Monday 17 January 2022

Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) + Temperature Monitor + Digital...

Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) + Temperature Monitor + Digital Alarm Clock | arduino real time clock ds3231 with i2c lcd display | arduino ds3231 example | real time clock arduino code | arduino real time clock ds1302 | ds3231 arduino projects | real time clock module. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock Tutorial, 2. Arduino Project: Real time clock (RTC) and temperature monitor using the DS3231 module, 3. Arduino DS3231 Real Time Clock and LCD Display, 4. Arduino desde cero en Español - Capítulo 38 - Reloj de Tiempo Real (RTC) DS3231 bus I2C, 5. Arduino Real Time Clock - Using the Tiny RTC, 6. Arduino Project: Real time clock DS3231 and 1.8 Color TFT display ST7735, 7. Arduino Turn on / off anything at a specific time (Trigger a Relay with DS3231 RTC), 8. Arduino Relay Trigger at specific time | DS3231 RTC Module, 9. Arduino Project: Plotclock with a DS3231 Real Time Clock and an Arduino UNO., 10. DS3231 Real Time Clock + Temperature Sensing using Arduino, 11. Getting Started With DS3231 RTC Module, 12. Módulos para Arduino - Vídeo 14 - RTC DS1307 e DS3231, 13. Digital clock with Arduino, 128x64 LCD display and RTC module DS3231, 14. Arduino time without a RTC, 15. Display Date Time and Temperature using DS3231 RTC and I2C LCD, 16. How to use DS3231 RTC clock module Alarm with Arduino, 17. Arduino - OLED Clock v2.0, 18. Real Time Clock: Setting the Date/Time with Arduino, 19. Arduino: DS3231 Real time Clock RTC Module, 20. Arduino Real Time 6 Digit Digital Clock using 2.3" 7 segment display with RTC ds1307, 21. Clock and calendar using Arduino due internal RTC and I2C LCD display, 22. How to set DS3231 Real time clock module for Arduino, 23. Arduino + DS3231 real time clock with alarms and temperature monitor, 24. Very LOW Power Arduino - Precise Time Interval Wakeup- using an RTC, 25. -5 Arduino compatible Real Time Clock modules (RTC) - DS1307 & DS3231, 26. Build Seven Segment LED clock with Arduino and DS3231 – Robojax, 27. Arduino Real Time Clock project with a DS3231 module, 28. How To Make Arduino Clock Using DS3231 RTC Module, 29. How to Make Arduino Based Digital Alarm Clock, 