Distance Based Accident Avoidance System in Automobiles Using Arduino with CAN Protocol | SMS Alert - Vehicle Speed Control and Accident Avoidance System using CAN | CAN BASED ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE SYSTEM | Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol | CAN Based Safety Distance Calculation for Collision Avoidance in Automobile,
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
5. Vehicle Speed Control and Accident Avoidance System using CAN,
6. Advanced Smart Cruise Control with Safety Distance Considered,
7. Design of Automobile Collision Avoidance Warning System Based on CAN Bus,
8. Vehicle to Vehicle Communication for Crash Avoidance System Based on CAN Bus,
9. Car-to-Car Communication for Accident Avoidance,
10. ARM 7 Based Controller Area Network for Accident Avoidance, - arXiv,
11. Intelligent CAN-based automotive collision avoidance warning system,
12. An Intelligent System to Avoid Collision in Vehicle based on Can,
13. Intelligent Safety Warning and Alert System for Car Driving,
14. Inter/Intra-Vehicle Wireless Communication,
15. Automated Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Avoidance at, - MIT scripts,
16. Intelligent Transport System Implementation on, - IOSR journals,
17. ARM based vehicle collision avoidance with, - Ishitv Technologies,
18. Secure In-Vehicle Communication - Springer,
19. can based accident avoidance system using lpc2129,
20. can based accident avoidance system ppt,
21. accident avoidance system project/seminar report/pdf/ppt download,
22. can interfacing with lpc1768,
23. Secure In-Vehicle Communication - Springer,
24. CAN BASED PROJECTS - MTech Projects,
25. Autonomous Manoeuvring Systems for Collision Avoidance on Single,
26. Vehicle to Vehicle Communication for Crash Avoidance Systems,
27. Automotive Informatics and Communicative Systems: Principles in,
28. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and, - RJPBCS,
29. Vehicular Networking: Automotive Applications and Beyond,
30. Fundamentals of Mobile Heavy Equipment,
31. Security-Aware Design for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Platform-Based,
32. Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol,
34. CAN Communication based accident avoidance system using,
35. Industrial Automation and Control System Using CAN BUS,
36. CAN Based Vehicle Speed control and Safety Prototype,
37. Car-to-Car Communication for Accident Avoidance - ppt video online,
39. Continental Automotive - Vehicle to X Communication,
40. ARM7 Based Smart Monitor and Control on Bus Stand,
41. An ARM7 LPC2148 Based Temperature Measurement System Using,
42. Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection Using MEMS, GSM, GPS,
43. Verification of On-Line Vehicle Collision Avoidance Warning System,
44. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication rule finally proposed by the,
45. Intelligent CAN-based automotive collision avoidance warning system,
46. Intelligent-Automatic-Vehicle-Accident-Detection-System-Using,
47. The Real-World Safety Potential of Connected Vehicle Technology,
48. RFID-Based Vehicle Positioning and Its Applications in, - MDPI,
49. Vehicular optical ranging and communication system | EURASIP,
50. Heavy Vehicle Hardware-In-The-Loop Crash Avoidance Safety,
51. Laying the Foundation for Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Communications,
52. Can based collision aviodance system for automobiles - SlideShare,
53. EMC Countermeasures for In-Vehicle Communication Networks,
54. A CAN Protocol Based Intelligent Transportation Systems, - IJERMT,
55. Intelligent Vehicle Technologies - Ljubo Vlacic - COLLEGE OF,
56. In-Car Communication based on Power Line Networks - TUM,
57. Implementation of Can Bus in an Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicle,
58. CAN / FLEXRAY Projects | CITL Projects,
59. Real-Time Server-Based Communication With CAN,
61. Perception for collision avoidance and, - CMU Robotics Institute,
SVSEmbedded will do new innovative thoughts. Any latest idea will comes we will take that idea & implement that idea in a few days. We always encourage the students to take good ideas/projects. SVSEmbedded providing latest innovative electronics projects to B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech students. We developed thousands of projects for engineering student to develop their skills in electrical and electronics
Friday, 26 February 2021
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Examination Room Guide using FINGER PRINT, RFID with Arduino and GSM-SMS...
