for Android, 35. NodeMCU 4 Channel Relay Module Design using EasyEDA, 36. Review Remote Control 4 Channel input 220V, 37. 12V Bluetooth Relay to control AC or DC load using mobile Phone, 38. Android App for eletechsup BT22A16 16 Channel Bluetooth Relay, 39. Home Automation using Arduino Bluetooth IR Remote control relay with EEPROM | Arduino Projects 2022,

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Robot using Arduino

Obstacle Avoidance Bot Using IR Sensors - Arduino Project Hub | Obstacle Avoider Robot Using Arduino and IR Sensor | Obstacle Avoider Robot Using Arduino Uno and IR Proximity | Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Robot using IR Sensors | Obstacle-avoiding robot with IR and PIR motion sensors | Obstacle Avoidance Robot Using Arduino. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. We can Provide Bulk Projects with Affordable Prices. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. How To Make A DIY Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Car At Home, 2. Top 10 Arduino-Sensors with Projects for Beginners, 3. How To Make Arduino Human Following Robot, 4. Arduino: How To Build An Obstacle Avoiding Robot, 5. How To Make DIY Arduino Voice Controlled Car At Home, 6. How To Make Obstacle Avoiding Car At Home, 7. How To Make A DIY Arduino Line Follower Car At Home, 8. How To Make an EASY Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Car Robot | DIY, 9. Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot, 10. Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car 4WD, 11. How to make Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car, 12. Infra Red Obstacle Detector, 13. Line Follower Robot using Arduino UNO, IR sensor and L298 motor driver, 14. How to Make Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot with L298N H-Bridge Motor Driver, 15. Arduino Robot Project: A DIY obstacle avoiding robot using an SG90 servo, 16. Homemade LIDAR sensor with Arduino & Processing, 17. How To Make A DIY Obstacle Avoidance Line Follower Robot At Home, 18. Arduino Obstacle Avoidance + Voice Control Robot, 19. Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot (using L293D Motor Driver IC), 20. How to Make Arduino Line Following / Follower Robot Car, 21. IR Sensor with Arduino tutorial | Beginners guide, 22. Infrared Obstacle Avoidance module for Arduino with code, 23. How to Make Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot Best for Science Project, 24. How To Make an EASY Arduino Obstacle avoiding Robot with L298N H-Bridge Motor Driver, 25. How to Make a Line Follower Robot using Arduino | IR Sensor | Easy to Make Line Follower Robot, 26. How To Make Line Follower Robot Using PID Controller | Maze Solver Robot Using Arduino At Home, 27. How to make an obstacle avoiding robot using arduino in Sinhala, 28. How to make a LINE FOLLOWING WITH OBSTACLE AVOIDING ROBOT/ ARDUINO LINE FOLLOWING ROBOT/ smart robot, 29. How to use IR sensor with arduino, 30. Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car Using An Arduino, 31. Line Follower Robot using Arduino,

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

1000+ Embedded Systems Projects for Engineering Students

Embedded System Projects for Engineering Students | 8051, PIC Microcontroller for ECE, EIE & EEE Engineering Students | Embedded Projects - Electrical Engineering & Electronics | Embedded Electronics News, Articles, Tutorials & Projects | ECE-embedded Projects for Electronics Engineering Students | Best embedded systems projects for engineering students | ECE Projects|IEEE Embedded | List of 2023 Mini Projects for ECE | Embedded Systems.



[MAJOR PROJECTS 2021-2022]

NODE MCU / ESP32 CAM/Arduino / CortexM3 / RI PICO

Raspberry Pi/8051/AVR/PIC /ARM7/MSP430 Based Projects


1.      IOT Based Gas Detection Using Arduino & NodeMCU Blynk Push Notification | GSM Module with Call & SMS

2.      Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with Call Alert / SMS Notification

3.      IoT Based School Bus Monitoring System + GSM + GPS + RFID + Telegram: ESP32-CAM Photo & SMS Alert

4.      QR-Code Based Examination Room Guidance System with Voice Announcement Using Raspberry Pi Pico

5.      Raspberry Pi Pico Real Time GSM/GPS Based Tracking System

6.      Password Based Home Automation System Using 8051 and Keypad

7.      Bluetooth Weighing Scale with Multiple Load Cell & HX711 Module using Raspberry Pi Pico and HC05

8.      Fire Alarm System using Arduino | Arduino with Fire Sensor, LED, Motor, Relay and Buzzer

9.      Android Bluetooth Wireless LCD Scrolling Display with Raspberry Pi Pico

10.  Development of IoT Based Remote Monitoring System for Air Pollution & Water Quality Using Arduino

11.  Voice Enabled Home Automation Using Bluetooth with Raspberry Pi Pico

12.  IoT Traffic Light Control System with Blynk App and Raspberry Pi Pico

13.  Intelligent Smart Zone Based Vehicle Speed Control System Using Arduino and RF Transmitter/Receiver

14.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Smart Shopping Trolley with Automatic Billing System Through RFID and ZIGBEE

15.  Automatic Street Light On/Off Control System with Vehicle Movement

16.  Automotive Collision Avoidance System Using Ultrasonic | Eye Blink | Alcohol Sensor

17.  Arduino based Remote Ambulance Tracking System using GPS and GSM

18.  8051 Based Weather Station Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity) System with Data Storage (EEPROM)

19.  PARK-A-LOT : Automatic Gate Control System with QR Code Based On Vehicle License Plate Recognition

20.  MQ-3 Alcohol Detector with Automatic Vehicle Ignition Control and Alerting Through Buzzer, LCD

21.  Driver Drowsiness Detection using Python | Obstacle Detection using Ultrasonic Sensor | Voice Alerts

22.  HEART RATE | ECG | HUMIDITY | Temperature Monitoring on ESP8266 IOT Using Arduino & ThingSpeak | SMS

23.  Arduino & GSM Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring & Controlling through SMS

24.  Automatic Railway Gate Control Using Raspberry Pi Pico & IR Sensor

25.  Raspberry Pi Pico + Fingerprint + GSM + GPS + ESP32-CAM + Women Telegram Photo With Call & SMS Alert

26.  Eye Blink + Alcohol + MEMS + Obstacle Sensor's + Raspberry Pi Pico + GSM + GPS + Google Map Location

27.  IoT based Solar Power Monitoring System using NodeMCU (ESP8266) and ThingSpeak

28.  Zigbee Based Wireless Fingerprint Electronic Voting Machine Using Raspberry Pi Pico

29.  Identification and Monitoring of Fishing Boats Tracking System Using QR Code Technologies | ESP32CAM

30.  IoT Based Automated Paralysis Patient Healthcare System using Arduino and GSM

31.  IOT Based Fault Detection of Underground Cables through Raspberry Pi Pico

32.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Multi-sensor Data Acquisition System with Lab view and Zigbee

33.  IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Raspberry Pi Pico

34.  IR Wireless Underwater Communication System Using Raspberry Pi Pico

35.  GPS+GSM Based Fire Alarm System using Raspberry Pi Pico With Call and SMS Alert

36.  Solar Power Voltage & Current Monitoring System Using Arduino & LCD

37.  Smart home & smart building Energy efficiency and robustness for ARM7 | GSM

38.  Car Driving System to Assist the Physically Challenged Persons

39.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Vehicle Accident Detection With MEMS, Alcohol Sensors, GSM & GPS

40.  OTP Based Locker Security System | Raspberry Pi Pico | Fingerprint | GSM | Telegram: ESP32-CAM Photo

41.  Accelerometer Based Gesture Controlled Robot using Raspberry Pi Pico

42.  Fingerprint & GSM Based Bank Locker System with OTP Accessing Using Raspberry Pi Pico

43.  Raspberry Pi Pico + ESP32 Cam Send Image to Telegram + GPS + GSM Calls & SMS Alert

44.  Bluetooth Based E-Menu Ordering System Using Arduino 2.4'' TFT LCD Touch Screen

45.  Arduino QR Code Door Lock System with LCD Display

46.  IoT Based Heart Rate(BPM) & Spo2 Monitor System Using MAX30100 | LM35 | HUMIDITY and NodeMCU ESP8266

47.  Smart Fire Detection Using OpenCV and Python With Arduino - GSM - Call Alert and SMS Notification

48.  Raspberry Pi Pico + R307 Finger Print + EM18 RFID + SIM800L GSM - SMS Alert -Smart Attendance System

49.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Saline Level Monitoring and GSM - SMS Alert System

