Thursday, 26 May 2022

Bluetooth Weighing Scale with Multiple Load Cell & HX711 Module using Ra...

2 Load Cell + 2 HX711 + Raspberry Pi Pico + HC05(Bluetooth) | DIY Raspberry Pi Pico Weighing Scale with Multiple Load Cell & HX711 Module | Bluetooth | Bluetooth Weighing Scale with Multiple Load Cell & HX711 Module using Raspberry Pi Pico and HC05 | Development of IoT Based Remote Monitoring System for Air Pollution & Water Quality Using Arduino | Smartphone Arduino Weighing Scale with Load Cell and HX711 | Weighing Scale with 40KG Load Cell HX711 & Arduino | DIY Arduino Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Calibration. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. Electronic Basics -33: Strain Gauge/Load Cell and how to use them to measure weight, 2. DIY Arduino Weighing Scale with Load Cell & HX711 Module - Full Calibration, 3. Tutorial: How to make a weighing scale with the HX711, a load cell and an Arduino | UATS A&S -14, 4. HomeMade Weighing Scale Machine | Arduino Project -4, 5. HX711 with a Four Wire Load Cell and Arduino | Step by Step Guide., 6. COMO UTILIZAR CÉLULA DE CARGA COM ARDUINO, 7. How to use a Load Cell (Strain gauge) using Arduino, HX711 and LCD Display, 8. How STRAIN GAUGE Works | Precision SCALE With Arduino, 9. Load Cell Wiring and Testing with Display Controller, 10. Arduino Scale with HX711 and 50kg Bathroom Scale Load Cells | Step by Step Guide., 11. Arduino Load Cell / Scale Project, 12. Weight Measurement using Arduino and Load Cell, 13. Measuring weight using an ESP32, a strain gauge, and a HX711, 14. Load Cell project (part 1) Arduino Micro problems plus postman deliveries, 15. DIY scale using HX711 and arduino with 0.01/0.001 g resolution for less than 20 USD, 16. How to connect and use a Weight Sensor + HX711 with an Arduino – Tutorial, 17. HX711, Load cell / Strain Gauge and Arduino uno to Measure Weight / Arduino HX711 and load cell, 18. Arduino load cell sensor, 19. Loadcell HX711 Arduino + LCDI2C, 20. Arduino Rocket Motor Thrust Test Stand- - Elementalmaker, 21. Measure Propane, CO2, Salt, and so much more with this DIY MQTT Weight Sensor using Tasmota, 22. Arduino funciona como uma balança? Sim- Ele é capaz- - Módulo HX711, 23. DIY Arduino Projects HX711. Analog to Digital Converter for Weigh Scales, 24. Arduino Hx711 Digital Scale, 25. -32 Load Cell Coffee Cup Coaster (Part 2) - the code, 26. How to set calibration factor of HX711 ADC Module, 27. Load Cell Sensor with Arduino, 28. HX711 100g Load Cell Test Arduino Precision filtered, 29. Arduino load cell(strain gauge) appilication with hx711 1, 30. Load cell testing with HX711 amp, 31. LOAD CELL SIMULATION IN PROTEUS USING ARDUINO AND INA122 (INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER), 32. DIY IoT Weighing Scale using Load Cell HX711 - ESP8266 for Remote Weight Monitoring | Blynk, 33. sensore di peso e HX711 - bilancia digitale - digital scale - arduino - e41, 34. Load Cell Kit Build, 35. 2 load cells using arduino - hx711, 36. Arduino weight sensor load cell sensor ( scale ), 37. Load Cell - HX711 with Raspberry PI, 38. Jauge de contrainte, HX 711 et Arduino, 39. Load sensor using hx711 calibration on Arduino, 40. Interfacing HX711 with Load Cell,

Fire Alarm System using Arduino | Arduino with Fire Sensor,LED,Motor,Rel...