Examination Room Guide using FINGER PRINT, RFID with Arduino and GSM-SMS Alert Jumbling System EXAMS | Examination room guide using RFID and FINGER PRINT for the jumbling system based EXAMS
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link
Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. RFID Based Access Control System Using Arduino | Arduino to Excel Communication (PLX-DAQ) | Library,
2. DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino Automated Shopping Cart with Add/Delete ITEMS,
3. Smart Door Locks Security System using ESP32-CAM with QR Code,
4. Digital Temperature Controller | Temperature Controlled Fan Using 8051,
5. GSM Based Smart Energy Meter with Arduino Project,
6. Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken Drivers,
7. Medicine Reminder System | Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project,
8. Smart E - Agriculture Monitoring Based on Arduino With Android App & SMS Alert,
9. Soldier Health and Position Tracking System Using Arduino, GSM Module and GPS Module,
10. Underwater Wireless Communication Using IR Project,
11. GSM and GPS Based Women Tracking System using Arduino | Proteus Simulation,
12. Smart Crop Protection System From Animals Using Arduino | Lazer | LDR,
13. Industrial Sensor's Monitoring System using IIoT | Arduino,
14. Women's Safety using Arduino & LabVIEW in Web Browser | Google Maps | Open URL in Default Browser VI,
15. Arduino Dual (Voice + Button) Control Pick and Place Bluetooth Robot Using Android App,
16. Biometric Security System using Fingerprint with ARM7 and GSM Module,
17. IoT Based Dust bin Monitoring System Using Node MCU,
18. Arduino pick and place robot | Pick and Place Robot using Arduino + Android App | Bluetooth Robot,
19. Happy New Year 2021 | LED Scrolling Message Display | SVSEMBEDDED,
20. ESP32-CAM Surveillance Camera System Using PIR Sensor | Arduino Home Automation and GSM - SMS Alert,
21. Accident Identification and Alerting Project Using ARM7 LPC2148,
22. Fingerprint Electronic Voting System using Arduino Nano | R307 | NOTA,
23. Body Movement Recognition & Smart Sensors Techniques For Monitor Comatose Patient Monitoring,
24. Soldier Position Tracking System Using Arduino, GSM and GPS Module,
25. IOT Based Indoor Air Quality Monitor With | MQ9 - CO2 | LM35 - Temperature | MQ6 - LPG GAS | Arduino,
26. Biometric Fingerprint Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner,
27. How to make a Automatic Car Parking System With Empty Slot Detection Using Arduino Uno & IR Sensor's,
29. Automatic Baby Cradle | Automatic E-Baby Cradle Cry (Sound Sensor) Bed Using Arduino,
30. Automatic Headlight Dimmer / Dipper for Vehicles Using LDR | Inspired Award Project,
31. LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System | Inspired Award Project,
32. Intelligent Energy Meter using GSM Modem with Arduino,
33. Arduino/Android - BLUETOOTH Home Control + APP - HC-05 | 4 - AC Light's | 2 - DC Fan Speed Control,
34. Accident Avoidance and Detection on Highways,
35. Vehicle Engine Lock System for Theft and Alcohol Detection,
36. Remote Home Security Alarm System Using GSM | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR,
37. Vehicle Monitoring and Theft Prevention System Using ARM Cortex-M3 LPC1768 | GSM | GPS,
38. How to Program ARM CORTEX-M3 LPC1768 | Dumping Hex File to LPC1768 Using Flash Magic,
39. Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies,
40. RF Controlled Robot with Obstacle Avoidance Using Ultrasonic Sensor,
41. Implementation of a Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors with Arduino,
42. Zigbee Based Temperature, Smoke & Gas Sensor Using ATmega328 and GSM Module with SMS Alert,
43. Zigbee Based Temperature Sensor, Smoke & Gas Sensor Alert Using ATmega328 | (LM35 + MQ2 + MQ6 +XBee),
44. IoT-based Collision Avoidance System to Prevent Vehicle Accident using CAN Protocol | ARM7 LPC2148,
45. Remote Patient Monitoring System | IOT,
46. High-tech car theft: Photo Captures Driver Caught In Stolen Vehicle Using ESP32CAM and Arduino, GSM,
47. Theft Detection and Controlling System of a Vehicle Using GSM, GPS,
48. [IoT] How to Send Temperature Values to Thingspeak Using Arduino and ESP8266 | Tinkercad,
49. Temperature Based Fan Speed Control Using Arduino | Tinkercad,
50. Arduino LCD 16x2 Display Test | Tinkercad,
51. ESP32-CAM | Send a Captured images by using Gmail,
52. IOT Based Smart Waste Dustbin Using NodeMCU,
53. Smart Agriculture IoT Solution - IoT Sensors (Soil Moisture, Humidity, Temperature),
RFID Based Access Control System Using Arduino | Arduino to Excel Commun...