30. Real Time Clock with Arduino| DS3231 Module, 31. Lesson 19 – DS3231 RTC Module, 32. RTC (Real Time Clock) with Arduino - Low Cost MCP7940N, 33. Arduino And DS3231 RTC Clock Module, 34. EASY Arduino Alarm Clock based on DS1302 RTC, 35. Real Time Clock con Arduino e DS1307, 36. How to make Real Time Clock With Alarm using Arduino and RTC DS3231, 37. Setting a Real Time Clock (RTC) with an Arduino Pro Micro, 38. Real Time Clock - Modulo RTC DS3231 - Configuracion y Programacion, 39. DS1302 RTC with arduino tutorial, 40. Arduino Code: 4-Digit Clock Display (TM1637) + (DS3231) 7 Segment LEDs, 41. Arduino Alarm Clock Using a Real Time Clock and LCD Screen, 42. All about the DS3231, 43. DIY Word Clock - 3D Printed - (Arduino Nano, RTC DS3231 and Adafruit Neopixel), 44. TUTORIAL: How to wire up & code an RTC - Real Time Clock - Arduino (Module), 45. How To Wake Up Arduino From RTC Alarm Interrupt, 46. 12/24 Hour 6 Digit Led Digital Clock with RTC Module, Make in PCB and zero PCB Details Video (Hindi), 47. NodeMCU ESP8266 with DS3231 Real Time Clock Module, 48. Raspberry Pi 3 DS3231 RTC Install - Part -1, 49. How to setup RTC DS1302 with Keypad + LCD + Arduino, 50. Arduino Digital Clock on DS3231 RTC and TFT 2.2 LCD DIY, 51. Arduino & Max7219 LED Matrix Clock With RTC DS3231, 52. DS 3231 RTC | Disable Battery Charging circuit | RTC module hack, 53. Arduino real time clock and temperature monitor using DS3231 and SSD1306 OLED, 54. Desk Weather Station (Arduino+DHT11+BMP280+DS3231), 55. Arduino Home Automation. Arduino UNO Real Time Clock (RTC) DS3231 controlled Relays, 56. RELÓGIO COM RTC DS3231 | Curso de Arduino -094, 57. Arduino Digital Clock + Alarm + Thermometer dengan DS3231 dan LCD 1602 i2C, 58. TUTORIAL ON REAL TIME CLOCK USING DS3231, MAX7219 LED 8X32 DOT MATRIX & ARDUINO NANO, 59. Arduino - Real Time Clock (RTC) Alarm, 60. DS1307 Real time clock simulation with Arduino, 61. ARDUINO - RTC (Real Time Clock), 62. Adding Real Time Clock Module to Raspberry Pi 3, 63. DS1307 RTC Module with Arduino-Real Time Clock, 64. Real time clock using Arduino and DS3231 - Proteus simulation, 65. Arduino Real Time Clock DS3231 with I2C LCD Display - Simple Sketch, 66. Time Attendance System with RFID Using Arduino ,SD card module and real time clock.,