50.  Wireless Robot using Arduino with Sensors ( Ultrasonic | PIR | DHT11 | MQ135 ) GPS Alerts TCP Telnet

51.  Face Mask Detection using Python, Keras, OpenCV Based Automate Door Lock at Home | Arduino Project

52.  Fire Detection and Alerting System using Arduino - GSM - GPS | Call Alert and SMS Notification

53.  Arduino Based Wireless Smart Shopping Cart Using QR Code and ZIGBEE With Add/Delete ITEMS

54.  Smart Medicine Reminder Alarm Using Arduino - (DS3231 RTC) - Android Bluetooth Speaker App

55.  IoT Based LM35 | Heart Rate | Humidity | ECG | FALL Monitoring on Thingspeak using ESP8266 & Arduino

56.  IoT Based Heartbeat and Temperature Monitoring System for Remote Patients using Raspberry Pi Pico

57.  Arduino Based Automatic School Bell System Using DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC)

58.  ARM7 Based Vehicle Accident Alert System using GPS, GSM and Accelerometer

59.  Fully Automatic Water Level Controller using Raspberry Pi Pico and GSM Module

60.  Raspberry Pi Pico + GSM + GPS + MEMS + MOTOR + ALARM + SMS / CALL ALERT

61.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Manual / Registered Number Call | SMS Alerts

62.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Bus Identification System for Blind with Voice Alert in Bus Stops Using RFID

63.  ARDUINO | Traffic Light 6 Lanes | Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency

64.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Smart Garbage Level Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IOT)

65.  Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) + Temperature Monitor + Digital Alarm Clock

66.  Eye Blink Counter using RaspberryPi Pico | Anti Sleep Glasses For Driver Drowsiness Detection System

67.  IOT Based Gas Cylinder Level Detection & Sensor's Alert using Raspberry Pi Pico [ SMS / E - MAIL ]

68.  Raspberry Pi Pico Interfacing with MQ2 Gas and Smoke Detection Sensor

69.  Raspberry Pi Pico Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Calibration

70.  Covid-19 Health Passes Can Open the Door to a Digital ID Unique QR Code Vaccination Certificate -IOT

71.  Smoke & Gas Detector using MQ2 with Arduino Voice Alert TTS | Bluetooth TTS Android Mobile App Alert

72.  IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi Pico

73.  Raspberry Pi Pico Temperature Controlled Fan Speed | PWM

74.  Raspberry Pi Pico Based Speed Control System in Speed Limited Areas | Vehicle Speed Limit Controller

75.  Garbage Monitoring System using Arduino with Ultrasonic Sensor & Buzzer Alert

76.  Arduino Based Collision Detection Warning System using CAN Protocol & SMS Alert

77.  Air Pollution Monitoring using Arduino and ESP8266 Wi-Fi | MQ135 | MQ2 | MQ4 | MQ7

78.  Alcohol Sensing Using 8051 Microcontroller

79.  Digital Door Lock-Password Security Code Lock using 8051

80.  Automatic Watering System for Plants using Raspberry Pi Pico with Soil Moisture Sensor

81.  MPU6050 Accelerometer Interfacing with Raspberry PI Pico

82.  Happy New Year 2022 | Scrolling Text Led Display | SVSEMBEDDED

83.  Blood Oxygen & Heart Rate Measurement with MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter, Raspberry Pi Pico & Bluetooth

84.  QR-Code Based Examination Room Guidance System Using ESP32-CAM and Raspberry Pi Pico

85.  Blood Oxygen & Heart Rate Measurement with Max30100 Pulse Oximeter, Arduino & HC-05 Bluetooth Module

86.  QR Codes For Events: Welcome Scrolling Display Using QR-Code and ESP32-CAM

87.  Underground Cable Fault Detection Based On Raspberry Pi Pico GSM and GPS Modem

88.  Traffic Light Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico For Emergency Vehicles

89.  Arduino Radar Project With Wi-Fi IP Surveillance Camera

90.  Women Security System: ESP32-CAM, GPS, GSM, Raspberry Pi PICO,ALARM, SMS / CALL / TELEGRAM PHOTO ALERT

91.  Raspberry Pi: Driver Drowsiness Detection with OpenCV and Python | Voice and Vibration Alerts

92.  Scrolling LCD Display using Arduino (GSM + Bluetooth )

93.  IoT Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Blynk app

94.  SMS Based Remote Agriculture Pump ON/OFF Control and Notification


96.  Car-Safety : Speed, Distance, Drowsiness, Accident Detection, SMS + Voice Alert with GPS Coordinates

97.  QR Code Based Visitor Management System in Excel

98.  Arduino Based Under Water Wireless Data Transfer Using IR Sensor

99.  PS2 Keyboard + 16x2 LCD Interface + Arduino UNO

100.          Design and Development of IoT Based Health Monitoring System

101.          Industrial IoT Sensors: IOT Based Industrial Fault Monitoring System using Arduino

102.          MEMS Based Hands Gesture Controlled Robot | MSP430G2452

103.          Intelligent CAN-based Automotive Collision Avoidance Warning System

104.          Intelligent Irrigation Control System for Agriculture using ARM7 Controller

105.          Arduino Based 4 way Traffic Light Control System - Simulation in Proteus

106.          Implementation of Home Security System using GSM and ARM7

107.          Automatic Car Parking System - Arduino Project - Proteus Simulation


109.          Home Automation - Touchless switch Module With QR Code

110.          RGB LED Controller using Rotary Encoder and Raspberry Pi Pico

111.          IR Wireless Underwater Sensors (Temperature / Humidity / Lighting) Monitoring Using Arduino with LCD

112.          Underground Drainage Monitoring with Sensors using Arduino Alert Through SMS Notifications

113.          GSM - SMS Based Railway Crossing Gate Control Through Arduino

114.          Smart Home Automation - GSM Based Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi Pico

115.          Raspberry Pi Pico Based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring On Bluetooth App

116.          Raspberry Pi Pico - LED Cube 3x3x3

117.          Bluetooth 4-Channel Relay Control ( Light ) board (with Android App) | Raspberry Pi Pico

118.          Real Time Efficient Street Light Controlling System

119.          Raspberry Pi Pico Based Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor

120.          Real Time Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking Using GSM, GPS & Raspberry Pi Pico

121.          Raspberry Pi Pico Based Women Safety Device with GPS Tracking and Emergency Alerts

122.          Automatic Room Light Control with Raspberry Pi Pico Visitors Counter

123.          Car Parking System using Raspberry Pi Pico and IR Sensor




127.          Sewage Cleaning Robot - Drainage Cleaning Robot

128.          Social Distancing and Face Shield Protection using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor

129.          Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor

130.          GSM Based Fire Alert System Call and SMS Notification Using Arduino Uno

131.          Fire Alarm with Siren and Water Sprinkler System Using Raspberry Pi Pico

132.          IoT/M2M | IoT Based Environmental Monitoring System using Arduino and Cloud App | FusionCharts

133.          Raspberry Pi Pico GPS Tracker | GPS NEO-6M GY-GPS6MV2 Module | Arduino IDE Programming

134.          Raspberry Pi Pico Based Hand Gesture Recognition with 3 flux Sensors and Voice Output

135.          Raspberry Pi Pico: IoT Based Smart Attendance System Using RFID & GPRS | SMS ALERT

136.          Password Based Security System Using Raspberry Pi Pico & Keypad

137.          Smart Trolley System for Automated Billing using RFID and Raspberry Pi Pico

138.          Interfacing 16x2 LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico | Arduino IDE Programming

139.          LED Blink on Raspberry Pi Pico With the Arduino IDE Programming

140.          Women’s Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts | Captured Image to Telegram


142.          IOT Notice Board using Arduino with NodeMCU ESP8266 and Blynk App

143.          Electronic Voting Machine using Raspberry Pi

144.           IoT Based RFID Student attendance system | IOT - Smart Attendance System

145.          IoT based Fire Detector & Automatic Extinguisher using NodeMCU ESP8266 Blynk Notification

146.          IoT Based Alcohol Detector Using Arduino with Blynk App Notification

147.          IoT Based Temperature and Humidity Controller Using Arduino | Remote Monitoring with NodeMCU & Blynk

148.          OTP Based Bank Locker System Using Arduino with Biometric Fingerprint and GSM - SMS Alert

149.          IoT Based Energy Meter Reading Using Arduino with Blynk App & NodeMCU ESP8266

150.          IoT Based Saline Bottle Weight Calculation and Alert System Using Arduino | GSM - SMS | Blynk App

151.          Control of Lights + Fan using Bluetooth & 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen "Smart" Home | Android and Arduino