RFID Based Access Control System Using Arduino | Arduino to Excel Communication (PLX-DAQ).
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link
Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. RFID Library Management System PPT 2020 | RFID Technology for Libraries in India | Technical Digit,
2. RFID based Library Management System,
3. RFID Based Library Management System In svsembeded,
5. RFID based access control security systems using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51),
6. IOT Based Project: RFID Canteen Management System,
7. RFID working (in hindi and written in english also),
8. Library Management System | RFID Based Library Management using Arduino (latest Project 2020),
9. RFID Based Access Control System Project Using PIC Microcontroller,
10. ESP8266 RFID based Remote Access Door Lock, RFID and IoT, RFID IoT, smart lock,
11. RFIDroid - Android and RFID based Realltime Access control System,
12. Audio Video Presentation for our Thesis Defense (RFID BASED LIBRARY SECURITY SYSTEM),
13. RFID based access control system using Arduino,
14. How to Make Arduino Security Access Lock | RFID MFRC522,
15. How To Make RFID (Smart Card) Door Lock using Arduino | Arduino Project For Beginners 2019,
16. How to make RFID based students Attendance system with sms Alert “Arduino,GSM Sim900A,MFRC522, VB,
17. Arduino - Create an Access Control System with an 4x3 Keypad & RFID-RC522,
19. RFID based access control security systems using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51),
20. Library Management System | RFID Based Library Management using Arduino (latest Project 2020),
21. RFID based Access Control System prototype using Arduino,
22. ESP8266 RFID based Remote Access Door Lock, RFID and IoT, RFID IoT, smart lock,
23. ARDUINO IOT: RFID Based Mobile Payment System GSM-GPRS Network,
24. RFID based access control system using Arduino,
25. RFID Security Access Control System using 8051 Microcontroller,
26. RFID based library management system using Arduino,
27. RFID based Access Control System Using Arduino,
28. rfid and keypad based access control system,
29. RFID and Keypad based Access Control and Alert System using Arduino,
30. RFID based access control and alert system using Arduino,
32. Library security/library security systems/What is RFID (radio frequency identification) technology,
33. RFID based access control system,
Thursday, 18 February 2021
DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino Automated Shopping...
DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino Automated Shopping Cart with Add/Delete ITEMS | Smart Shopping Cart with Automated Billing System |rfid based smart trolley for automatic billing system | Smart trolley using rfid project report | smart shopping cart using rfid | smart shopping trolley with automated billing using arduino | smart trolley system for automated billing using rfid | automated shopping trolley for billing system | smart shopping cart research paper | ieee papers on smart shopping cart
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link
Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. Smart Shopping Trolley with Automated Billing using Arduino,
2. Smart Trolley using RFID,
3. smart trolley system,
4. Development Of Electronic Shopping Trolley in Super Market,
5. Smart Trolley,
6. Wireless Smart Trolley for Shopping Malls using RFID and ZIGBEE,
7. RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart Using Arduino | RC522,
8. DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino ,Automated Shopping Cart,
9. Smart Trolley-An intelligent approach to avoid waiting time in Billing-Project || GEC Patan Rangers,
10. IoT in Bigbox Retail with Smart Trolley and Indoor Navigation,
11. NodeMCU : Interfacing EM -18 RFID Reader with ESP8266,
12. IoT based Smart Shopping Cart,
13. RFID & ESP8266 IoT based smart shopping cart (trolley) project,
14. Raspberry pi based smart trolley | Elecbits,
15. Smart Trolley Bag innovative electronics project,
16. Smart Trolley Using IOT,
17. IOT SMART TROLLEY BY svsembedded,
18. IoT based Smart Shopping Cart using RFID and NodeMCU,
20. Smart Trolley using Smart Phone and Arduino | OMICS,
21. Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino,
22. anandthegreat/Smart-Shopping-Cart: Arduino based - GitHub,
23. Smart Cart Using Arduino and RFID - IRJET,
24. A smart shopping cart - Arduino Forum,
25. Smart Shopping Cart : 4 Steps - Instructables,
26. rfid based shopping trolley using arduino code,
27. smart trolley using rfid code,
28. smart trolley using rfid,
29. smart trolley using iot”,
30. smart trolley using iot ppt,
31. smart trolley using iot,
32. smart trolley using arduino code,