Sunday 16 January 2022

Eye Blink Counter using RaspberryPi Pico | Anti Sleep Glasses For Driver...

Eye Blink Counter using Raspberry Pi Pico | Anti Sleep Glasses For Driver Drowsiness Detection System | Accident Prevention | OpenCV Python | Computer Vision | Drowsy Driver Detection | Anti Sleep Glasses For Drivers || Eye Blink Sensor || Drowsiness Detection System | A WOW project with Eye blink sensor and Arduino | Arduino Project | Inspire Award Project | Anti Sleep Alarm for Drivers | innovative ideas | Road safety. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Eye Blink Detection While Driving Car for Accident Prevention, 2. Eye Blink Counter using OpenCV Python | Computer Vision, 3. How to Make a Drowsy Driver Detection, 4. Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection Using MEMS, GSM, GPS & Cortex M3, 5. Inspire Award Project | Third Eye for Blind, 6. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, Speed sensors, GSM & GPS, 7. IOT Project: A WEB BASED ACCIDENT REPORTING AND TRACKING SYSTEM, 8. Anti Sleep Glasses For Drivers || Eye Blink Sensor || Drowsiness Detection System, 9. Vehicle Accident Prevention Using Eye Blink, Alcohol, MEMS and Obstacle Sensors, 10. Inspire Award Project | Anti sleep alarm for drivers | innovative ideas, 11. Eye Blink + Alcohol + MEMS + TEMPERATURE + Arduino uno + GSM + GPS + Google Map Location, 12. Eye Blink detection with Raspberry Pi2 + and opencv (RaspberryPi challenge IESL UTE ), 13. Eye blink detection using Rasoberrypi IESL-UTE_2017, 14. How to make a Drowsy Driver Alert System, 15. VEHICLE ACCIDENT DETECTION USING MEMS SENSOR AND RASPBERRY PI, 16. Doll Blinking Eyes using Arduino UNO Board, 17. Vehicle Accident Alert System using Eye blink sensor in Telugu, 18. Eye blink sensor without using Arduino ||Anti-Sleep glasses for drivers, 19. eye blink detection with Arduino, 20. Driver Drowsiness Detection using Raspberry Pi with Open CV and Python, 21. Eye Blink Detection (Hai - Hoa), 22. LED on arduino blinks with eye By EOG Detection, 23. Computer Vision Project | Eye Blink Detection | Python OpenCV Project | Without Machine Learning, 24. EYE BLINK DETECTION SYSTEM USING 8051 MICROCONTROLLER, 25. Engineering students with Eye Blink sensor for accident prevention, 26. Drowsy driver detection prototype application Using Keil and Proteus simulation, 27. Eye-blink Detector (opencv and python), 28. Vehicle Accident Prevention for Automobiles with Eyeblink, Alcohol, Mems, Vibration - Obstacle senor, 29. OpenCV Based Eye Blink Task Management System for Paralyzed Patients, 30. Eye blink detection - OpenCV – Python, 31. Eye Blink Sensor- Major Project for engineering Final Year- Project link & PDF in Description box, 32. Anti Eye blink sensor with Arduino, 33. Arduino basic tutorial blinking example and IR sensor, 34. Vehicle/train Accident Prevention Using Eye Blink | KIET GHAZIABAD | ARDUINO, 35. The Eye blink sensor / prasanth, 36. Raspberry Pi Based Eye Blink Detection & Image Capture for drowsy driver, 37. Implementation of a Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors with Arduino, 38. Tech Projects Eye bink Sensor goggles Using ARduino UNO & IR Sensor, 39. Eyes blink detection., 40. Real Time Drowsiness Detection System For Vehicle Using Eyeblink Sensor, 41. Eye Blink Detection using Python, 42. Eyeblink accident detector, 43. Student Project - Third Eye for the blind using Arduino and Ultrasonic sensors, 44. Android Project | Eye Blink Detector android app | college project,

