Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Smart Medicine Box

SVSEMBEDDED                         CONTACT: 9491535690, 7842358459

Smart Medicine Box 

Smart Medicine Dispenser - Smart Pill Box -
Smart Pill Dispenser - Smart Medicine Box

Project is to build a microcontroller based smart medicine box. Our medicine box is targeted on users who regularly take drugs or vitamin supplements or nurses who take care of the older or patients. Our medicine box is programmable that allows nurses or users to specify the pill quantity and day to take pills, and the serve times for each day. Our smart medicine box contains seven separate sub-boxes. Therefore, nurses or users can set information for seven different pills. When the pill quantity and time have been set, the medicine box will remind users or patients to take pills using sound and light. The specific number of pills needs to be taken will be displayed by a seven segment led display placed on the corresponding sub-box. Compared with the traditional pill box that requires users or nurses to load the box every day or every week. Our smart medicine box would significantly release nurses or users’ burden on frequently preloading pills for patients or users.


There are five major components for our device, including a pill box containing seven separate small boxes;
1.      Speaker module;
2.      3x4 keypad;
3.      Atmel microcontroller;
4.      2x16 characters LCD screen. 
5.      Pill boxes

Functionality of each component: 
Keypad is used for the user or nurse to enter the information of time when the smart box would send “reminder” (displaying numbers and playing synthesized voice). It is also used for the user to enter a number to command a specific pill box to open on a specific day. (say, open No.1 pill box on Monday), and user can also enter the frequency information to take pills for each day. The keypad is also used for stopping the music and led display when the user has taken the pill.  
The 2 line, 16 characters LCD screen is used to display the instruction information, the number of pills need to be taken, and the current time and date. Speaker Module: The speaker module is used to play the synthesized sound to remind the user to take pill.  Pill boxes: We used a pillbox system containing 7 separate small pillboxes. Each box has a seven segment led display placed on the box. For our pill system, the user can store up to seven different types of pills, which can be stored in those seven small separate boxes. He or she can also specify the different combinations of pill boxes to be open for each day.  Microcontroller: One Atmel 1284p is used to execute all the commands mentioned above.
Real time clock:
The real time clock running in our system is implemented by using MCU 16-bits timer to generate 1-second base. Firstly, we will open the compare match interrupt service routine, and set the compare value to 249. Also, we scale the running frequency of timer1 to 1/64. Then, the interval time between each interrupt routine is 0.001 second. We have a volatile variable to run the clock function every 1000 interrupt routines. Then, in the clock function, it will run like a clock. We have separated variable for two digits of seconds, minutes and one variable for hours. We also have a variable for the weekdays. We do not store the year information because we think it is unnecessary

We will be providing the following details on CD / DVD
  1. Abstract
  2. Datasheets
  3. Project Report in PDF format and in doc (word) format
  4. Circuit diagram
  5. PCB layout
  6. Microcontroller program (software code) —–Embedded c code
  7. Sample power point presentation.
  8. HEX file of the microcontroller code
  9. DATASHEETS of all the components / ICs used in the project
  10. Photos & video file on entire project
11.  Power point presentation / PPT file

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Vehicle Positioning System with Exact Location Address Based On ARM11 Raspberry Pi

Vehicle Positioning System with Exact Location Address Based On ARM11 Raspberry Pi 

To Track the position of the vehicle by means of GPS device and automatically sending the data to the remote server webpage and display the current position of the device in the Google map to the authorities. In institution or in ATM cash filling vehicle, most of the time we need to monitor position or path vehicle whether it’s moving in correct direction or not. This system used the ARM11 Raspberry Pi processor. The real time vehicle tracking and monitoring system tracks the vehicle and displays the current location of the vehicle in the remote server using Google maps. It has the ability to communicate over the remote areas where user needs the current location of vehicle. It can provide Tele-monitoring system for inter-cities transportation vehicles such as taxis and buses. This system is integrated with GPS and GSM to provide features like Location information and Real time tracking using SMS.
GPS, GSM, GPS/GSM/GPRS, vehicle tracking, GSM/GPRS/GPS Projects, Global Positioning System, 3G+GPS Mobile Kit, GPRS/GSM Quadband Module (SIM900),
DESIGN OF VEHICLE POSITIONING SYSTEM,GPS, GSM, GPS/GSM/GPRS, vehicle tracking, GSM/GPRS/GPS Projects, Global Positioning System, 3G+GPS Mobile Kit, GPRS/GSM Quadband Module (SIM900),
KIT,Global Positioning System & Automated Vehicle Location,GPS, GSM, GPS/GSM/GPRS, vehicle tracking, GSM/GPRS/GPS Projects, Global Positioning System, 3G+GPS Mobile Kit, GPRS/GSM Quadband Module (SIM900),
GPS-GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System