33. smart trolley project using raspberry pi,
34. smart trolley project using arduino,
35. smart trolley project ieee paper,
36. smart trolley project code,
37. smart shopping trolley using rfid based on iot,
38. smart shopping system project,
39. smart shopping cart research paper,
40. smart shopping cart project report,
41. rfid in shopping malls,
42. rfid based supermarket shopping system,
43. rfid based shopping trolley using arduino code,
44. rfid based shopping trolley using arduino,
45. rfid based shopping trolley source code,
46. rfid based shopping trolley circuit diagram,
47. literature survey for smart trolley,
48. iot based smart shopping system,
49. disadvantages of rfid based shopping trolley,
50. automated smart trolley with smart billing using arduino,
51. arduino code for smart trolley,
52. arduino code for smart shopping cart,
53. Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino,
54. How To Make Auto Billing Mall Shopping Cart Project,
55. Arduino Smart Shopping Trolly Using RFID,
56. smart shopping trolley using rf-id,
57. Smart Trolley using RFID,
58. RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart Using Arduino | RC522,
59. DIY Smart Auto Billing Shopping Trolley Using Arduino,
60. Smart Trolley using RFID,
61. How To Make Auto Billing Mall Shopping Cart Project,
62. RFID Based Shopping Trolley,
63. How to make RFID Based Shopping Cart,
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Smart Door Locks Security System using ESP32-CAM with QR Code
QR Code Based Door Lock System using ESP32-CAM | qr code-based door lock system | qr code door lock using arduino | qr code door access system | qr code locker | qr code padlock | arduino qr code reader | qr code lock box | how does qr code lock work | Smart Door Lock with Barcode Scanner | App Control | QR Code Door Lock | Phlipton | Automation | QR Code Door Lock | QR Code Door Lock direct from | svsembedded | svskits | 9491535690 | 7842358459 | ESP32CAM - QR code-based Door Lock System | QR Code Based Door Lock System using ESP32-CAM | Unlock front door via qr code.
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link
Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. ESP32CAM QR Code Reader | ESP32-CAM-QR Code Scanner,
2. DIY Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell using ESP32 and Camera,
3. ESP32 CAM Face Detection Door Lock System,
4. ESP32 CAM Face Recognition Door Lock System,
5. ESP32 Cam Motion Alert | Send Image to Telegram,
6. ESP32-CAM Face Recognition for Access Control,
7. How I Build Face Recognition Door Lock,
8. ESP32CAM QR Code Scanner,
9. ESP32-CAM Face Recognition and Video Streaming with Arduino IDE,
10. ESP32CAM QR Code Reader | ESP32-CAM-QR Code Scanner,
11. ESP32-CAM Video Streaming and Face Recognition with Arduino IDE,
12. WiFi Door Lock using ESP32 CAM & Blynk - IoT Projects for Smart House,
13. Smart Door Bell using ESP32 Cam/ESP-EYE & Blynk,
14. Unlock a Door With Face Recognition Using ESP32 Camera,
15. DIY Surveillance camera with ESP32 CAM,
16. Door Unlock With Face Recognition Using ESP32 Cam | Esp32 Cam Based Face Unlock,
17. How to install QR Code Locks,
18. ESP32 CAM Getting Started | Face Detection,
19. Tech Note 102 - ESP(32 or 8266) Produce and Display QRcodes,
20. ESP32-CAM Face recognition based attendance system test 1,
21. LibeTech - QR code-based Door Lock System,
22. ESPino32(ESP32) + OV2640 Camera Read QR Code,
23. ESP32 Fingerprint Sensor Based Biometric Door Lock Security System,
24. QR code based door security system using a raspberry pi,
25. App Inventor 2 + Arduino tutorial - simple QR code door lock,
26. ESP-Eye: First Look [ESP32 Face Recognition],
27. Make your own barcode scanning system | Barcode click,
28. AI Attendence system using FaceRecognition & RasPi |you Just need only a single image for Training,
30. how to make a retina scan door lock at home,
31. Face Recognition Door Lock System Via QR Code Using Raspberry Pi,
32. How to make Real Fingerprint Door Lock at home | TecH BoyS ToyS,
33. How to build Esp32 based CCTV and Face Recognition system,
34. Progress Security Lock Door with QR Code Project,
35. ESP32-CAM Video Streaming Camera Over WiFi | Security Camera System for Home - IP (ESP32 - OV2640),
36. Connecting a Lock to Wifi with a microcontroller and Raspberry Pi,
37. Arduino Standalone QR Code Generator and Auto Shutdown,
38. QR Code, Arduino and 26bit Wiegand to an ACU,
39. DIY | An Automated Door Lock using Raspberry Pi and Python,
40. ESP32 And Fingerprint Sensor Based Biometric Door Lock Security System | Esp-32 Project,
41. Standalone IoT security project using ESP32 | Fingerprint Sensor | Hex Keypad | IoT Projects |JLCPCB,