45. home appliance control by eye blink sensor, 46. Accident Prevention System Using Eye Blink Sensor | Arduino Project | Anti Sleep Alarm For Drivers,

Saturday 15 January 2022

IOT Based Gas Cylinder Level Detection & Sensor's Alert using Raspberry ...

LPG Cylinder weight measuring device using Arduino & Low Gas Alert | GSM based LPG weight and LPG leakage detection System | Arduino Based LPG gas Monitoring & Automatic Cylinder booking with Alert System | IOT Based Gas Cylinder Level Detection & Automatic Booking using Raspberry Pi Pico [ SMS / E - MAIL ]. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E-MAIL ], 2. Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert Using GSM Module – Arduino, 3. Arduino Based LPG GAS Monitoring - Automatic Cylinder booking with Alert System Using IoT, 4. IOT Based Gas Level Monitoring over Internet Using ESP8266, 5. IOT Based Gas Leakage Detection System | ESP8266 (NodeMcu) with Gmail, 6. Automatic Public Tap Control System Using IR Sensor to Prevent Wastage Of Water, 7. IOT Project : Smart Home Automation Using GPRS, EMAIL - SMS ALERT, 8. IOT Based LPG|CNG Leakage Detection Alert Using Arduino ESP8266 Thingspeak Pushbullet on Android, 9. How to make Automated Gas cylinder booking system, 10. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E - MAIL ], 11. GPS Based Voice - Vibration Alert System for the Blind using ARM7 LPC2148, 12. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert, 13. LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System | Inspired Award Project, 14. LPG leakage detection and controlling using IOT module, 15. NodeMCU IoT based Gas detector, 16. IOT Based INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DISPLAY ON WEBPAGE USING ETHERNET AND LAB VIEW, 17. "Gas leakage detector system" Presentation, 18. Gas Alert System with IoT and Telegram App Using ESP32, 19. Automatic GAS Booking System and Leakage Detection using IOT, 20. LPG Gas Monitoring and Automatic cylinder booking alert system, 21. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E-MAIL ], 22. LPG Leakage Alert System, 23. Automatic Alert to Safety Officers using IOT, 24. GSM Based Gas Monitoring and SMS Alert System, 25. auto booking cylinder system wifi based MCUs, 26. IOT Based LPG Gas Leakage Detection, Gas Measurement and Alert System, 27. Gas detector system project, 28. IOT Based LPG Leakage Detection System with Prevention Compensation, 29. GSM Based Gas Leakage Detection System, 30. Gas Cylinder Tracking System Lesson 4, 31. Arduino Based LPG gas Monitoring - Automatic Cylinder Booking with Alert System, 32. Fire Gas Detection and Instant SMS Alerting System, 33. LPG GAS ALERT SYSTEM, 34. IoT Based Industrial Monitoring System, 35. How to make IoT based Gas Leakage Monitoring System | LPG Leakage Detector using NodeMCU, 36. Development of LPG Level Detection and Automatic Booking using NodeMCU ESP8266, 37. Accident Avoidance demo, 38. Gas cylinder empty alert system project by AMVITECH, 39. LPG gas leakage detection and Alert system | LPG gas leakage using microcontroller, 40. IOT based LPG detector, 41. IoT Based Gas Monitoring System Project, 42. IOT BASED LPG GAS MONITORING SYSTEM (EC - EEE PROJECTS), 43. Smart LPG Management System using IOT, 44. Embedded based automatic cylinders booking with alert system, 45. LPG Detection and Alert system, 46. Final year Embedded systems Project Load based automatic lpg gas cylinder Booking using rpi, 47. New LPG Emergency Helpline in case of gas leakage, 48. LPG Leakage Detection, Measurement and Alert System using Arduino, 49. LPG Gas leakage Security alarm, 50. IOT based gas leakage detector alarm, 51. LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Booking System,