Arduino Flame Sensor | Fire Detector | Arduino Flame Sensor Fire Detector Interface | Arduino Fire Alarm System | Fire alarm with Flame sensor and Buzzer | Arduino | Fire Alarm System Project by Interfacing Arduino with Temperature & Gas Sensor || TinkerCAD Projects | Smoke alarm using Arduino uno and smoke sensor mQ2 | Arduino Fire Alarm Project Using MQ2 Gas and Flame Sensor | Arduino with Fire Sensor, LED and Buzzer (Tutorial) | How to make a Fire Detection System using Arduino and Flame Sensor | Arduino Fire Alarm (Flame sensor and Speaker) | Arduino Fire Alarm System, GSM based fire Alarm system, Fire Alarm GSM communicator | Smoke detection with MQ-2 Gas sensor using ARDUINO UNO. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. Intelligent Fire Detection & Automatic Water Sprinklers, 2. GSM based Automatic Fire Detection and Water Sprinkler, 3. intelligent fire detector with automatic water sprinkler system, 4. Heat switch (old tube light stater bulb) fire alarm system, 5. Arduino Security and Alarm System Project, 6. Firefighter System Without Using Arduino | Fire Fighting Robot DIY (Simple), 7. Arduino with Fire Sensor, LED and Buzzer (Tutorial), 8. GSM Based Security Alarm System using Arduino, 9. How to make a Automatic Door Opening system using IR sensor, 10. Advanced Home Security System using Arduino and GSM Module, 11. Fire Detection and Water Sprinkler Robot using Arduino, 12. NodeMcu ESP8266 Blynk Fire Alarm Security Notification, 13. Fire Alarm Using Arduino, 14. IOT PROJECTS: Arduino Home Security System, 15. Smoke Level Detector with Alarm using Arduino & MQ-2/MQ-5/MQ-135 Sensor, 16. Arduino Flame Sensor | Fire Detector, 17. Smoke Detector Alarm Without Using Arduino || MQ-6 Sensor, 18. How To - Smoke Alarm Monitoring with Arduino and MySensors, 19. Arduino-based Burglar and Fire Alarm System, 20. Password Based Door Lock Security System Using Arduino, 21. How to Make Fire Alarm Using Flame Sensor with Arduino, 22. Fire Security System Using GSM Module ,flame sensor and Arduino, 23. Home security with Arduino - Arduino Fire Alarm System, 24. Gas Detecting Alarm system with Arduino, 25. Automatic Railway Track Crack Detection System Using GSM & GPS, 26. Smoke alarm using Arduino uno and smoke sensor mQ2, 27. Musical Fire Alarm Hack - Super Mario Bros – Arduino, 28. How to make a fire alarm using battery 9v simply, 29. Density Based Traffic Signal Control System Using Arduino and IR Sensor, 30. GSM Sim800l Based Home Security System Using Arduino and Pir Sensor, 31. Arduino Fire Alarm (Flame sensor and Speaker), 32. Fire Alarm using Arduino uno and Flame Sensor; Arduino security system,DIY, 33. Fire/flame Detector using Flame Sensor and Arduino, 34. Make A Lazer Security System Using Arduino, 35. Zigbee Based Gas and Fire Detection System, 36. Mini Fire Alarm System using Arduino | Arduino with Fire Sensor,LED and Buzzer(Tutorial), 37. Fire Recognition & Extinguisher system using Image processing and Arduino, 38. GSM Based Security Alarm System using Arduino and 433Mhz Remote (V2 0), 39. Arduino Fire Alarm System - gsm security system using Arduino, 40. Learn about IoT based forest fire Alarm System, 41. Security System using Arduino Bluetooth Camera, 42. Home Security System using Arduino – Project, 43. Swachh Bharat Waste Collection Management System using IOT, 44. Forest fire Detection using Thingsspeak Prediction Algorithm –NodeMCU,

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Android Bluetooth Wireless LCD Scrolling Display with Raspberry Pi Pico

