Raspberry Pi: Driver Drowsiness Detection with OpenCV and Python | Voice and Vibration Alerts | Driver Drowsiness Detection using OpenCV | Driver Drowsiness Detector System using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV | Driver Drowsiness detection using OpenCV and Python \ Driver Drowsiness Detection System - AI Project - GRASP CODING
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. Driver Drowsiness Detection with OpenCV,
2. Driver Drowsiness Detection System,
3. Real-time Drowsiness Detection Tutorial | Transfer Learning | TensorFlow | Python | OpenCV,
4. Realtime Drowsiness and Yawn Detection using Python in Raspberry Pi or any other PC,
5. Drowsiness Detector (Blink Detection) OpenCV Project Tutorial - Python and Dlib - with code,
6. Recognizing hand gestures with OpenCV,
7. Computer Vision Project | Driver drowsiness detection | Full code explanation | OpenCV Python Dlib,
8. Drowsy driver detection system: convolutional neural networks in action,
9. Drowsiness Monitoring System Using OpenCV And Tkinter Python 3,
10. Using OpenCV and Python to Detect Video Game Barcodes in Video Streams,
11. Raspberry Pi: Driver drowsiness detection with OpenCV and Python,
12. An Innovative IoT based Driver Drowsiness Detection System,
13. Realtime Driver Drowsiness Detection (Sleep Detection),
14. Deep Drowsiness Detection using YOLO, Pytorch and Python,
15. Xylon Driver Drowsiness Detection Demonstration,
16. Matlab Code for Drowsy Driver Detection,
17. Driver drowsiness detection using raspberry pi and web cam,
18. drowsiness detection system using opencv dlib windows Python,
19. Driver drowsiness detection,
20. ADAS Facial Detection - Driver Drowsiness Detection System,
21. IOT Driver Drowsiness Detector With Voice Alert | Raspberry Pi Project,
23. Install dlib and Create project using dlib Driver sleep alert Drowsiness detection,
24. Drowsiness Detection using MATLAB,
25. Drowsy Detection using Python,
26. Presentation On Driver Drowsiness Detection System,
27. Driver Drowsiness Detection using Raspberry Pi with Open CV and Python,
28. Drowsy Driver Detection System,
29. Demonstration : Drowsiness Detection System with Matlab,
30. A.I. Drowsiness Detection System with Dashboard Analytics,
31. Drowsy driver detection prototype application Using Keil and Proteus simulation,
32. Driver's Drowsiness Detection Project | GRIET,
33. Drivers Drowsiness Detection using Deep Learning,
34. Drowsy Driver Detector Final year project using raspberry pi 3, opencv & python,
35. Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Networks- Python Project.,
36. Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Image Processing | Matlab Final Year Project,
37. OpenCV Driver Drowsy Detection,
38. Driver Drowsiness Detection,
SVSEmbedded will do new innovative thoughts. Any latest idea will comes we will take that idea & implement that idea in a few days. We always encourage the students to take good ideas/projects. SVSEmbedded providing latest innovative electronics projects to B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech students. We developed thousands of projects for engineering student to develop their skills in electrical and electronics
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Friday, 26 November 2021
Scrolling LCD Display using Arduino (GSM + Bluetooth )
Bluetooth-operated scrolling message board using Arduino | SMS-enabled scrolling message board using Arduino |Arduino lcd 16x2. Turn Single Screen Into Multiple Screens | GSM MODEM | BLUETOOTH MODULE.