Friday 14 January 2022

Raspberry Pi Pico Interfacing with MQ2 Gas and Smoke Detection Sensor

In this Project, we can read the sensor analog output voltage and when the smoke reaches a certain level, it will make sound a buzzer and a red LED will turn on.When the output voltage is below that level, a green LED will be on.The MQ-2 smoke sensor is sensitive to smoke and to the following flammable gases ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. smoke detector using 8051 microcontroller, 2. Interfacing MQ2 Gas and Smoke sensor with Raspberry Pi Pico, 3. Raspberry Pi Pico Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Calibration, 4. IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi Pico, 5. Raspberry Pi Pico Temperature Controlled Fan Speed | PWM, 6. Automatic Watering System for Plants using Raspberry Pi Pico with Soil Moisture Sensor, 7. MPU6050 Accelerometer Interfacing with Raspberry PI Pico, 8. Blood Oxygen & Heart Rate Measurement with MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter, Raspberry Pi Pico & Bluetooth, 9. QR-Code Based Examination Room Guidance System Using ESP32-CAM and Raspberry Pi Pico, 10. Underground Cable Fault Detection Based On Raspberry Pi Pico GSM and GPS Modem, 11. Traffic Light Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico For Emergency Vehicles, 12. Women Security System: ESP32-CAM, GPS, GSM, Raspberry Pi PICO,ALARM, SMS / CALL / TELEGRAM PHOTO ALERT, 13. GPS TRACKER AND ALCOHOL DETECTOR WITH ENGINE LOCKING SYTEM USING RASPBERRY PI PICO WITH GSM - SMS, 14. RGB LED Controller using Rotary Encoder and Raspberry Pi Pico, 15. Smart Home Automation - GSM Based Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi Pico, 16. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring On Bluetooth App, 17. Raspberry Pi Pico - LED Cube 3x3x3, 18. Bluetooth 4-Channel Relay Control ( Light ) board (with Android App) | Raspberry Pi Pico, 19. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor, 20. Real Time Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking Using GSM, GPS & Raspberry Pi Pico, 21. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Women Safety Device with GPS Tracking and Emergency Alerts, 22. Automatic Room Light Control with Raspberry Pi Pico Visitors Counter, 23. Car Parking System using Raspberry Pi Pico and IR Sensor, 24. FINGER PRINT SCANNER BASED DOOR UNLOCK AND LOCKING SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI PICO, 25. Fire Alarm with Siren and Water Sprinkler System Using Raspberry Pi Pico, 26. Raspberry Pi Pico GPS Tracker | GPS NEO-6M GY-GPS6MV2 Module | Arduino IDE Programming, 27. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Hand Gesture Recognition with 3 flux Sensors and Voice Output, 28. Raspberry Pi Pico: IoT Based Smart Attendance System Using RFID & GPRS | SMS ALERT, 29. Password Based Security System Using Raspberry Pi Pico & Keypad, 30. Smart Trolley System for Automated Billing using RFID and Raspberry Pi Pico, 31. Interfacing 16x2 LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico | Arduino IDE Programming, 32. LED Blink on Raspberry Pi Pico With the Arduino IDE Programming, 33. How to Build a MQ-2 Smoke Sensor Circuit with a Raspberry Pi, 34. mq2 gas sensor raspberry pi python code, 35. raspberry pi gas sensor, 36. mq2 gas sensor connection with raspberry pi, 37. mq-135 sensor with raspberry pi, 38. python code for fire detection using raspberry pi, 39. mq3 alcohol sensor raspberry pi code, 40. connect mq135 to raspberry pi, 41. ecg sensor interfacing with raspberry pi, 42. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Alcohol Detector | MQ-3 Sensor, 43. Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert Using GSM Module & Arduino, 44. Smoke Level Detector with Alarm using Arduino & MQ-2/MQ-5/MQ-135 Sensor, 45. How to simulate the Gas sensor MQ-2 in proteus using Arduino, 46. Security alarm for Gas/Smoke without Microcontroller, 47. LPG Gas Leakage Alarm Using MQ6 Sensor, 48. Sinhala Arduino Tutorial 20 - Gas Sensors - MQ-3 MQ-5, 49. Its About the Smoke Senor MQ2 with Arduino UNO., 50. Arduino Smoke Detector Shield using MQ2 Gas Sensor, 51. Smoke alarm using Arduino uno and smoke sensor mQ2, 52. Arduino Gas leakage detection and sms alert using Gsm sim900A and smoke Gas sensor MQ2 Sensor Module, 53. IOT Based Gas Level Monitoring over Internet Using ESP8266, 54. Blynk MQ2 Smoke Detector Notification Gauge, 55. IoT Smoke Detector using MQ135 Gas Sensor, Nodemcu ESP8266, and Blynk Application, 56. iot based air pollution monitoring system using Arduino, 57. How to make Smoke and GAS Leakage Detector using Arduino, Gas Sensor and Alarm, 58. Arduino and MQ 2 gas sensor, 59. Gas Leak Detector Using MQ2 on ESP32 and Blynk App, 60. How To Use Gas Sensor MQ-2 With Arduino,

Raspberry Pi Pico Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Ca...

