Friday, 27 January 2023

IoT Based RFID + Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System Using Raspberry...

IoT Based RFID + Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System Using Raspberry Pi Pico📱SMS Notification | Raspberry Pi Pico: IoT Based Smart Attendance System Using RFID & GPRS | SMS ALERT | Raspberry Pi Pico + R307 Finger Print + EM18 RFID + SIM800L GSM - SMS Alert -Smart Attendance System | Fingerprint & QR Code Students Attendance GSM - SMS Alert TO Parents Mobile Using Raspberry Pi Pico | Automated Attendance System Using Arduino + Fingerprint + RFID + GSM with SMS Notification | A Multifactor Student Attendance System Using Fingerprint and RFID With SMS Alert To Parents Mobile. *********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link We are Located at Telangana, Hyderabad, Boduppal. Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 157 Projects 
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