42. WiFi Controlled Robot Car Using NodeMCU | V380 Live Camera Monitoring System,
43. QR Code Reader With Raspberry Pi and Camera,
44. ESP8266 Arduino Project: Electric Lock and Unlocked by an Android Fingerprint,
45. Getting started with M5Stack Fire development kit | ESP32 projects,
46. NodeMCU with Android - Configuration with QR Code,
47. Face Recognition Raspberry Pi Zero Party Greeter,
48. How to Make Android Fingerprint Door Lock | Arduino/ESP32 Project,
49. Smart Door Lock with Face Recognition,
50. How to Make a Smartphone Connected Door Lock,
51. Smart Locker With QR Code,
52. Project Showcase: Secure DIY Garage Door Opener,
53. ESP32 WiFi Message Board,
54. Qr code serrure arduino maquette demonstration,
55. esp8266 serial to QRCode oled,
Monday, 15 February 2021
Digital Temperature Controller | Temperature Controlled Fan Using 8051
Digital Temperature Controller | Temperature Controlled Fan Using 8051
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link
Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. Top 10 Arduino-Sensors with Projects for Beginners,
2. how to connect thermostat temperature relay w1209,
3. Make an Arduino Temperature Sensor (Thermistor Tutorial),
4. Refrigerator Repair - Replacing the Temperature Sensor - WR55X10025,
5. (W1209) Digital temperature controller- (part two),
6. Thermistor for measuring/controlling temperature,
7. DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor with Arduino – Tutorial,
8. Digital LCD IR Infrared Thermometer Forehead Body Surface Temperature,
9. How to test and replace Thermistors (temperature sensors) on split air conditioner AC,
10. How to Set Up the DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor on an Arduino,
11. Blynk ESP8266 DHT11 Temperature Sensor,
12. How To Test An Oven Temperature Sensor,
13. LM35 temperature sensor pic16f877a Mikro C proteus,
14. Temperature Controlled Fan Using 8051,
15. Digital Thermometer Project Using 8051 Microcontroller,
16. Arduino Based Digital Thermometer,
17. Temperature control system using LM35 precision sensor and 80c51 microcontroller (lab application),
18. Digital Temperature Sensor using Microcontroller,
19. 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51) based Digital Thermometer Project,
20. Digital Temperature Sensor using Microcontroller,
21. Temperature sensor(LM35), Moisture sensor, Humidity sensor interfacing with PIC18F4550,
22. LM 35 Temperature sensor-8051,
23. ADC0848 And Temperature Sensor Interfacing With 8051,
24. Temperature Measurement using AVR microcontroller,
25. Microcontroller based Overheat detector using Temperature sensor with Buzzer indication,
26. Interfacing Temperature Sensor DS1621 with 8051,
27. Digital Thermometer using LM35 and Microcontroller,
28. Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC Microcontroller,
29. Digital temperature sensor using TMP102 and Arduino,
30. Digital Thermometer using a PIC Microcontroller and DS18B20,
31. Industry Temperature monitoring system using 8051 Based Microcontroller,
32. Temperature indicator using 8051,
33. iMac Hard Disk Removal | iMac SSD Upgrade | Thermal Sensor Link Posted under Description,
34. Raspberry Pi DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Tutorial,
35. Electronic Basics -15: Temperature Measurement (Part 1) || NTC, PT100, Wheatstone Bridge,
36. DHT11 & DHT22 Sensors Temperature and Humidity Tutorial using Arduino,
37. How To Install A Water Temperature Sensor Hose Adapter,
38. How to make Temperature sensor circuit using thermistor,
39. AC 110V Digital Temperature Controller Temp w/ Sensor Thermostat aquarium Control How wire STC-1000,
40. New Xiaomi Smart Temperature & Humidity Sensor [Mijia] Full Walkthrough,
41. HTC-1 LCD Digital Thermometer Hygrometer | Temperature, Clock, Humidity,
42. What is a Temperature Sensor,
43. Make Fan control Temperature Sensor circuit using Thermistor,
44. Temperature Sensors Explained,
45. How to check body temperature with digital thermometer - How to use digital thermometer,
46. How To: Samsung Defrost Temperature Sensor DA32-10105R,
47. How to Set Up the DHT11 Humidity Sensor on the Raspberry Pi,
48. How To: Samsung Temperature Sensor DA32-00006S,
49. Oven Repair - Replacing the Temperature Sensor (Frigidaire Part - 316490001),
50. (W1209) Digital temperature controller (part one),
51. LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino Uno,
52. DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Tutorial,
53. How To Program a Digital Temperature Controller For Refrigerators & Freezers,
54. Infrared Thermometer using Arduino and IR Temperature Sensor,
55. Raspberry Pi - GPIO & Python (7/9) - Temperature sensor,