Raspberry Pi Pico Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Calibration | HX711 with a Four Wire Load Cell and Arduino | Step by Step Guide | Arduino Scale with HX711 and 50kg Bathroom Scale Load Cells | Step by Step Guide | arduino weight measurement using load cell and hx711 module | arduino load cell hx711 code | hx711 load cell amplifier | arduino scale load cell hx711 with alert | load cell interfacing with arduino code | load cell 50kg arduino code | hx711 weight sensor | load cell arduino without hx711. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Electronic Basics -33: Strain Gauge/Load Cell and how to use them to measure weight, 2. DIY Arduino Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Calibration, 3. Tutorial: How to make a weighing scale with the HX711, a load cell and an Arduino | UATS A&S -14, 4. HomeMade Weighing Scale Machine | Arduino Project -4, 5. HX711 with a Four Wire Load Cell and Arduino | Step by Step Guide., 6. COMO UTILIZAR CÉLULA DE CARGA COM ARDUINO, 7. How to use a Load Cell (Strain gauge) using Arduino, HX711 and LCD Display, 8. How STRAIN GAUGE Works | Precision SCALE With Arduino, 9. Load Cell Wiring and Testing with Display Controller, 10. Arduino Scale with HX711 and 50kg Bathroom Scale Load Cells | Step by Step Guide., 11. Arduino Load Cell / Scale Project, 12. Weight Measurement using Arduino and Load Cell, 13. Measuring weight using an ESP32, a strain gauge, and a HX711, 14. Load Cell project (part 1) Arduino Micro problems plus postman deliveries, 15. DIY scale using HX711 and arduino with 0.01/0.001 g resolution for less than 20 USD, 16. How to connect and use a Weight Sensor + HX711 with an Arduino – Tutorial, 17. HX711, Load cell / Strain Gauge and Arduino uno to Measure Weight / Arduino HX711 and load cell, 18. Arduino load cell sensor, 19. Loadcell HX711 Arduino + LCDI2C, 20. Arduino Rocket Motor Thrust Test Stand- - Elementalmaker, 21. Measure Propane, CO2, Salt, and so much more with this DIY MQTT Weight Sensor using Tasmota, 22. Arduino funciona como uma balança? Sim- Ele é capaz- - Módulo HX711, 23. DIY Arduino Projects HX711. Analog to Digital Converter for Weigh Scales, 24. Arduino Hx711 Digital Scale, 25. -32 Load Cell Coffee Cup Coaster (Part 2) - the code, 26. How to set calibration factor of HX711 ADC Module, 27. Load Cell Sensor with Arduino, 28. HX711 100g Load Cell Test Arduino Precision filtered, 29. Arduino load cell(strain gauge) appilication with hx711 1, 30. Load cell testing with HX711 amp, 31. LOAD CELL SIMULATION IN PROTEUS USING ARDUINO AND INA122 (INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER), 32. DIY IoT Weighing Scale using Load Cell HX711 - ESP8266 for Remote Weight Monitoring | Blynk, 33. sensore di peso e HX711 - bilancia digitale - digital scale - arduino - e41, 34. Load Cell Kit Build, 35. 2 load cells using arduino - hx711, 36. Arduino weight sensor load cell sensor ( scale ), 37. Load Cell - HX711 with Raspberry PI, 38. Jauge de contrainte, HX 711 et Arduino, 39. Load sensor using hx711 calibration on Arduino, 40. Interfacing HX711 with Load Cell, 41. load cell test with Arduino, 42. BALANZA ELECTRÓNICA CON ARDUINO, 43. Balanza, celda de carga, HX711, LCD, I2C, Arduino UNO (ver descripcion), 44. Mounting the 50kg Bathroom Scale Load Cells to a Board, 45. HX711 with a Four Wire Load Cell and Arduino | Step by Step Guide., 46. Arduino Scale with HX711 and 50kg Bathroom Scale Load Cells | Step by Step Guide., 47. -161 Measuring weight using an ESP32, a strain gauge, and a HX711, 48. -31 Load Cell project (part 1) Arduino Micro problems plus postman deliveries, 49. How to connect and use a Weight Sensor + HX711 with an Arduino – Tutorial, 50. Loadcell HX711 Arduino + LCDI2C, 51. Measure Propane, CO2, Salt, and so much more with this DIY MQTT Weight Sensor using Tasmota, 52. Arduino Hx711 Digital Scale, 53. Load cell testing with HX711 amp, 54. DIY IoT Weighing Scale using Load Cell HX711 - ESP8266 for Remote Weight Monitoring | Blynk, 55. Load Cell Kit Build, 56. 2 load cells using arduino - hx711, 57. Raspberry Pi Kitchen Scale for weights (HX711), 58. Load Cell - HX711 with Raspberry PI, 59. Load sensor using hx711 calibration on Arduino, 60. Interfacing HX711 with Load Cell, 61. hx711 Raspberry pi, 62. WIFI Scale Using Esp8266 as microcontroller and wifi host + hx711 module and one load cell, 63. Arduino Scale load cell HX711 with alert, 64. Raspberry Pi load cell, 65. How to use HX711 with Four Load Cells,

Thursday 13 January 2022

Covid-19 Health Passes Can Open the Door to a Digital ID Unique QR Code ...