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. scrollDisplayLeft() and scrollDisplayRight() methods | Arduino,
2. Scrolling Text on LCD with Arduino - The Engineering Projects,
3. Displaying moving(scrolling) text on 16x2 lcd with arduino uno,
4. Arduino 16x2 LCD screen display Text Scrolling “Arduino",
5. Arduino | LCD 16x2 Scrolling Text Only Single Row (Scroll),
6. Project 09 - How to Scroll text on 1602 LCD Display,
7. LCD 16x2 scrolling text display with Arduino in Poteus || Text ,
8. LCD 16x2 Display with Arduino | Long Scroll Text – techZeero,
9. Scroll Data on LCD 16×2 using Arduino - PIJA Education,
10. Arduino : Display Banner , Blinking , Scrolling and Running,
11. Automatic scrolling text on 16x2 LCD with Arduino,
12. Tutorial LCD 16 x 2 - Arduino - Auto Scroll - Desplazamiento Mensajes de Texto - Parte3,
13. Arduino lcd 16x2. Turn Single Screen Into Multiple Screens,
14. [Test Run]Arduino Uno LCD 16x2 Scroll text, Both line text, Blink text ,Single row text,
15. scrolling just one line at 16x2 LCD with Arduino (one is fixe),
16. Arduino 16x2 LCD screen display Text Scrolling “Arduino Project for beginners”,
17. Project 11 - Code explanation for Scrolling text on 16*2 LCD display,
18. Arduino | LCD 16x2 Scrolling Text Only Single Row (Scroll Left and Scroll Right),
19. LCD 16x2 automatic scrolling text display with Arduino || Text moving left to right,
20. LCD Scrolling Text with Arduino tutorial,
21. Arduino project: Scrolling text on 16x2 LCD controlled by pushbuttons,
23. Project 09 - How to Scroll text on 1602 LCD Display,
24. Arduino + 16x2 LCD: Scroll Only One Line,
25. Scroll with 16x2 LCD display and Arduino Uno,
26. LCD Scrolling Text Only single row Arduino Tutorial,
27. LCD 1602 blinking text with Arduino i2c,
29. Scrolling text on LCD Display | Arduino Uno | I2C | Vagita,
30. scrolling just one line at 16x2 LCD with Arduino (one is fixe) – 2,
31. RPLCD: Scrolling text,
32. Arduino Code LCD 16x2 Automatic Scroll Letter Moving Left to Right Display,
33. How To Display Message On LCD Using Arduino Serial Monitor,
34. LCD 16x2 scrolling text display with Arduino in Poteus || Text moving to left,
35. Digital clock using arduino and 16X2 LCD,
36. Running text 16x2 LCD modul I2C | | Tulisan LCD berjalan | | ARDUINO UNO,
37. Arduino i2c | LCD 1602,
38. Auto scroll and auto format message LCD screen Arduino,
39. Arduino Scrolling Text,
40. Raspberry PI - 16x2 LCD Display Print Scrolling Text,
41. 16x2 LCD Interfacing with 8051 Scroll Text Example using C Step by Step Keil and Proteus Simulation,
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
IoT Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Blyn...
Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency | Solar powered IOT Street light Controlling Using Blynk app and Density based Traffic Signals | Density based Traffic Signals | Smart Ambulance System for COVID 19 Patients with Traffic signals Ambulance clearance | Density based Traffic signals Based Image Processing and Ambulance Clearance using Zigbee | Innovative Congestion Control System for Ambulance Using Zigbee and Density based Traffic signals | Density based Traffic Signals Proteus simulation Model | Density based Traffic signals controlling using PIC Microcontroller | Density based Traffic signals with Ambulance clearance.