56. STC1000 Wiring Guide - How to make a Homebrew Temperature Controller,
57. Thermostat Remote Temperature Sensor Hack,
58. OMRON - D6T MEMS Thermal Sensor,
59. Temperature Sensor (DS18B20) Raspberry Pi,
60. DS18B20 Dallas 1-Wire digital temperature sensor with Arduino tutorial,
61. Make a Fan Automatic ON & OFF Temperature Sensor Circuit, diy electronics,
62. How to Make a Cheap Digital Temperature Controlled Outlet,
63. Digital Temperature Controller,
64. Temperature Sensor Circuit..Simple Heat Sensor Science Project,
65. Digital Thermometer Temperature Sensor LCD Display,
66. LM35 Temperature Sensor Using LabVIEW and myDAQ,
67. Arduino DS18B20 temperature sensor tutorial,
68. Temperature controller wiring and setting,
69. Arduino Digital Thermometer with a DS18B20 sensor and a Nokia 5110 display,
70. Opel/Vauxhall Secret Menu Free Temperature Sensor Bodgit And Leggit Garage,
71. How To Use DS18B20 Temperature Sensor | Use DS18B20 Water Proof Temperature Sensor,
Arduino Based Automatic Engine Locking System for Drunken Drivers
automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers using arduino | Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken drivers | Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project | Alcohol Detection Systems Using Arduino Uno R3 | Factory Worker Alcohol Detector with Automatic Machine Shutdown System.
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link
Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
2. Micro controller based automatic engine locking system for drunken driver,
3. Alcohol Detection Alert with Automatic Engine Locking Project,
5. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Controlling,
6. automatic drunken drive prevention system - GIAP Journals,
7. Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Controlling - IJETA,
8. Road Accident Avoiding System using Drunken Sensing Technique,
9. automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers pdf,
10. alcohol sensing and engine locking system ppt,
11. ppt on automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers,
12. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project pdf,
13. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project circuit diagram,
14. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking ppt,
15. automatic engine locking system for drunk and driver using raspberry pi,
16. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using arduino,
17. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project,
18. Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking,
19. Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken,
20. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project,
21. Alcohol sensing alert with engine locking,
23. Alcohol detector project,
24. vehicle accident and Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking system,
25. Drunk Driving Detection And Control,
26. High sensitive Alcohol sensor with auto car ignition disable function,
27. Liquor Detection through Automatic Motor Locking System Using,
28. Breathalyser circuit featuring the MQ3 alcohol sensor,
29. Alcohol Detector System,
30. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with,
31. Factory Worker Alcohol Detector with Automatic Machine Shutdown,
32. Arduino Alcohol Detector for Cars,
34. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling,
35. How to make a Alcohol Detection System,
36. Alcohol Detection and Accident Avoidance Using Locking With Tracking,
37. smart drunken driver detection and speed monitoring system,
38. Alcohol Detection and Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System,
39. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project,
40. Drunken Driving Protection System,
41. Mcep Based Intelligent Vehicle With Multitask Management,
42. Alcohol Detection and Motor Locking System,
43. Driver Safety Awareness and Assistance System for,
44. Automatic alcohol detection circuit breaker deployed in the,
45. Helmet Based Vehicle's Auto Ignition with Alcohol Detection,
46. Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM,
47. Automatic locked control system of vehicle drunken driving based on,
48. ARM Based Drunk Driver Identification with Tracking System,
49. Automated Control System for Alcohol and Pollution Detection,
50. Intelligent Vehicle Control Using Wireless Embedded System in,
51. Alcohol Detection System in Vehicle Using Arduino,
52. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling,
53. Intelligent Car System for Accident Prevention Using ARM7,
54. International Journal of Engineering Research-Online A Peer,
55. Embedded system based automobile accident prevention,