152.          SMART DUSTBIN for SMART CITY with SMS Alerts Using Arduino - GSM

153.          Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Through GSM using Arduino Nano

154.          DIY Wireless Smart Trolley Using RFID and ZIGBEE | Arduino Shopping Cart with Add/Delete ITEMS

155.          IOT Based Plant Monitoring and Control System | NodeMCU - ESP8266 | Blynk | Arduino | Solenoid Valve

156.          Raspberry Pi Based Intelligent Car Anti-Theft System Through GSM and GPS

157.          ESP32 Based Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking | Telegram App Alert Message

158.          Vehicle Speed Limit Controller | ARDUINO Based Automatic Speed Control System in Speed Limited Areas

159.          Automated watering with Solenoid valve by Arduino | Soil Moisture Sensor | Smart Irrigation

160.          OTP Based Ration Distribution System Using RFID and GSM

161.          Industrial Air Pollution Monitoring System using LabVIEW and Zigbee

162.          A Unique Home Automation System through MEMS Based Appliance Control

163.          War Field Spying Robot with Night Vision Wireless Camera | ZIGBEE | GSM | V380 | METAL | ARM7LPC2148

164.          MSP430 Based Women Safety Security System using GSM and GPS

165.          ESP8266 WiFi Control with Android App

166.          Bidirectional Visitor Counter with Multiple Bulbs using Arduino

167.          IOT Based Garbage Level Monitoring Over Internet using NodeMCU - ESP8266 & ThingSpeak Cloud

168.          Automatic Water Level Controller with Message Alerts using GSM and Arduino

169.          GSM and Telegram Based Smart Irrigation with Solar Panel | Arduino | ESP32

170.          IOT Based Saline Bottle Level Monitoring System | Live Tracking of Smart Saline Monitoring using IOT

171.          Manual / Automatic Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Cellphone Missed Calls and Arduino

172.          Greenhouse Remote Farm Field Monitoring System using ARM7, ZIGBEE, GSM and LabVIEW

173.          IOT Based Smart Farming Crop Protection System From Animals Using ARDUINO & GSM

174.          IOT and Cloud Server Based Wearable Agricultural Sensors Monitoring System

175.          Smart Saline Level Monitoring System Using Load Cell Sensor and GSM - SMS Alert


177.          ESP32 CAM Surveillance Car | SPY Camera Car | Send Captured Image to Telegram | GPS | GSM -SMS Alert

178.          Automated Attendance System Using Arduino + Fingerprint + RFID + GSM with SMS Notification

179.          Vehicle Accident Prevention and Reporting System using GPS and GSM and ALCOHOL Sensors

180.          Zigbee Based Wireless Biometric Finger Print Electronic Voting System Project using Arduino

181.          Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi | Python

182.          IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi 3 | Python

183.          Call and Message using Arduino and Smart Wrist Band For Women Safety Using GSM GPS

184.          Raspberry Pi Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken Drivers

185.          GSM with SOLAR Based Irrigation Watering System using Soil Moisture Sensors


187.          Passport Verification System Using RFID and Zigbee Technology

188.          AirPi Mobile Weather and Air Quality Measuring Station using Raspberry Pi

189.          IoT and Cloud Based Environment Monitoring System Using Arduino

190.          IOT based Smart School Bus Monitoring and Notification System With Child Security

191.          Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue Information with Anti lock Braking System Using ARM7 - LPC2148

192.          Automatic GAS Booking System and Leakage Detection using IOT

193.          Water Boiler Temperature Control using Arduino with LABView

194.          Temperature and Heartbeat Monitoring System Using Arduino with IoT

195.          Density Based 4 Way Traffic Light Control System with IR Sensor and Priority for Emergency Vehicles

196.          Arduino + ESP32-CAM Based Women/Child/Kids Tracking and Send Captured Image to Telegram | GSM | GPS

197.          Distance Based Accident Avoidance System in Automobiles Using Arduino with CAN Protocol | SMS Alert

198.          Examination Room Guide using FINGER PRINT, RFID with Arduino and GSM-SMS Alert Jumbling System EXAMS

199.          RFID Based Access Control System Using Arduino | Arduino to Excel Communication (PLX-DAQ) | Library

200.          DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino Automated Shopping Cart with Add/Delete ITEMS

201.          Smart Door Locks Security System using ESP32-CAM with QR Code

202.          Digital Temperature Controller | Temperature Controlled Fan Using 8051

203.          GSM Based Smart Energy Meter with Arduino Project

204.          Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken Drivers

205.          Medicine Reminder System | Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project

206.          Smart E - Agriculture Monitoring Based on Arduino With Android App & SMS Alert

207.          Soldier Health and Position Tracking System Using Arduino, GSM Module and GPS Module

208.          Underwater Wireless Communication Using IR Project

209.          GSM and GPS Based Women Tracking System using Arduino | Proteus Simulation

210.          Smart Crop Protection System From Animals Using Arduino | Lazer | LDR

211.          Industrial Sensor's Monitoring System using IIoT | Arduino

212.          Women's Safety using Arduino & LabVIEW in Web Browser | Google Maps | Open URL in Default Browser VI

213.          Arduino Dual (Voice + Button) Control Pick and Place Bluetooth Robot Using Android App

214.          Biometric Security System using Fingerprint with ARM7 and GSM Module

215.          IoT Based Dust bin Monitoring System Using Node MCU

216.          Arduino pick and place robot | Pick and Place Robot using Arduino + Android App | Bluetooth Robot

217.          Happy New Year 2021 | LED Scrolling Message Display | SVSEMBEDDED

218.          ESP32-CAM Surveillance Camera System Using PIR Sensor | Arduino Home Automation and GSM - SMS Alert

219.          Accident Identification and Alerting Project Using ARM7 LPC2148

220.          Fingerprint Electronic Voting System using Arduino Nano | R307 | NOTA

221.          Body Movement Recognition & Smart Sensors Techniques For Monitor Comatose Patient Monitoring

222.          Soldier Position Tracking System Using Arduino, GSM and GPS Module

223.          IOT Based Indoor Air Quality Monitor With | MQ9 - CO2 | LM35 - Temperature | MQ6 - LPG GAS | Arduino

224.          Biometric Fingerprint Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner

225.          How to make a Automatic Car Parking System With Empty Slot Detection Using Arduino Uno & IR Sensor's


227.          Automatic Baby Cradle | Automatic E-Baby Cradle Cry (Sound Sensor) Bed Using Arduino

228.          Automatic Headlight Dimmer / Dipper for Vehicles Using LDR | Inspired Award Project

229.          LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System | Inspired Award Project

230.          Intelligent Energy Meter using GSM Modem with Arduino

231.          Arduino/Android - BLUETOOTH Home Control + APP - HC-05 | 4 - AC Light's | 2 - DC Fan Speed Control

232.          Accident Avoidance and Detection on Highways

233.          Vehicle Engine Lock System for Theft and Alcohol Detection

234.          Remote Home Security Alarm System Using GSM | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR

235.          Vehicle Monitoring and Theft Prevention System Using ARM Cortex-M3 LPC1768 | GSM | GPS

236.          How to Program ARM CORTEX-M3 LPC1768 | Dumping Hex File to LPC1768 Using Flash Magic

237.          Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies

238.          RF Controlled Robot with Obstacle Avoidance Using Ultrasonic Sensor

239.          Implementation of a Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors with Arduino

240.          Zigbee Based Temperature, Smoke & Gas Sensor Using ATmega328 and GSM Module with SMS Alert

241.          Zigbee Based Temperature Sensor, Smoke & Gas Sensor Alert Using ATmega328 | (LM35 + MQ2 + MQ6 +XBee)

242.          IoT-based Collision Avoidance System to Prevent Vehicle Accident using CAN Protocol | ARM7 LPC2148

243.          Remote Patient Monitoring System | IOT

244.          High-tech car theft: Photo Captures Driver Caught In Stolen Vehicle Using ESP32CAM and Arduino, GSM

245.          Theft Detection and Controlling System of a Vehicle Using GSM, GPS

246.          [IoT] How to Send Temperature Values to Thingspeak Using Arduino and ESP8266 | Tinkercad