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. An Intelligent Ambulance with Automatic Traffic Control,
2. analyse the concept of iot based smart traffic signal monitoring system using vehicles counts,
3. arduino based traffic light control system for emergency vehicles using radio frequency,
4. Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency,
5. Arduino Traffic Light Controller | IoT Project | IoTDunia,
6. Arduino Traffic Light Controller Tutorial Using Tinkercad,
7. automatic vehicle counting for iot based smart traffic management system for indian urban settings,
8. Density Based 4 Way Automatic Traffic Signal Control System Using Arduino and IR Sensor,
9. density based traffic control system using arduino ppt,
10. density based traffic control system using iot,
11. density based traffic light control system project report,
12. density based traffic signal system using arduino uno,
13. density-based-traffic signal system using arduino and ir sensor github,
14. Development of an IoT based real-time traffic monitoring,
15. development of iot device for traffic management system,
16. How to make Traffic Light Control System using Arduino | Arduino based 4 Way Traffic Signal Control,
17. Intelligent Traffic Control Signal using Raspberry Pi 3 and Ultrasonic Sensor,
18. Intelligent traffic light control system for emergency vehicles,
19. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino,
20. iot based intelligent traffic management system,
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22. iot based intelligent traffic signal system for emergency,
23. iot based intelligent traffic signal system for emergency vehicles,
24. IOT based Smart Traffic Light Control System,
25. IOT based Smart Traffic Light Control System – ResearchGate,
26. IoT Based Smart Traffic Signal Monitoring System,
27. iot based traffic control system,
28. IOT Based Traffic Light Controller in Smart City,
29. IoT Based Traffic Management System,
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33. iot based traffic management system using raspberry pi,
34. iot based traffic prediction and traffic signal control system for smart city,
35. iot based wireless controlled smart transportation system,
36. IoT Based: Smart Traffic Light Controller,
37. IoT Based: Smart Traffic Light Controller - Journal of Student ,
38. iot traffic lights,
39. IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controller System,
40. IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controlling System Project,
41. iot traffic signal monitoring controller system,
42. iot traffic signal monitoring controller system code,
43. list of smart cities in india,
44. objective of smart traffic management system,
45. RFID Based Smart Traffic Signal for Ambulance -arduino -traffic -signal,
46. Sensor Data Monitoring Over CAN BUS Using Arduino | Interfacing MCP2515 CAN BUS Module with Arduino,
47. Smart Control of Traffic Light System using Artificial Intelligence,
48. smart traffic control system using Arduino,
50. Smart Traffic Light Control System with automatic vehicle speed braker,
51. Smart traffic light for Emergency Vehicle,
52. smart traffic light monitoring system,
53. Smart Traffic Light System Using Arduino | Density based 4 way Traffic Signal | Proteus Project,
54. smart traffic management system project report,
55. smart traffic management system using internet of things,
56. smart traffic management system using iot,
57. smart traffic management system using iot ppt,
58. smart traffic signal using iot,
59. smart-traffic management system using iot github,
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
SMS Based Remote Agriculture Pump ON/OFF Control and Notification
SMS Based Remote Agriculture Pump ON/OFF Control and Notification | GSM Based Remote Agriculture Pump ON/OFF Control | Single Phase GSM Mobile Operated Pump Motor Controller | SMS/GSM Based Pump Controller | GSM Pump Motor Controller Circuit using Arduino | Automatic Controller - Dp-09 Single/three Phase Pump | Control and Notification Automatic Water Pump with Arduino.
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
2. How to on & off Water Pump Using Missed Calls | GSM Based Motor Control,
3. RMG Single / Three Phase GSM Motor Pump controller (Mobile Motor Starter),
4. Agromate - Control Your Motor Pump with Mobile | Mobile Motor Controller,
6. Three Phase GSM Motor Pump controller with all Protection Features through SMS/CALL/Android App,
7. English - GSM or Cell Phone based Pump Motor Controller,
8. Control Water Pump from Home with Mobile Phone || innovative ideas,
9. GSM Mobile Controller (Updated Version) for Agricultural Motor Starter,
10. GSM Motor Pump Controller | Agriculture Use,
11. Raivens GSM Based Mobile Motor Controller for Three Phase Motor, Single Phase Motor,
12. Gsm pump starter test,