56. Driver Authentication and Accident Avoidance System for Vehicles,
57. Implementation of Advance Automobile System for,
58. Design and Implementation of Weal Vehicle System,
59. Drunk Driving Detection Vehicle Controller,
60. Fuzzy Based Model for Accident Prevent System,
61. Patent US8201437 - Alcohol detection system and method for vehicle,
62. Study on the prevention of drink-driving by the use of alcohol interlock,
63. Vehicle Ignition over Ride System Using Breath Analyzers for,
65. Blood alcohol sensors could make cars shut down if over legal limit,
66. An Intelligent Vehicle Control and Monitoring Using Arm - International,
67. Unobtrusive Breath Alcohol Sensing System,
68. GPS and GSM/GPRS Based Futuristic Automobile Live,
69. Ignition Interlock Devices to Prohibit Operation of Motor Vehicles By,
Friday, 12 February 2021
Medicine Reminder System | Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project
Medicine Reminder System | Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
6. Beyoung Daily Pill Reminder Box Storage System with 5 Alarms,
7. ArduMed - Smart Medicine Reminder for Old People – Ijser,
9. A smart pill box with remind and consumption confirmation functions,
10. Memo Box Smart Pillbox: Award Winning Pill Organizer & Reminder,
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14. Smart Pill Box (IDC2018IOT): 8 Steps,
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20. Memo Box Smart Pill Box Tutorial: Learn How to Set Reminders to,
21. Memo Box Smart Pill Box Tutorial: How to Set Misplaced Reminder,
22. MED-Q Smart Pill Box, Smart Pill Box,
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Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Smart E - Agriculture Monitoring Based on Arduino With Android App & SMS...
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
5. Applications of Smartphone-Based Sensors in Agriculture,
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Friday, 5 February 2021
Soldier Health And Position Tracking System Using Arduino,GSM Module and...
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If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. Soldier Health and Position Tracking System,
2. Soldier Health And Position Tracking System Using Arduino,GSM Module and GPS Module,
3. Soldier tracking with health monitoring using GPS and GSM,
4. GPS And GSM Based Real Time Human Health Monitoring And Alert System For Cardiac Patients,
5. How To Make Soldier Health Position Tracker Using GPS & Health Sensor,
6. Soldier Health and Position Tracking System,
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10. Health Monitoring Tracking System - health monitoring and position tracking system,
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13. Soldier Health Monitoring System With GPS Location Monitoring | Pulse Rate | Body Temperature,
16. Soldier Health monitoring and tracking position using IoT & Arduino mega in embedded system project,
17. Advanced Soldier Health Monitoring and Tracking System Using GPS and GSM,
18. Soldier Health & Position Tracking System -TirunelveliStartups Hackathon 2019,
19. Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies,
20. IOT Based Soldier Navigation and Health Monitoring System,
21. Soldier health monitoring with location monitoring,
22. Soldier tracking position and health moniter using IoT and Arduino mega in embedded systems project,
23. IOT Based Soldier Navigation and Health Monitoring System,
24. NIYANTRA 2013- Health Monitoring System of Soldiers Using NI Lab View,
27. ET19 Smart Armour Soldier Health Monitoring And Location Tracking,
31. How to track soldiers in panic situation,
32. SOLDIER HEALTH AND POSITION TRACKING SYSTEM/ Electrical and Electronics Engg,/An Openbook,
33. Advanced Soldier Health Monitoring System Using ARM and XBee,
34. Soldier Tracking System Using GPS and GSM,
35. Soldier Tracking and Health Monitoring system,
36. Advanced soldier tracking system using GPS GSM technology with health parameter monitoring,
37. Soldier tracking with health monitoring using GPS and GSM,
38. Soldier Health and Position Tracking System,
underwater wireless communication Using IR project
Underwater communication system using ir wireless communication,
If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code
Mail Us: svsembedded@gmail.com
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http://svsembedded.com/ https://www.svskits.in/
M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
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AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS, Eye blink, Alcohol, MEMS & SMS📱Alert📍| Eye Blink + Alcohol + M...

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