IOT | Unique QR code-based vaccination certificate Health Passes Door Lock System using ESP32-CAM | QR Code Based Door Lock System using ESP32-CAM | Covid-19 QR Code Vaccination Certificate | How to access your QR Code proof of vaccination | Unique QR code-based vaccination certificate Health Passes can open the door to a digital ID revolution. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ******************************************************************  QR-Code Based Examination Room Guidance System Using ESP32-CAM and Raspberry Pi Pico  QR Codes For Events: Welcome Scrolling Display Using QR-Code and ESP32-CAM  QR Code Based Visitor Management System in Excel  Home Automation - Touchless switch Module with QR Code  Smart Door Locks Security System using ESP32-CAM with QR Code  QR Code Student Attendance Sheet in Excel | How to make an Attendance Sheet in Excel  QR Code Based Bank Locker System  QR Code Based IOT Car Parking System Using ESP32CAM & IR Sensors  QR Code Water Vending Machine Using ESP32 CAM with SMS Alert System  QR Code Projects: Digital Bus / Train Pass System Using QR Code | ESP32CAM QR Code Scanner  Smart Attendance System - QR Code Student Attendance with SMS  QR Code Based Smart Rationing System Using ESP32-CAM and GSM - Ration Subsidy and SMS Alert  Smart Shopping Using QR Code and ESP32-CAM | IOT  QR Code Based Bus Name Announcement System in Bus Stops | ESP32CAM QR Code Recognition  QR Code Based Door Lock System using ESP32-CAM  ESP32CAM QR Code Reader | ESP32-CAM-QR Code Scanner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. biometric digital id wallet, 2. covid certificate download, 3. covid vaccination certificate format pdf, 4. covid vaccine certificate online, 5. covid-19 certificate download, 6. covid-19 medical certificate format, 7. covid-19 vaccine certificate download, 8. covid-19 vaccine certificate download india, 9. covid-19 vaccine certificate download pdf, 10. cowin certificate, 11. cowin certificate download by mobile number, 12. cowin. gov. in certificate download, 13. covid-19 vaccine certificate, 14. digital covid certificate, 15. digital covid certificate app, 16. digital id software, 17. digital payment id, 18. doh vaccine certificate, 19. eu digital covid certificate app download, 20. eu digital covid certificate for non eu citizens, 21. eu digital covid certificate how to get, 22. eu digital covid certificate Ireland, 23. eu digital covid certificate uk, 24. how to download covid vaccination certificate with aadhaar number, 25. how to get qr code for vaccination certificate, 26. how to get unique health id in vaccine certificate, 27. medical certificate for covid vaccine, 28. medical certificate for covid vaccine Philippines, 29. medical clearance for covid vaccine sample, 30. one identity one wallet, 31. sample medical certificate for vaccination, 32. thales digital identity and security, 33. uhid missing in cowin certificate, 34. unique health id in covid vaccine certificate, 35. unique health id in vaccine certificate not showing, 36. unique health id not generated, 37. vaccination certificate, 38. vaccination certificate application, 39. vaccination certificate download, 40. vaccination certificate format pdf, 41. vaccination certificate online, 42. vaccine certificate download by aadhaar number, 43. what is unique health id in vaccine certificate

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Smoke & Gas Detector using MQ2 with Arduino Voice Alert TTS | Bluetooth ...