247.          Temperature Based Fan Speed Control Using Arduino | Tinkercad

248.          Arduino LCD 16x2 Display Test | Tinkercad

249.          ESP32-CAM | Send a Captured images by using Gmail

250.          IOT Based Smart Waste Dustbin Using NodeMCU

251.          Smart Agriculture IoT Solution - IoT Sensors (Soil Moisture, Humidity, Temperature)

252.          Fire Alarm with Siren and Water Sprinkler System Using Arduino

253.          IR Wireless Underwater Communication System Using Arduino

254.          Smart Barrier System using Arduino and Servo Motor Gate Opening / Closing System

255.          Rain Sensing Water Motor Pump Automatic Switch ON/OFF

256.          Arduino: DTMF Controlled Robot CAR Using SIM800L with a Phone Call

257.          Temperature and Humidity Controller For Incubator Using Arduino

258.          GPS Tracking + GSM Based Vehicle Theft Alert & Engine Lock System Using Arduino

259.          A Multifactor Student Attendance System Using Fingerprint and RFID With SMS Alert To Parents Mobile

260.          Vehicle Accident Prevention and Reporting System Using GSM + GPS + MEMS and Arduino

261.          ESP32-CAM Laser Light Security Alert with Photo Capture and Send Image to Telegram App | IOT

262.          Smart Lock Combination Lock Fingerprint Lock Digital Electronic Lock Password Card

263.          RFID Door Lock using Arduino | Arduino Security Access Lock | Door Lock Control RFID Arduino | EM18

264.          QR Code Student Attendance Sheet in Excel | How to make an Attendance Sheet in Excel

265.          Driver Drowsiness Detection using Raspberry Pi with Open CV and Python

266.          QR Code Based Bank Locker System

267.          Blind Stick: Staircase Detection and Walking Stick Identification | [Part -3]

268.          Blind Stick: Sensors [Water / Obstacle / Fire / LDR] with Voice Alerts | [Part - 2]

269.          Blind Stick: GPS + GSM Based Blind Person Tracking System | [Part - 1]

270.          ESP32-CAM Take Photo and Display in Web Server

271.          Women Safety | GPS Tracking and Alerts | ESP32-CAM Take Photo and Send Image to Telegram

272.          QR Code Based IOT Car Parking System Using ESP32CAM & IR Sensors

273.          QR Code Water Vending Machine Using ESP32 CAM with SMS Alert System

274.          Roll a Digital Dice Using Arduino with TFT LCD Display Module Touch Screen

275.          QR Code Projects : Digital Bus / Train Pass System Using QR Code | ESP32CAM QR Code Scanner

276.          Remote Control Door Lock/Unlock System Using ESP32 and Telegram | IOT

277.          Smart Attendance System - QR Code Student Attendance with SMS

278.          Arduino Altimeter , OLED Display 128x64, Pressure sensor BMP180

279.          Smart Agriculture - Rain + Moisture sensor for IoT and Telegram Alert Using ESP32

280.          QR Code Based Smart Rationing System Using ESP32-CAM and GSM - Ration Subsidy and SMS Alert

281.          BMP180 Pressure/Temperature/Altitude Sensor with 2.4" TFT LCD and Arduino

282.          IOT Device For Fire Alarm System using ESP32 || Telegram App Notification Alert || Google Maps Link

283.          BMP180 Barometric Pressure/Temperature/Altitude Sensor Module – Arduino + LCD

284.    Top 10 Best ESP32 project ideas | IoT(Internet Of Things) Projects Of All Time | 2020

285.          Smart Shopping Using QR Code and ESP32-CAM | IOT

286.          QR Code Based Bus Name Announcement System in Bus Stops | ESP32CAM QR Code Recognition

287.          ESP32 Capacitive Touch Switch Board for Home Automation

288.          Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using ESP32 and Telegram App | IoT

289.          Control ESP32 Mobile Robot Using Android Telegram App | IOT

290.          Track a Vehicle Using Telegram App and Live Location on Google Maps With ESP32

291.          ESP32 GPS Tracker With an LCD Display

292.          Telegram App Controlled Home Automation Using ESP32 | IOT

293.          ESP32-CAM PIR Intruder Alert with Photo Capture and Send Image to Telegram App

294.          Gas Alert System with IoT and Telegram App Using ESP32

295.          IOT Based Distance Measuring System Using ESP32

296.          QR Code Based Door Lock System using ESP32-CAM

297.          RFID Based Automated Smart Shopping Trolley Using Raspberry Pi

298.          ESP32CAM QR Code Reader | ESP32-CAM-QR Code Scanner

299.          ESP32 CAM Based Video Surveillance Robot Over WiFi | Ai-Thinker ESP32-CAM Arduino IDE

300.          ESP32-CAM Video Streaming Camera Over WiFi | Security Camera System for Home - IP (ESP32 - OV2640)

301.          Arduino RGB LED Control using Bluetooth Android App

302.          Barcode Scanner Interfacing with Arduino + USB Host Shield Module + 16x2 LCD Display

303.          Arduino Joystick Control Car | Wireless Joystick Controlled Robot Car using 433Mhz RF and Arduino

304.          Efficient Accident Vehicle Detection and Notification System Based on Raspberry Pi 3

305.          ESP32 Home Automation Using in Built Bluetooth |Control Home Appliance Using ESP32 BLE + Android App

306.          NodeMCU | ESP8266 | Arduino | IoT Based Railway Track Crack and Obstacle Detection Robot - GSM - GPS

307.          ARM LPC2148 Based Smart City & IOT based Garbage Management System

308.          Remote Patient Monitoring: Wearable Healthcare Devices Through IoT with Remote Patients

309.          WiFi Based DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using NodeMCU

310.          14 Days With a Quarantine Tracker Wristband - Home Quarantine Location Tracking fixed Wristband

311.          IVRS Based Home Automation with Immediate Voice & SMS Feedback Using Arduino TTS - GSM SIM800L DTMF

312.          Control LED'S Using Arduino with SIM800L DTMF and SMS feature

313.          IoT Applications on Secure Smart Shopping System using ESP32 | RFID

314.          Wireless DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using Arduino with IR Remote

315.          IoT Project : Home Automation and Weather Monitor Using NodeMCU with Cayenne

316.          SMS Monitor || P10 LED Scrolling Text Display || Arduino || SIM800L

317.          Home Security System Based on Smoke, Fire, PIR and Door Sensor's Alert Using MSP430G2553 LANCHPAD

318.          Analog Clock Display using Arduino with TFT LCD

319.          Smart Wristband buzzes to stop me touching my face

320.          ESP32 Based Web Server for Temperature and Humidity Monitor using DHT11 Sensor

321.          ESP32 Web Server Home Automation Control AC Appliances

322.          Arduino TFT LCD Touch Screen GSM Mobile Phone

323.          Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Based Door Lock Security System | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner

324.          Tracking down the Vehicle Collision Detection and Messaging System using GPS and GSM

325.          Sensor Data Monitoring Over CAN BUS Using Arduino | Interfacing MCP2515 CAN BUS Module with Arduino

326.          How to Make A Simple WiFi Controlled Robot Car (NodeMCU) | Wifi RC Car ESP8266 App - NodeMCU (ESP12E)

327.          Weather Station: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD Touch Shield - SPFD5408

328.          Control FAN Speed and LIGHT using TV Remote

329.          Smart Crop Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino | Field Sensor Monitoring with WiFi

330.          How to Transfer Data From One USB Hard Drive to Another USB

331.          IoT based Precision Agriculture


333.          Blood Bags Weight Monitoring Using 2 load cells

334.          GSM Motor Pump controller (Mobile Motor Starter) | Automatic Mobile Starter | Mobile pump starter

335.          Bus Boarding System for Visually Impaired Passengers

336.          Design and Implementation of RFID-based Fuel Dispensing System

337.          Cable Fault Detection System with SMS Notification using Arduino, GSM and GPS

338.          2.4'' TFT Touch Screen Restaurant Menu Ordering System Using Arduino

339.          IoT Based Air, Water, Noise, Dust, Humidity, Gas, CO and Temperature Monitoring System using Arduino


341.          i2c LCD with NODEMCU | Interface I2C LCD Using ESP8266 NodeMCU | I2C LCD on NodeMCU With Arduino IDE

342.          GPS + GSM Based Underground Cable Fault Detection with Arduino

343.          Electric Shock + GPS Hand Glove Developed to help Women's Safety & Self Defense

344.          GSM Based Motor Controller in Irrigation by Using Sensor's [ Soil Moisture + Tank Water Level ]

345.          Petrol Bunk Automation with Prepaid Card using GSM Identification

346.          IoT Based Water Level Monitoring System

347.          Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT)

348.          Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino | RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart

349.          Traffic Signal Management and Control System using Arduino with 4 servo motors

350.          Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino | How to Make a Gesture Control Robot

351.          Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System Using GSM, GPS, MEMS, VIBRATION and SOS

352.          How to Make VOICE CONTROLLED Car by using ARDUINO

353.          Women Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts

354.          GPS + GSM Based Smart Blind Stick Tracking System Project

355.          Auto Metro Train to Shuttle Between Stations

356.          IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project

357.          Reading GPS Data With a Raspberry Pi | GPS on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi GPS reading

358.          Smart Glove For Deaf and Dumb using Arduino Controls Remote Devices

359.          voice based notice board using android and Arduino

360.          Voice Control Home Automation System Using Arduino

361.          IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino

362.          Automatic Power Cut Failure Alert LED Indicator - Life Hacks For Led Light - Amazing School Project

363.          Arduino Based Moving Message Display Using Bluetooth | Scrolling Display using P10 + Arduino

364.          Arduino Interface With Optical Dust Sensor

365.          Smart Home Connectivity using WiFi and Bluetooth

366.          NodeMCU Project: IOT Car Parking System Project using ESP8266

367.          Smart Traffic Light Control System with Automatic Speed Breaker / Barrier

368.          Happy New Year 2020 Front Text Scrolling LED Wall Panel

369.          How to connect servo motor to Arduino | 0 to 180 degree Rotation Control

370.          Fire Fighting Robot Controlling using Arduino with Bluetooth/WiFi

371.          Traffic Light Priority Control For Emergency Vehicle

372.          Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot

373.          Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert

374.          Smart Blind Stick Project using Arduino and Sensors

375.          Arduino Based Saline Bottle Weight calculation and Alert System

376.          Smart Wrist Band For Women Safety

377.          Arduino Visitors Counter | Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor counter

378.          Microcontroller Based Automatic School / College Bell using Timers | School Bells | College Bells

379.          Fingerprint Based ATM Security System

380.          A Real-Time Data Acquisition System for Monitoring Sensor Data

381.          Coin Based Toll Gate System | Coin Sensing Automated Toll Gate

382.          RFID Attendance System with SMS Notification Using Arduino

383.          Smart Helmet: Smart Solution for Bike Riders and Alcohol Detection with Auto Ignition

384.          Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Using GSM - SMS

385.          Automotive Vehicle Control Safety System Using (CAN) Controller Area Network

386.          RFID Based Water Vending Machine System | Automatic Water Dispenser using Microcontroller

387.          Control of Robot using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with Arduino

388.          Vehicle Theft Alert & Engine Lock System Using Arduino

389.          Internet of Things(IOT)-Enabled Accident Detection and Reporting System for Smart City Environments

390.          GPS and GSM Based Self Defense System for Person Safety

391.          GPS Based Voice Alert System for the Blind People using ARM7 LPC2148


393.          IOT Circuit Breaker Project Using NodeMCU (ESP8266)

394.          Magic glove( sign to voice conversion) using PIC16F877A with 4 flux Sensors


396.          PIC Microcontroller programming with PIC kit 2 - Using MPLABX IDE

397.          IOT Based Remote Patient Monitoring System with Raspberry PI, Python

398.          Automatic Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors

399.          how to make smart garbage monitoring system using Arduino and IoT

400.          Temperature and Humidity Controller For Incubator

401.          IoT based air pollution monitoring system using Arduino

402.          Password Based Circuit Breaker using 8051 Microcontroller

403.          Smoke Detection using MQ-2 Gas Sensor with Arduino Text to Speech TTS

404.          Smart Glove For Deaf And Dumb

405.          IOT Smart Dustbin Using NodeMCU and ESP8266

406.          Alcohol Detecting and Notification System for Controlling Drink Driving

407.          ARDUINO IOT: RFID Based Mobile Payment System GSM-GPRS Network

408.          An WEB Based Remote Vehicle Monitoring System on Google Map

409.          IOT Based Door Lock-Unlock by NodeMCU | WiFi Home Door Lock | ESP8266 | iot project | Arduino

410.          An IoT Based Car Accident Prevention and Detection System with Sensors

411.          How to Program ARM7 LPC2148 | Dumping hex file to LPC2148 Using Flash Magic

412.          WiFi Controlled Robot Car Using NodeMCU | V380 Live Camera Monitoring System

413.          Voice Controlled Home Automation System | How to make voice control home

414.          Automatic Street Light Control System Using RTC

415.          A Smart Glove That Controls Remote Devices

416.          Web Based Underground Cable Fault Detection Over Google Maps

417.          how to upload program in 8051 microcontroller

418.          How to use Five Ultrasonic sensors with Arduino To Excel Communication

419.          Thank YOU for 40k Subscribers on my YouTube Channel | P10 LED Display Screen

420.          Interfacing of Multiple Ultrasonic Sensors (3 HC-SR04 ) With Arduino

421.          Programmable Timer With Programmable On/Off Delays

422.          Foot Step Power Generation With Automatic Garden watering using Soil Moisture Sensor and Arduino

423.          Automatic Railway Gate Control System Using Arduino and Android

424.          Automatic School Bell System

425.          Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino - Android Mobile