13. Mobile controlled autostarter for 3 phase motors or pumpsets using Arduino and gsm module,
14. Cm input Subsidy Funds Released | Ap Crop booking status check | Pantala bhima payment status check,
16. How to make GSM based Home Appliance Control using Arduino and GSM | GSM based Home Automation,
17. Agricultural motor control using calls and sms,
19. Hindi - GSM or Mobile Phone operated Pump Motor Controller,
21. Mobile starter : GSM based Remote Motor Controller and status monitoring,
22. IoT based Mobile Pump Controller Android App demo,
23. GSM Motor Controller App | Infomercial Video,
24. Three Phase GSM Mobile Motor Pump Controller with All Safety Protection, Alerts & Timer Features,
25. GSM RELAY Control from Registered Number Call,
26. Gsm Based Water Pump Control With Voice Feedback | Gsm Based Pump Motor Control,
27. GSM Mobile Motor Starter Controller | Control Water Pump from anywhere with Mobile Phone,
28. GSM Based Motor Controller in Irrigation by Using Sensor's [ Soil Moisture + Tank Water Level ],
29. How to Configure / Operate RMG Mobile Motor Pump Controller Using Mobile App,
31. Auto Kisan Single/3 Phase Mobile Motor Pump controller/Starter,
32. Mobile motor controller device making at home / Wireless motor control/ Wireless motor starter,
33. Arduino SIM900A GSM Home Automation,
34. How to make GSM based Home Appliance Control using Arduino and GSM | GSM based Home Automation,
35. GSM controlled Relay,
36. Automatic Water Level Controller with Message Alerts using GSM and Arduino,
38. GSM Key SMS Remote Control Switch,
40. DTMF Based Remote Industrial Or Irrigarion Pump Control System,
41. wireless remote control for water pump,
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60. gsm based agriculture motor control circuit diagram,
61. gsm based agriculture motor control,
62. gsm based 3 phase motor starter,
63. gsm based 3 phase motor control using Arduino,
64. cell phone-based water pump controller,
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68. automatic motor controller for agriculture,
69. agriculture motor control using mobile project,
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
RFID BASED ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINE | RFID BASED VOTING MACHINE | Radio frequency identification based electronic voting machine using fingerprint module | Design of RFID based Electronic Voting Machine RFID based Electronics Voting Machine.
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. RFID Based Voting Machine Project using AVR Microcontroller,
2. Electronic Voting Machine using RFID,
3. How to simulate rfid based project,
4. Fingerprint Based Voting System Project,
5. RFID Based Petrol Pump Automation System Card Based Electronics Project,
7. Mini Project, Electronic Voting Machine using 8051,
8. Examination room guide using RFID and FINGER PRINT for the jumbling system based EXAMS,
9. Aadhar based Finger Print Electronic Voting System,
10. Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Arduino,
12. Finger Print Based Biometric Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino,
13. RFID based student attendance system,
15. fingerprint based electronic voting machine using Arduino,
16. RFID Based Attendance System,
17. RFID Based Canteen and Cafeteria Management System DIY RFID Project Electronics,
18. RFID Based Student Attendance System using 8051 Based Microcontroller,
19. Fingure print based Biometric Voting Machine,
20. Electronic Voting Machine Using Raspberry Pi,
21. E - Ration Card Management with RFID Software RFID Based Dotnet Project,
22. RFID based voting system project,
23. Adhar based Electronic voting machine,
24. RFID Based Voting Machine using AVR Microcontroller,
25. How to Make a Fingerprint Based Biometric Voting Machine Project using Arduino | Biometric Voting,
26. RFID & Fingerprint Based Voting Machine,
27. RFID Based Attendance System PPT,
29. How To Make RFID Based Voting System RFID Based Electronics Project,
30. Electronic Voting machine using Arduino,
31. Advanced Aadhar based Electric Voting Machine,
33. RFID Election System RFID Based Voting Box System Electronics Project,
35. Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) using 8051 Controller | Source Code & Circuit Design | Embedded,
36. Fingerprint Electronic Voting System using Arduino Nano | R307 | NOTA,
37. RFID Based Secure Voting System Using PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A,
38. RFID Based Gate Controller System using 8051 Based Microcontroller,
39. Biometric Fingerprint Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino | Interfacing R307 Fingerprint Scanner,
40. RFID Based Voting Machine System using 8051 Based Microcontroller,
41. RFID based Automatic Toll Collection System Using Arduino Uno Kannada,
Friday, 5 November 2021
Car-Safety : Speed, Distance, Drowsiness, Accident Detection, SMS + Voic...