Smoke & Gas Detector using MQ2 with Arduino Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS)) | Bluetooth TTS Android Mobile App Alert | Smoke & Gas Sensor for Electronics Projects- MQ2 | How to Connect MQ2 Gas Sensor To Arduino | MQ-135 Gas Sensor Module | How to Connect MQ2 Gas Sensor to Arduino | Gas and smoke detector alarm | LPG,H2,CH4,CO DETECTOR | How to make MQ2 gas sensor arduino project, Propane, Butane, Methane Alcohol detector | How to Use Smoke Sensor and How it Works | Complete Explanation | Smoke Detector Alarm Without Using Arduino || MQ-6 Sensor. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. wireless fire detection systems using iot, 2. voice to text using arduino, 3. speaker interfacing with arduino, 4. smoke sensor threshold, 5. smoke sensor arduino program, 6. smoke sensor arduino code, 7. Smoke Detector with Arduino and Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS)), 8. Smoke Detector with Arduino | MQ2 Sensor | Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS)), 9. smoke detector using mq2 gas sensor ppt, 10. smoke detector using mq2 gas sensor pdf, 11. smoke detector using arduino with MQ2 Sensor and Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS)), 12. smoke detector using arduino report, 13. smoke detector using arduino ppt, 14. smoke detector using arduino pdf, 15. smoke detector using arduino abstract, 16. smoke detector project abstract, 17. smoke detector mini project report pdf, 18. smoke detector mini project report, 19. smoke detector iot project, 20. simple fire detection alarming system using labview and Arduino, 21. photoelectric smoke sensor Arduino, 22. nodemcu gas sensor mq2, 23. mq6 gas sensor arduino code, 24. mq2 gas sensor circuit diagram, 25. mq2 gas sensor calibration, 26. mq2 gas sensor arduino program, 27. mq2 gas sensor arduino library, 28. mq2 gas sensor arduino lcd, 29. mq2 gas sensor arduino code, 30. mq2 arduino library, 31. mq135 arduino library, 32. iot based smoke detector, 33. iot based projects, 34. iot based fire extinguisher, 35. iot based fire detection and controlling system, 36. iot based fire detection and alarm system, 37. iot based fire department alerting system research, 38. iot based fire department alerting system project, 39. iot based fire department alerting system ppt, 40. iot based fire department alerting system pdf, 41. iot based fire department alerting system ieee paper, 42. iot based fire alerting system project, 43. iot based fire alerting system, 44. iot based fire alarm system using arduino pdf, 45. iot based fire alarm system using Arduino, 46. iot based fire alarm system, 47. iot based fire alarm and monitoring system, 48. interfacing flame sensor with arduino to build a fire alarm system, 49. i zone cigarette smoke detector, 50. how to make a smoke detector with arduino, 51. how to add words in talkie library, 52. handheld cigarette smoke detector, 53. gsm based temperature monitoring system Arduino, 54. gsm based fire sensor alarm using Arduino, 55. gsm based fire alarm system using arduino ppt, 56. gsm based fire alarm system using arduino pdf, 57. gas detector using Arduino, 58. forest fire detection using iot project, 59. forest fire detection using iot ppt, 60. forest fire detection using iot pdf, 61. flame sensor working principle, 62. flame sensor working, 63. flame sensor specifications, 64. flame sensor pin configuration, 65. flame sensor nodemcu, 66. flame sensor circuit diagram, 67. flame sensor arduino pdf, 68. flame sensor arduino code, 69. flame detector coverage area, 70. fire sensor specifications, 71. fire sensor price, 72. fire sensor mini project, 73. fire sensor, 74. fire detection using iot, 75. fire detection using arduino and flame sensor pdf, 76. fire detection and notification system using gsm technology, 77. fire and gas detection system using Arduino, 78. fire alerting system using iot, 79. fire alerting system using iot, 80. fire alarm using arduino uno, 81. fire alarm using Arduino, 82. fire alarm system using arduino pdf, 83. fire alarm sensor arduino code, 84. fire alarm project using arduino pdf, 85. fire alarm project using arduino pdf, 86. esp8266 smoke detector, 87. code to interface gas sensor with arduino, 88. cigarette smoke detector for apartments, 89. arduino tts, 90. arduino text to speech instructables,, 91. arduino talkie words, 92. arduino talkie word list, 93. arduino speak words,