Interfacing 16x2 LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico | Bluetooth-Enabled e-Paper Display with Arduino | Arduino LCD AutoScroll, 16x2 LCD Text Scrolling, Running | Screen Mirroring of Android Smartphone using Raspberry Pi | How to use Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Pico and Control | In this tutorial we are going to control an LED with an android app using Bluetooth and Micro Python. The HC-06 Bluetooth module is easy to | LCD Scrolling Display | interfacing bluetooth module receiving data from mobile phone on arduino and display on lcd. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. wireless notice board using gsm and arduino project report pdf, 2. wireless notice board using gsm and arduino project report, 3. wireless notice board using gsm and arduino project, 4. wireless notice board using bluetooth ppt, 5. wireless notice board using bluetooth pdf, 6. wireless notice board using bluetooth block diagram, 7. wireless notice board using bluetooth and arduino project report ppt, 8. wireless notice board using bluetooth and arduino pdf, 9. wireless notice board using arduino ppt, 10. wireless notice board using arduino and wifi, 11. wireless notice board project ppt, 12. wireless lcd display via Bluetooth, 13. wireless electronic notice board using gsm project report, 14. wireless electronic notice board using gsm ppt, 15. voice recognition notice board, 16. voice controlled wireless electronic notice board using arduino, 17. voice controlled notice board ppt, 18. voice based notice board using android project report pdf, 19. voice based notice board using android ppt, 20. raspberry pi pico wifi/Bluetooth, 21. raspberry pi pico wifi esp8266, 22. raspberry pi pico remote control, 23. raspberry pi pico mechanical keyboard, 24. raspberry pi pico keyboard firmware, 25. raspberry pi pico keyboard code, 26. raspberry pi pico keyboard, 27. raspberry pi pico hid keyboard, 28. raspberry pi pico hc-05, 29. raspberry pi pico bluetooth speaker, 30. raspberry pi pico bluetooth module, 31. raspberry pi pico bluetooth keyboard, 32. raspberry pi pico Bluetooth, 33. raspberry pi mechanical keyboard, 34. raspberry pi macro keyboard, 35. qmk raspberry pi pico, 36. pico wifi hat, 37. hc-05 bluetooth module, 38. connect bluetooth module to raspberry pi, 39. bluetooth module for raspberry pi, 40. bluetooth based lcd display using arduino,

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Voice Enabled Home Automation Using Bluetooth with Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico Voice Controlled Home Automation | Bluetooth Module(HC-05) With Raspberry Pi Pico | HC-05 Bluetooth Interfacing with Raspberry Pi Pico | Voice Enabled Home Automation Using Bluetooth with Raspberry Pi Pico | how to make voice control home automation system | Voice Control Home Automation System | Voice Enabled Automation. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. Driver Drowsiness Detection using Python | Obstacle Detection using Ultrasonic Sensor | Voice Alerts, 2. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Bus Identification System for Blind with Voice Alert in Bus Stops Using RFID, 3. Smoke & Gas Detector using MQ2 with Arduino Voice Alert TTS | Bluetooth TTS Android Mobile App Alert, 4. Raspberry Pi: Driver Drowsiness Detection with OpenCV and Python | Voice and Vibration Alerts, 5. Car-Safety : Speed, Distance, Drowsiness, Accident Detection, SMS + Voice Alert with GPS Coordinates, 6. Raspberry Pi Pico Based Hand Gesture Recognition with 3 flux Sensors and Voice Output, 7. Arduino Dual (Voice + Button) Control Pick and Place Bluetooth Robot Using Android App, 8. Blind Stick: Sensors [Water / Obstacle / Fire / LDR] with Voice Alerts | [Part - 2], 9. IVRS Based Home Automation with Immediate Voice & SMS , Feedback Using Arduino TTS - GSM SIM800L DTMF, 10. How to Make VOICE CONTROLLED Car by using ARDUINO, 11. voice based notice board using android and Arduino, 12. Voice Control Home Automation System Using Arduino, 13. GPS Based Voice Alert System for the Blind People using ARM7 LPC2148, 14. Magic glove( sign to voice conversion) using PIC16F877A with 4 flux Sensors, 15. Voice Controlled Home Automation System | How to make voice control home, 16. Smoke Detector using Arduino with MQ2 Sensor and Voice Alert (Text-to-Speech (TTS)), 17. Arduino based Text to Speech TTS Converter, 18. Voice Based Door Accessing & Devices on / off Control System, 19. Voice Recognition Based Wireless Home Automation System, 20. Blind Stick Using Ultrasonic Sensor with Voice Announcement, 21. Hand Talk Using Flex Sensor With Voice Output, 22. Voice Recognition Based Home Automation Using Zigbee, 23. GSM Based Interactive Voice Response System Through Mobile Commands, 24. Design of an Intelligent Voice Controlled Home Automation System Using IOT, 25. Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation & Sensors Monitoring System Based On Bluetooth, 26. Android Based Home Automation System Using Bluetooth & Voice Command, 27. Voice Activated Home Automation Using Arduino (Bluetooth + Android), 28. Voice Controlled Real-time Wheel chair using Android smartphone, 29. Voice Controlled Robot using Arduino UNO through Bluetooth, 30. IoT Sanitization Robot with UV light and voice announcement using Raspberry pi 3, 31. Bus Identification System for blind with voice based on RFID, 32. Voice Controlling robot through Bluetooth, 33. Gesture Vocalizer using Flex Sensors and APR33A3 voice module, 34. Raspberry pi controlled Gestures and voice input based 4-Wheeled robot, 35. Voice Controlled Home Automation System, 36. Flex sensors based Device switcihng with voice alerts, 37. WiFi IOT Voice recognition based bulb/light dimmer, 38. Voice recognition based home automation with SMS Alerting, 39. Android based Voice controlled home with Raspberry Pi, 40. Android voice operated LED scrolling along with LED intensity controlling system, 41. voice operated pick and place robot,