427.          Womens Safety Device With GSM Tracking & Alerts

428.          Rain Sensor + Soil Moisture Sensor GARDENA Watering system

429.          Smoke Detector using Arduino with MQ2 Sensor and Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS))

430.          Arduino based Text to Speech TTS Converter

431.          Password Based Door Lock Security System Using Arduino and Keypad

432.          Voice Based Door Accessing & Devices on / off Control System

433.          Wireless RF Remote Controlled Robot without Microcontroller

434.          2.4 inch Arduino TFT LCD Touch Screen Home Automation System

435.          Arduino Based Electronic Notice Board Using GSM and LCD

436.          Alcohol Detection & Accident Prevention of Vehicle using Arduino - Alcohol | MQ-3 | Accident | MEMS

437.          RF remote control home automation using Arduino | Wireless RF control circuit for home appliances

438.          Arduino Calculator | 2.4" TFT LCD | Touch screen Calculator using Arduino

439.          DTMF Controlled Robot without Microcontroller

440.          Finger Print Based Biometric Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino

441.          Home Automation using NodeMCU | Build an ESP8266 Web Server with Arduino IDE

442.          Vehicle Tracking Over Google Maps using NodeMCU with ESP8266

443.          IOT Based Smart Car Parking System Using NodeMCU

444.          NodeMCU : Interfacing EM -18 RFID Reader with ESP8266

445.          GPS Interfacing with NodeMCU Getting Location Data on LCD

446.          NodeMCU ESP8266 Interface with 16×2 LCD Display Screen

447.          Vehicle Theft Detection and Tracking Based on GSM and GPS - LPC1768 Cortex-M3

448.          Traffic Light for Emergency Vehicles & VIP Vehicles | Intelligent Traffic Light Control System

449.          WIFI Based Magnetic Door Open Close System with Theft Notification on Mobile

450.          Multi Purpose Smart Glove for Deaf & Dumb (Home Automation using RF module - Flux sensor)

451.          Fingerprint based electronic voting machine using Arduino

452.          IOT Based Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi

453.          Wireless Multi functional Robot for Military Applications

454.          GSM + Hand Gesture Controlled Home automation Alert with Smoke Detector

455.          Arduino Based Intelligent Walking Stick for Physically Impaired Persons

456.          SMS Based LED Scrolling Message Display using Arduino and SIM800L

457.          Automated Petrol Pump Using Prepaid RFID Cards with SMS Alert

458.          Automatic Speed Control and Accident Avoidance of Vehicle Using Multi Sensors


460.          Chain Snatching to Protect our Women's Security with Electric Shock and Sending Google Map Location

461.          RFID Security Access Control System using 8051 Microcontroller

462.          Raspberry Pi + DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor

463.          Poly House Farming monitor using ARM7, ZIGBEE, GSM and Lab VIEW

464.          Design of Weather Monitoring System Using Zigbee and Lab VIEW

465.          Air Pollution Monitoring System

466.          IOT Based Air Quality Pollution Monitoring System

467.          Embedded Based Vehicle Security using GSM, GPS

468.          Sending SMS Through Black Spot Area in an Innovative Manner

469.          A Design of Prototypic Hand Talk Assistive Technology for the Physically Challenged


471.          RFID Based Bus Name Announcement System in Bus Stops

472.          Wifi Home Automation | NODEMCU ESP8266 | Blynk App

473.          Getting started with NodeMCU / ESP8266 12E

474.          P10 LED Display with Arduino Nano

475.          Arduino Based Automatic Plant Watering System with Soil Moisture sensor

476.          Self Service Automated Petrol Pump Using RFID Technology

477.          Anti-theft bag alarm system | Luggage Security Alarm

478.          Automatic Car Parking With Empty Slot Detection

479.          Intelligent System for Vehicles with Alcohol Detection and SMS Alert

480.          Automatic Railway Track Crack Detection System Using GSM & GPS

481.          Smart Homes: Bluetooth Based Smart Sensors Monitoring System for Automation

482.          IoT Based Wireless Multi functional Robot for Military Applications

483.          IOT Based Child Monitoring System Using Android Smartphone App with Video Streaming Baby Monitor

484.          Temperature Monitoring and Control Systems With CAN Bus Using ARM7 LPC2148

485.          Iot Based Smart Farming in Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

486.          Eye Blink + Alcohol + MEMS + TEMPERATURE + Arduino uno + GSM + GPS + Google Map Location

487.          Automatic Railway Gate Control Using 8051 & IR Sensor

488.          Smart Medicine Reminder Box | e-pill Medication Reminders

489.          Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency

490.          Wireless Smart Trolley for Shopping Malls using RFID and ZIGBEE

491.          Communication Between Two HC-05 Bluetooth Module As Master and Slave with Arduino

492.          Design and Development of Sun Tracking Solar Panel

493.          Arduino Based Ultrasonic Radar System | How to Make a Radar with Arduino | Arduino Project

494.          Wet and Dry Waste collection bins

495.          Servo Motor Interfacing with Arduino

496.          Automatic Water Level Indicator For Overhead Tank Using Arduino With Alarm and Pump Controller

497.          Iot Based Fire Department Alerting System Display on Google Maps

498.          Portable Camera Based Assistive Text & Product Label Reading For Blind Persons

499.          Portable Embedded Data Display and Control Unit using CAN Bus

500.          Fully Automatic Water Pump Controller Using Arduino with Tank & Sump

501.          Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino | ADXL335 Accelerometer | wireless RF (433Mhz)

