Monday, 13 March 2023

IOT Based Intelligent Gas⛽Leakage & Fire🔥Detector Using Arduino with GSM...

IOT Based Intelligent Gas⛽Leakage & Fire🔥Detector Using Arduino with GSM [SMS📱E-MAIL] 🔔Notifications | LPG Cylinder weight measuring device using Arduino & Low Gas Alert | GSM based LPG weight and LPG leakage detection System | Arduino Based LPG gas Monitoring & Automatic Cylinder booking with Alert System | IOT Based Gas Cylinder Level Detection & Automatic Booking using Raspberry Pi Pico [ SMS / E - MAIL ]. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 157 Projects  135 Projects  151 Projects  103 Projects  61 Projects  171 Projects  170 Projects  67 Projects  55 Projects  43 Projects  1100+ Projects *********************************************************** 1. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E-MAIL ], 2. Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert Using GSM Module – Arduino, 3. Arduino Based LPG GAS Monitoring - Automatic Cylinder booking with Alert System Using IoT, 4. IOT Based Gas Level Monitoring over Internet Using ESP8266, 5. IOT Based Gas Leakage Detection System | ESP8266 (NodeMcu) with Gmail, 6. Automatic Public Tap Control System Using IR Sensor to Prevent Wastage Of Water, 7. IOT Project : Smart Home Automation Using GPRS, EMAIL - SMS ALERT, 8. IOT Based LPG|CNG Leakage Detection Alert Using Arduino ESP8266 Thingspeak Pushbullet on Android, 9. How to make Automated Gas cylinder booking system, 10. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E - MAIL ], 11. GPS Based Voice - Vibration Alert System for the Blind using ARM7 LPC2148, 12. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert, 13. LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System | Inspired Award Project, 14. LPG leakage detection and controlling using IOT module, 15. NodeMCU IoT based Gas detector, 16. IOT Based INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DISPLAY ON WEBPAGE USING ETHERNET AND LAB VIEW, 17. "Gas leakage detector system" Presentation, 18. Gas Alert System with IoT and Telegram App Using ESP32, 19. Automatic GAS Booking System and Leakage Detection using IOT, 20. LPG Gas Monitoring and Automatic cylinder booking alert system, 21. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking - Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E-MAIL ], 22. LPG Leakage Alert System, 23. Automatic Alert to Safety Officers using IOT, 24. GSM Based Gas Monitoring and SMS Alert System, 25. auto booking cylinder system wifi based MCUs, 26. IOT Based LPG Gas Leakage Detection, Gas Measurement and Alert System, 27. Gas detector system project, 28. IOT Based LPG Leakage Detection System with Prevention Compensation, 29. GSM Based Gas Leakage Detection System, 30. Gas Cylinder Tracking System Lesson 4, 31. Arduino Based LPG gas Monitoring - Automatic Cylinder Booking with Alert System, 32. Fire Gas Detection and Instant SMS Alerting System, 33. LPG GAS ALERT SYSTEM, 34. IoT Based Industrial Monitoring System, 35. How to make IoT based Gas Leakage Monitoring System | LPG Leakage Detector using NodeMCU, 36. Development of LPG Level Detection and Automatic Booking using NodeMCU ESP8266, 37. Accident Avoidance demo, 38. Gas cylinder empty alert system project by AMVITECH, 39. LPG gas leakage detection and Alert system | LPG gas leakage using microcontroller, 40. IOT based LPG detector, 41. IoT Based Gas Monitoring System Project, 42. IOT BASED LPG GAS MONITORING SYSTEM (EC - EEE PROJECTS), 43. Smart LPG Management System using IOT, 44. Embedded based automatic cylinders booking with alert system, 45. LPG Detection and Alert system,

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