www.svsembedded.com svsembedded@gmail.com,
CONTACT: 9491535690, 7842358459
CONTACT: 9491535690, 7842358459

The main aim of this project is to provide efficient way of security for banks. Which is an advanced door lock system used in the fields where security and secrecy is the primary constraint. The main objective is to design digital code lock which is used to reduce manual interference to the maximum extent. This project is a commercial one and when this kit is sold, then the person who purchases the kit becomes the administrator and he is provided with a serial key which needs to be installed to set the system into working mode. The administrator has complete authority of either creating or deleting the users. Each user has a unique ID and password. These IDs and passwords are created in the presence of an administrator (owner of the kit).
If the administrator
wants to open the door then he needs to enter his ID and password correctly,
then the door or locker gets opened directly but this is not possible in the
case of users. If any of the users want
to open the door or locker then he needs to enter his ID and password in the
system correctly, then the system sends a request call & message to the
administrator automatically. This request message is sent through a G S M
Modem. If the administrator confirms for the message received to his cell
phone, then only the door gets opened.
This system provides security to the doors and lockers. Thus, this code
lock system is cost effective and facilitated with all modern features which in
turn take all security measures to avoid false usage of the kit.
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