Thursday, 12 May 2022

IoT Traffic Light Control System with Blynk App and Raspberry Pi Pico

IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controlling System Project | IOT Traffic Light Control System Using Raspberry Pi Pico with Blynk app | Raspberry Pi Pico with Blynk app | traffic light control system mini project pdf | smart traffic management system using iot ppt | smart traffic light control system using arduino | arduino based traffic light control system for emergency vehicles using radio frequency | smart traffic management system using iot pdf | intelligent traffic light control system project report | smart traffic control system using iot | smart-traffic management system using iot github. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  900+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. An Intelligent Ambulance with Automatic Traffic Control, 2. analyse the concept of iot based smart traffic signal monitoring system using vehicles counts, 3. arduino based traffic light control system for emergency vehicles using radio frequency, 4. Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency, 5. Arduino Traffic Light Controller | IoT Project | IoTDunia, 6. Arduino Traffic Light Controller Tutorial Using Tinkercad, 7. automatic vehicle counting for iot based smart traffic management system for indian urban settings, 8. Density Based 4 Way Automatic Traffic Signal Control System Using Arduino and IR Sensor, 9. density based traffic control system using arduino ppt, 10. density based traffic control system using iot, 11. density based traffic light control system project report, 12. density based traffic signal system using arduino uno, 13. density-based-traffic signal system using arduino and ir sensor github, 14. Development of an IoT based real-time traffic monitoring, 15. development of iot device for traffic management system, 16. How to make Traffic Light Control System using Arduino | Arduino based 4 Way Traffic Signal Control, 17. Intelligent Traffic Control Signal using Raspberry Pi 3 and Ultrasonic Sensor, 18. Intelligent traffic light control system for emergency vehicles, 19. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino, 20. iot based intelligent traffic management system, 21. iot based intelligent traffic management system ieee papers, 22. iot based intelligent traffic signal system for emergency, 23. iot based intelligent traffic signal system for emergency vehicles, 24. IOT based Smart Traffic Light Control System, 25. IOT based Smart Traffic Light Control System – ResearchGate, 26. IoT Based Smart Traffic Signal Monitoring System, 27. iot based traffic control system, 28. IOT Based Traffic Light Controller in Smart City, 29. IoT Based Traffic Management System, 30. iot based traffic management system pdf, 31. iot based traffic management system ppt, 32. iot based traffic management system using arduino, 33. iot based traffic management system using raspberry pi, 34. iot based traffic prediction and traffic signal control system for smart city, 35. iot based wireless controlled smart transportation system, 36. IoT Based: Smart Traffic Light Controller, 37. IoT Based: Smart Traffic Light Controller - Journal of Student , 38. iot traffic light, 39. IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controller System, 40. IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controlling System Project, 41. iot traffic signal monitoring controller system, 42. iot traffic signal monitoring controller system code, 43. list of smart cities in india, 44. objective of smart traffic management system,

AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS🛰️, Eye...

AI-Powered Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS, Eye blink, Alcohol, MEMS & SMS📱Alert📍| Eye Blink + Alcohol + M...