502.          Garbage Monitoring with Weight Sensing Using Arduino, HX711 Load Cell Amplifier

503.          Product Label Reading System For Visually Challenged People

504.          IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi

505.          ARM Cortex-M3 mbed LPC1768 | Mbed | MEMS | GSM | GPS | Vehicle | Accident | Detection

506.          Vehicle Theft Detection Using GPS, GSM and Arduino

507.          Digital Petrol Pump using RFID Card

508.          Smart Agriculture Using IOT

509.          Real Time Agriculture/Paddy Crop Field Monitoring System using ARM

510.          IoT Based Smart Attendance System | Attendance System Based On RFID Project Using IOT

511.          Voice Recognition Based Wireless Home Automation System

512.          Vehicle Theft Location Intimation by GPS/GSM to the Owner

513.          Blind Stick Using Ultrasonic Sensor with Voice Announcement


515.          Finger Print Sensor (R305) - R305 Fingerprint Scanner Module

516.          Research on Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System Based on Zigbee

517.          Android based Portable Hand Sign Recognition System | GSM | 4 - FLUX | BLUETOOTH

518.          IoT Based Smart Door Lock System

519.          Smart Farming using IOT

520.          Electric Shock + GSM + GPS + ARDUINO + GOOGLE MAP + Women's Safety Security

521.          Smart School Bus: IoT Based School Bus Monitoring System

522.          IoT Based Smart Waste Management System

523.          Smart Farming: Wifi Based Agriculture Sensors (Temperature, Humidity and moisture) Android App

524.          Body TouchSensor Based Women Safety Device to Measure HeartBeat and Location

525.          Alcohol Detection System with Engine Locking using GSM and GPS

526.          Automatic Watering System for Plants using GSM with SOLAR Module

527.          Automatic Room Light Controller with Visitor Counter

528.          Agricultural Field Monitoring and Controlling of Drip Irrigation using IOT

529.          Smart Car Parking Lot Management System in Shopping Mall

530.          Real Time Patient Health Monitoring System Through IOT Using Sensors, Android App

531.          RFID Based Shopping Trolley

532.          Happy New Year | P10 Red Color LED Moving Message Display

533.          Biometric Fingerprint Based Attendance System

534.          Control of Lights + Fan using Wi-fi and Bluetooth

535.          Real - Time Garbage Monitoring and Sensor's Data Logging to Excel Using Arduino

536.          Automatic Plant Watering System with Dry - Wet Soil Sensor

537.          Temperature & Humidity Sensor Data Logging to Excel Using Arduino - GSM - SMS Alert

538.          Sending Temperature Sensor Data From Arduino to Excel and Plotting

539.          Arduino based women safety security system using gsm and gps modem

540.          E - Agriculture Monitoring System With Android App & SMS Alert

541.          Real Time Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking Using GSM, GPS & Arduino

542.          GPRS (IoT) Mobile Payment System Based on RFID for Schools / Colleges / Employees

543.          Online School / College Id Card Management System using PHP/MYSQL/HTML/ CSS/HTTP

544.          IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection & Rescue Information System

545.          An IOT Based Motion Detection using Raspberry PI | Sensor's Monitoring With Cloud Server

546.          GSM based Energy Meter Billing with Load Control using Arduino

547.          IoT Based Child Monitor with Live Streaming

548.          V380 Wireles Camera - WiFi Monitoring - Remote Intelligent Baby care with Home Security

549.          Vehicle to Vehicle Communication for Crash Avoidance System Based on CAN Bus

550.          IoT Healthcare | Remote Patient Monitoring on Web Apps

551.          Hand Talk Using Flex Sensor With Voice Output

552.          IoT and Cloud Server Based Wearable Health Sensor's Monitoring System

553.          Green House Monitoring and Controlling System using GSM and Zigbee Technologies


555.          IIoT - Industrial Internet of Things Monitoring Of Sensor'S Data on Android App

556.          Smart E Agriculture Monitoring Web App

557.          An IOT Based Remote Patient Monitoring System

558.          IOT Based Smart E Agriculture Monitoring on Webpage Motor Controling with Android App

559.          Smart Embedded and Android Based Health Monitoring Using WIFI - ESP8266 & ARM7LPC2148

560.          Automatic Driverless Train Shuttle between Two Stations Using Arduino Uno

561.          IOT Based Temp, HeartBeat Monitoring System Using RaspberryPi

562.          Accident Detection and Messaging System Using MEMS, GSM, GPS and Raspberry Pi3

563.          IoT Based Integrated Smart Health Care Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi 3

564.          Automatic Accident Detection and Rescue with Ambulance

565.          IOT Based Air Pollution & Water Quality Monitoring System using Arduino

566.          Sign Language to Speech Conversion using Arduino with 4 flux Sensors

567.          arduino interfacing with 4 flex sensors

568.          arduino interfacing with 2 flex sensors

569.          arduino interfacing with flex sensor

570.          IoT Garbage Monitoring Location of Dustbin on Google Maps

571.          Smart Garbage Collecting Truck Using Arduino, GSM, GPS and Internet of Things (IOT)

572.          Arduino Project: Display Text On P10 LED module With Arduino Nano

573.          A Smart System connecting E-Health Sensor’s and the Cloud

574.          Smart Trolley using RFID

575.          Smart E-Agriculture Monitoring Using Internet Of Things

576.          IOT based Garbage Management System

577.          Cisa Lock High Security Electric Gate Door Lock using Arduino,Wi Fi, Bluetooth,Android App

578.          iot projects | Smart Home Automation using IOT

579.          Arduino Based Door Open Close System Using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM-SMS, Android App

580.          Arduino Based Door Open Close System Using Wi Fi,Bluetooth and Android App

581.          Bluetooth Based Door Open / Close System Using Arduino, Android App

582.          WIFI Based Door Open / Close System Using Arduino,Android App

583.          Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System Using GSM,GPS and ARM7 LPC2148

584.          Smart Drip Irrigation System using ARM7 LPC2148

585.          Secured Parking Space Detection and Tracking for Underground and Indoor Environments

586.          Arduino based Street Lights Control Using LDR and Counting Vehicles

587.          Sign Language to Speech Translation System Using PIC Microcontroller

588.          Automatic Plant Watering System


590.          Multi Sensor Based Energy Conservation System For Corporate intelligent Robot

591.          Smart Blind Stick Using Arduino With Ultrasonic Sensor and IR Sensor

592.          Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System using GSM, GPS and MEMS Accelerometer

593.          Android Based College Guide System With RFID Technology

594.          Embedded webserver sensors monitoring on IOT Webpage

595.          Industrial Device Switching through RF & Arduino

596.          electronic touch home automation using android bluetooth

597.          Temperature ,Humidity Indicator Control using Arduino

598.          Automatic Intelligent Plant Watering System Using Arduino

599.          Automatic Door Opening and Room Illumination Control System Using IR and PIR Sensors

600.          Fire Detection and Water Sprinkler Robot using Arduino

601.          Bus Detection Device for the Blind Using RFID Application

602.          Temperature Based Fan Speed Control And Monitoring Using Arduino

603.          Development Of Electronic Shopping Trolley in Super Market

604.          Human Detection Robot Using PIR Sensor

605.          Automatic Public Tap Control System Using IR Sensor to Prevent Wastage Of Water

606.          Embedded Password Based Door Lock System

607.          ARM7 LP2148 and Android Based Smart Home Automation Using Wifi Esp8266

608.          IOT Based LPG GAS Booking & Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E - MAIL ]

609.          SMS Based Multi Color LED Scrolling Display Using APP

610.          IOT Based Industrial Water Quality Monitoring System using Temperature, Ph and Turbidity Sensors

611.          IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi


613.          Digital Code Lock Using Arduino Uno

614.          IOT Based Electronic Door Opener

615.          IOT Based Garbage Monitoring

616.          Microcontroller Based Toxic Liquid Level Monitoring Control System

617.          Monitoring of Highway Hybrid Parameter & Controlling Highway Light Through IOT

618.          Aadhar Card Enabled Automatic Ration Distribution using RFID,GSM AND FINGERPRINT

619.          Iot Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System | agriculture crop monitoring system

620.          Pendrive to pendrive data transfer without pc

621.          IOT Based Agriculture Crop - Field Monitoring System and Irrigation Automation

622.          An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi

623.          ESP8266 WIFI Based Home Automation

624.          Underground Cable Fault Detection Over Internet Of Things (Iot) Google Map

625.          Voice Recognition Based Home Automation Using Zigbee

626.          Water Level Detection For Overhead Tank Using Arduino

627.          IOT Air & Water Quality Monitoring System

628.          Two way + Touch + Zigbee + Restaurant + Menu + Ordering System

629.          Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System


631.          Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project

632.          Dolby Sound Music System Stop at School Zone & Hospitals Zone

633.          Arduino based Obstacle Avoidance Robot using ultrasonic sensor

634.          Smart Parking Guidance System Using Wireless Sensor Network

635.          Vehicle control system implementation Using CAN protocol

636.          ARM7 Based Smart Monitor and Control on Bus Stand

637.          Automatic Ration Material Distributions Based on GSM and RFID

638.          Automatic Metro train Shuttle Between two Stations Without a Driver

639.          Air Pollution Monitoring System using LabVIEW

640.          GSM Based Interactive Voice Response System Through Mobile Commands

641.          RaspberryPi Based Patient Health Status Observing Based On IOT and Email Alert

642.          GPS + GSM Based Advanced Vehicle Tracking System

643.          Zigbee based E-Menu Ordering system

644.          Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with GSM and GPS

645.          IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System on google map webpage

646.          Metro Train Tracking System Using GSM, GPS, ARM7 With Webpage on Google Maps

647.          Arduino Based LPG GAS Monitoring & Automatic Cylinder booking with Alert System Using IoT

648.          Water Boiler Temperature Monitor and Control using LABView

649.          wifi based agricultural sensor monitoring system

650.          IoT based Data Logger System for weather monitoring using WSN

651.          GSM Mobile Phone Based LED Scrolling Message Display System

652.          Design and Implementation of Security Systems for Smart Home based on Raspberry Pi & GSM


654.          Design of an Intelligent Voice Controlled Home Automation System Using IOT


656.          Building Automation System Using GRPS IOT


658.          A Wi Fi Based Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Agricultural Environment

659.          Industrial Monitoring System using LabVIEW and GSM

660.          Hand Talk Assistive Technology for Deaf & Dumb People Using Flex Sensor

661.          Raspberry PI And Wifi Based Home Automation

662.          Home Lighting and Home Appliance Control system Using GSM and Android app

663.          Patient Parameter Monitoring System using RaspberryPi

664.          Rasbperry Pi Based Vehicle Theft Detection Using GPS and GSM

665.          Implementation of Industrial Data Acquisition, management and Guiding using IoT

666.          Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi and LABVIEW

667.          Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi3 and LABVIEW - part2

668.          Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol & Tracking through IoT

669.          Underground Cable Fault Detection Based On Arduino, GSM and GPS

670.          Industrial Automation and Control System Using CAN BUS

671.          Baby Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks Camera & GSM SMS Alert

672.          wireless two way restaurant ordering system via touch screen

673.          College Bus Information to student through GSM,GPS & IR Sensor’s

674.          Home Automation Using Accelecrometer

675.          Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication

676.          Design and Implementation of a WiFi Based Home Automation System

677.          GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Display through ARM7 and LED

678.          Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, Speed sensors’s, GSM & GPS

679.          A Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks

680.          Bluetooth controlled robot using Android mobile

681.          Android SMS App Based Device Switching using Arduino

682.          Monitoring of Physiological Parameters Of Patients Using LABVIEW

683.          Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation & Sensors Monitoring System Based On Bluetooth

