Saturday, 2 November 2019

PIC Microcontroller programming with PICkit 2 - Using MPLABX IDE

1. Programming PIC Microcontrollers with PICkit 2 - Using MPLABX IDE,

1. IOT Based Remote Patient Monitoring System with Raspberry PI, Python

2. Automatic Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors

3. how to make smart garbage monitoring system using Arduino and IoT

4. Temperature and Humidity Controller For Incubator

5. IoT based air pollution monitoring system using Arduino

6. Password Based Circuit Breaker using 8051 Microcontroller

7. Smoke Detection using MQ-2 Gas Sensor with Arduino Text to Speech TTS

8. Smart Glove For Deaf And Dumb

9. IOT Smart Dustbin Using NodeMCU and ESP8266

10. Alcohol Detecting and Notification System for Controlling Drink Driving

11. ARDUINO IOT: RFID Based Mobile Payment System GSM-GPRS Network

12. An WEB Based Remote Vehicle Monitoring System on Google Map

13. IOT Based Door Lock-Unlock by NodeMCU | Wi-Fi Home Door Lock | ESP8266 | IoT project | Arduino

14. An IoT Based Car Accident Prevention and Detection System with Sensors

15. How to Program ARM7 LPC2148 | Dumping hex file to LPC2148 Using Flash Magic

16. Wi-Fi Controlled Robot Car Using NodeMCU | V380 Live Camera Monitoring System

17. Voice Controlled Home Automation System | How to make voice control home

18. Automatic Street Light Control System Using RTC

19. A Smart Glove That Controls Remote Devices

20. Web Based Underground Cable Fault Detection Over Google Maps

21. How to upload program in 8051 microcontroller

22. How to use Five Ultrasonic sensors with Arduino To Excel Communication

23. Thank YOU for 40k Subscribers on my YouTube Channel | P10 LED Display Screen

24. Interfacing of Multiple Ultrasonic Sensors (3 HC-SR04 ) With Arduino

25. Programmable Timer With Programmable On/Off Delays

26. Foot Step Power Generation With Automatic Garden watering using Soil Moisture Sensor and Arduino

27. Automatic Railway Gate Control System Using Android

28. Automatic School Bell System

29. Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino - Android Mobile


31. Women’s Safety Device With GSM Tracking & Alerts

32. Rain Sensor + Soil Moisture Sensor GARDENA Watering system

33. Smoke Detector using Arduino with MQ2 Sensor and Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS))

34. Arduino based Text to Speech TTS Converter

35. Password Based Door Lock Security System Using Arduino and Keypad

36. Voice Based Door Accessing & Devices on / off Control System

37. Wireless RF Remote Controlled Robot without Microcontroller

38. 2.4 inch Arduino TFT LCD Touch Screen Home Automation System

39. Arduino Based Electronic Notice Board Using GSM and LCD

40. Alcohol Detection and Accident Prevention of Vehicle

41. RF remote control home automation using Arduino | Wireless RF control circuit for home appliances

42. Arduino Calculator | 2.4" TFT LCD | Touch screen Calculator using Arduino

43. DTMF Controlled Robot without Microcontroller

44. Finger Print Based Biometric Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino

45. Home Automation using NodeMCU | Build an ESP8266 Web Server with Arduino IDE

46. Wi-Fi Controlled Robot Car Using NodeMCU ESP8266 & Android Smartphone App

47. Vehicle Tracking Over Google Maps using NodeMCU with ESP8266

48. IOT Based Smart Car Parking System Using NodeMCU

49. NodeMCU : Interfacing EM -18 RFID Reader with ESP8266

50. GPS Interfacing with NodeMCU Getting Location Data on LCD

51. NodeMCU ESP8266 Interface with 16×2 LCD Display Screen

52. Vehicle Theft Detection and Tracking Based on GSM and GPS - LPC1768 Cortex-M3

53. Traffic Light Control System using Microcontroller

54. WIFI Based Magnetic Door Open Close System with Theft Notification on Mobile

55. Multi Purpose Smart Glove for Deaf & Dumb (Home Automation using RF module - Flux sensor)

56. fingerprint based electronic voting machine using Arduino

57. IOT Based Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi

58. Wireless Multi functional Robot for Military Applications

59. GSM + Hand Gesture Controlled Home automation Alert with Smoke Detector

60. Arduino Based Intelligent Walking Stick for Physically Impaired Persons

61. SMS Based LED Scrolling Message Display using Arduino and SIM800L

62. Automated Petrol Pump Using Prepaid RFID Cards with SMS Alert

63. Automatic Speed Control and Accident Avoidance of Vehicle Using Multi Sensors


65. Chain Snatching to Protect our Women's Security with Electric Shock and Sending Google Map Location

66. RFID Security Access Control System using 8051 Microcontroller

67. Raspberry Pi + DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor

68. PolyHouse Farming monitor using ARM7, ZIGBEE, GSM and Lab VIEW

69. Design of sensor Monitoring System Using ZIGBEE

70. Air Pollution Monitoring System

71. IOT Based Air Quality Pollution Monitoring System

72. Embedded Based Vehicle Security using GSM, GPS

73. Sending SMS Through Black Spot Area in an Innovative Manner

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