In this project, an integrated cost effective web based GPS-GPRS vehicle accident and tracking system was designed and implemented. The system enables enterprises owners to view the present and past positions recorded of the target vehicle on Google Map through purpose designed web site. The current position of the vehicle was acquired by GPS device which is integrated in the target vehicle and the location coordinates are sent through GPRS service provided by the GSM network. The GPS data are sent using Get method of HTTP protocol, the data at server side are stored in a database tables and can be retrieved as request for position browsing on map. A web application is developed using PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, XML, and MySQL with embedded Google Map to retrieve and display on track details. GPS is one of the technologies that are used in a huge number of applications today. One of the applications is tracking your vehicle and keeps regular monitoring on them. This tracking system can inform you the location and route travelled by vehicle, and that information can be observed from any other remote location. It also includes the web application that provides you exact location of target. This system enables us to track target in any weather conditions. This system uses GPS and GSM technologies. The paper includes the hardware part which comprises of GPS, GSM, microcontroller MAX 232, 16×2 LCD and software part is used for interfacing all the required modules and a web application is also developed at the client side. Main objective is to design a system that can be easily installed and to provide platform for further enhancement.
CDWe will be providing the following details on CD / DVD
  1. Abstract
  2. Datasheets
  3. Project Report in PDF format and in doc (word) format
  4. Circuit diagram
  5. PCB layout
  6. Microcontroller program (software code) —–Embedded c code
  7. Sample power point presentation.
  8. HEX file of the microcontroller code
  9. DATASHEETS of all the components / ICs used in the project
  10. Photos & video file on entire project
  11. Power point presentation / PPT file

  • ARM11 (Raspberry Pi),
  • LCD
  • MAX232
  1. Raspbian Linux OS, C/C++, HTTP protocol.

  1. HTML coding for develop web application


Thursday, 16 July 2015

Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection Using MEMS, GSM, GPS & Cortex M3

www.svsembedded.com             SVSEMBEDDED  svsembedded@gmail.com,
CONTACT: 9491535690, 7842358459

The Rapid growth of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The advent of technology has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accident take place frequently which causes huge loss of life and property because of the poor emergency facilities. Our project will provide an optimum solution to this draw back. An accelerometer can be used in a car alarm application so that dangerous driving can be detected. It can be used as a crash or rollover detector of the vehicle during and after a crash. With signals from an accelerometer, a severe accident can be recognized. According to this project when a vehicle meets with an accident immediately Vibration sensor will detect the signal or if a car rolls over, and Micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) sensor will detects the signal and sends it to ARM controller. Microcontroller sends the alert message through the GSM MODEM including the location to police control room or a rescue team. So the police can immediately trace the location through the GPS MODEM, after receiving the information. Then after conforming the location necessary action will be taken. If the person meets with a small accident or if there is no serious threat to anyone`s life, then the alert message can be terminated by the driver by a switch provided in order to avoid wasting the valuable time of the medical rescue team. This paper is useful in detecting the accident precisely by means of both vibration sensor and Micro electro Mechanical system (MEMS) or accelerometer. As there is a scope for improvement and as a future implementation we can add a wireless webcam for capturing the images which will help in providing driver`s assistance.
With the advent of science and technology in every walk of life the importance of vehicle safety has increased and the main priority is being given to reduce the alarming time when an accident occur, so that the wounded lives can be attended in lesser time by the rescue team. This paper provides the design which has the advantages of low cost, portability, small size and easy expansibility. The platform of the system is ARM along with MEMS, Vibration sensor, GPS and GSM, interfacing which shortens the alarm time to a large extent and locate the site of accident accurately. This system can overcome the problems of lack of automated system for accident location detection. Consequently, the time for searching the location is reduced and the person can be treated as soon as possible which will save many lives. This system will have broad application prospects as it integrates the positioning systems and the network of medical based services. The accident can be detected by both vibration sensor and MEMS sensor which will give the accurate information. The controller will process the data, as soon as input is received by the controller the alarm is ON and message is sent through the GSM module. The geographical coordinates and the time of the site of the accident is detected by the GPS module. An alternate condition is given by pressing a switch, in order to interrupt the flow of sending the message in case of no casualty; this will help to save time of medical rescue team and unnecessary alarming which creates havoc in such unusual conditions. The accident location automatic detection will help us to provide security to the vehicles and to the lives of the people. The high priority is given to the lives of the people. Hence, this paper provides a feasible solution to traffic hazards and it gives security to vehicle and reduces loss of valuable lives and property.

Block Diagram:                   VEHICLE section  


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