684.          Interfacing of RFID RC522 with Arduino

685.          SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System

686.          Smart Home Automation & Security System Using Arduino, PIR Sensor and Camera with SMS Alert

687.          Smart Surveillance System Using PIR Sensor Camera and GSM ( SMS Alert )

688.          Automatic Irrigation system using Dual Sensor's with Microcontroller AT89S52

689.          Automatic Drunken Drive Prevention in Automobiles

690.          Vehicle Theft Detection Notification And Remote Engine Locking Using Raspberry Pi

691.          2 load cells using arduino & hx711

692.          load cell using arduino

693.          IOT - Based Multiple Garbage Box Monitoring & Collection system

694.          Vehicle Theft Intimation Using GSM & GPS Technology

695.          Arduino Based Home Automation Using Wifi & Android Smart Phone

696.          Automatic Garbage Collecting Truck Using Arduino, GSM and GPS

697.          IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino - GPRS

698.          Swachh Bharat Waste Collection Management System using IOT

699.          RFID and GSM based Automatic Rationing System using LPC2148

700.          Automation in Rationing System Using ARM7 LPC2148

701.          Women Safety Device and Application

702.          IOT: Display of Underground Cable Fault Locator To Find Exact Location over Internet

703.          GPS Based Voice & Vibration Alert System for the Blind using ARM7 LPC2148

704.          Wireless Industrial Parameter Monitoring Using Raspberry PI 3

705.          Arduino Based Vehicle accident detection using MEMS, GSM & GPS

706.          Arduino Based Alcohol Sensing Alert System Using GPS and GSM


708.          Wireless Fingerprint Attendance System for School / Offices with image display on VB application

709.          MSP430G2553 Based Security System Using PIR sensor

710.          Collision Avoidance System Using MSP430G2553

711.          Mobile Motor Controller

712.          Smart Car Parking Lot Management System Using Wireless Sensor Network

713.          A Low Power Wireless Sensor for Online Ambient Monitoring

714.          Liquor Detection through Automatic Motor Locking System Using Arduino

715.          Android Bluetooth Home Automation Using Arduino Uno R3

716.          Alcohol Detection Systems Using Arduino Uno R3

717.          Smart Dustbin an Efficient Garbage Monitoring System

718.          Android Based Home Automation System Using Bluetooth & Voice Command

719.          PC Based LCD Scrolling Message Display

720.          IoT Based Women Safety Using AT89S52 | Security system for women

721.          Travolution - An embedded system in a passenger car for road safety

722.          IOT based industrial automation using AT89S52


724.          Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless Sensor Network

725.          GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator


727.          One Touch Alarm System for Women's Safety Security System

728.          Automatic Accident Detection and Ambulance Rescue System

729.          Low-power wearable ECG monitoring system for multiple-patient remote monitoring

730.          IoT: Smart Home / Home Automation Using Internet of Things (IoT)

731.          CAN Based Safety Distance Calculation for Collision Avoidance in Vehicle

732.          Emergency Alert for Women Safety With Location Tracking Using Arduino

733.          Fingerprint Based Attendance System Using GSM with ARM7

734.          ARM7 Based Smart ATM Access & Security System Using Fingerprint Recognition & GSM

735.          GPS and GSM Based Real Time Human Health Monitoring and Alert System For Cardiac Patients

736.          Smart Security Solution for Women based on Internet of Things - IOT

737.          A Remote Home Security System Based on Wireless Sensor Network using Arduino GPRS

738.          Remote Temperature | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR | Sensor's Monitoring on Internet with Arduino GPRS

739.          WSN Based Patient Health Monitoring and Fall Detection Using 3 AXIS Accelerometer Sensors

740.          Vehicle Speed Control and Accident Avoidance System using CAN

741.          Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken drivers

742.          Zigbee based wireless electronic notice board

743.          Bluetooth Based wireless Notice Display using Android Application

744.          LED Scrolling message Display using 8051 | how to make moving message display

745.          Heart beat monitoring system using microcontroller


747.          Women Safety Security System using 8051 and GPRS

748.          Intelligent Interface Based Voice Activity Detector and Automatic Speech Recognition for Home

749.          Industrial Parameter Monitoring System Using CAN Bus

750.          Mobile Starter for Pumps and Motors for Agriculture Purpose

751.          Density Based Traffic Signal System using Microcontroller

752.          Password Based Door Lock System using 8051 Microcontroller

753.          Control home appliances using MEMS Accelerometer

754.          Voice activated home automation using Arduino | Voice based home automation using Bluetooth


756.          Arduino Based Data Acquisition System Using Lab view (ABDAS)

757.          Water level detection for overhead tank

758.          Smoke detector using 8051 microcontroller

759.          Automatic Vehicle Accident Alert System using Raspberry Pi

760.          Accident Identification and alerting system using raspberry pi

761.          Energy Efficient Smart Building Devices for Home Security Application

762.          High sensitive Alcohol sensors with auto car ignition disable function

763.          GPS and GSM based Vehicle Tracking System Using Arduino

764.          Automatic Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor

765.          How to make an object following robot | Human Following Robot

766.          Vehicle Theft Detection with Remote Engine Locking using GPS, GSM and Cortex M3

767.          Wi-Fi based industrial automation and control

768.          WiFi Based Home Automation | ESP 8266 Wi-Fi controlled Home Automation

769.          Design and Implementation of a WiFi Based Home Automation System

770.          Vehicle accident and Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking system


772.          Automatic Garbage Collecting VAN Using GSM and GPS

773.          Arduino Based Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor

774.          Ultrasonic Range detector using Arduino and the SR04 Ultrasonic

775.          Automatic Temperature Based Fan speed controller

776.          Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking

777.          Connect Arduino with Your Smartphone Bluetooth Controlled Electronic Home Appliances

778.          Vehicle theft detection using gps , gsm and Raspberry Pi

779.          Voice based home appliance control

780.          Voice based home automation

781.          Gesture control home appliances

782.          MEMS based home appliance control

783.          Voice & Gesture Controlled Home Automation

784.          Voice Activated Home Automation Using Arduino (Bluetooth + Android)




788.          Design and Development of Remote Notice Board USING GSM

789.          Automatic Fan Speed Control System Using Microcontroller



792.          Wireless Fingerprint Attendance System using ZigBee and VB Software

793.          IoT Based Industrial Automation

794.          GSM Based Industrial Devices Controlling Using Arduino Android SMS App

795.          GSM Based Home Automation System using Arduino

796.          Remote Monitoring and Control System for Environmental Parameters in Greenhouse

797.          Speech recognition based wireless home automation

798.          Voice Recognition Based Home Automation

799.          Vehicle Accident Detection Using MEMS,GSM,GPS and Raspberry Pi

800.          Arduino | Android | Bluetooth | Home Automation

801.          IOT PROJECTS: Arduino Home Security System

802.          Industrial IoT : Web Based Remotely Monitoring Temperature | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR - SENSORS


804.          ADXL335: Raspberry Pi Interfacing with MEMS Sensor - 3 Axis Accelerometer

805.          IOT: Railway track crack detection robot USING GSM-GPS

806.          Sensors Data Monitoring on website through Arduino GPRS

807.          solar sprayer | solar seed sprayer | solar agro sprayer | Solar Agriculture Sprayer

808.          GSM Based Motor Control for Irrigation System

809.          Mobile starter : GSM based Remote Motor Controller and status monitoring

810.          Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation Using Bluetooth Android Smart Phone

811.          How to make an infrared Entry & Exit motion detector - IR Based Projects

812.          Raspberry Pi 3 GPS Tracking System | Interfacing GPS with Raspberry Pi 3

813.          Raspberry Pi 3 Serial Port Usage - Disable Bluetooth

814.          IOT Home Automation using Arduino

815.          ESP8266 Home Automation: MSP430 Based Android Home Automation And Control

816.          Android smartphone controlled Bluetooth robot with Arduino

817.          Hand Gesture Controlled home automation