Car-Safety System: Speed, Distance, Drowsiness, Accident Detection, SMS + Voice Alert with GPS Coordinates and Arduino Uno.adxl335 mems + Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - HC-SR04 - Vehicle Engine.
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. accident prevention using eye blink sensor ieee paper,
2. accident prevention using eye blinking and head movement,
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64. yawning detection dataset,
Thursday, 28 October 2021
QR Code Based Visitor Management System in Excel
QR Code Based Visitor Management System in Excel | Touchless Visitor Management System with QR Code | Qr Code Management System | Using QR Code in Visitor Management | Advanced Visitor Management Software | QR Code Attendance for Classroom & Employee - Google | Canteen Management Software | Visitor Management System with Face Thermal and QR Code | Staff & Employee Management Software System.
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M1: +91 9491535690 M2: +91 7842358459
1. 7 Tips to Make Attendance Sheet in Excel in Hindi,
2. Accident Avoiding System with Crash Detection and GPS Notification,
3. Arduino Firebase Tutorial, Students Attendance System using GSM and RFID with Parents SMS Alert,
4. Attendance Marking using QR Code,
5. Attendance monitoring with rfid & sms notification,
6. Attendance Sheet - How to create in Excel,
7. Attendance Sheet calculation using Countif Formulas in hindi,
8. Attendance sheet With percentage,
9. Attendance System Using QR Code Scan,
10. Automated attendance excel | using COUNTIF, TEXT Function,
11. Automated attendance using Google Forms,
12. Biometric & RFID Card Attendance System with Automatic SMS Alerts,
13. Church Membership And Management System With RFID Based Event Attendance And SMS Notification,
14. Create Attendance Sheet in Microsoft Excel 2013 in Urdu and Hindi,
15. Create Fantastic Fully Automated | Attendance Sheet in Excel | Hindi,
16. Create QR Scan Attendance APP using APP Inventor | Google AppScript | Google Sheets,
17. Educational Notifier - SMS Based Attendance System for Schools,
18. Employee Attendace Management System with QR Code in Python,
19. Employee Attendance System using QR Code in Java | Final Year Project,
20. Excel attendance sheet with Formulas,
21. Excel Magic Trick 496: Attendance Sheet with Freeze Pane, IF & SUM functions, Custom Date Formatting,
22. How to Install Fingerprint Attendance Management System Full Video,
23. How To Maintain Attendance In MS Excel English,
24. How to Maintain Attendance Register and Salary Sheet in Excel | Step by Step Tutorial in Hindi,
25. How to Maintain Attendance Sheet in MS excel in Hindi | How to Make Attendance Sheet In Excel,
26. How to make an Attendance Sheet in Excel,
27. How to make an automated attendance sheet in excel with formula,
28. How to Make Attendance in Excel ,
29. How to Make Attendance Salary Sheet in Excel | Excel Practice Tutorials in Telugu |LEARN COMPUTER,
30. How To Make Attendance Sheet in Excel - 17 Basic Excel Sheet,
31. How To Make Attendance Sheet With Salary In Ms Excel || How to Make Attendance Sheet in Excel Hindi,
32. How to Make Duplicate Fingerprint || Unlock any Fingerprint Sensor 2018,
33. How to make RFID based students Attendance system with sms Alert “Arduino,GSM ,Sim900A,MFRC522, VB,
35. How to Take Attendance with a QR Code,
36. How to take attendance with QR codes and Google Docs,
37. How to Take Class Attendance In Zoom,
38. IOT - Smart Attendance System,
39. MDI Fingerprint Time attendance Training / Installation Guide,
40. Mobile Attendance Tracking with QR Codes,
41. Mobile Attendance: How to create employee ID cards with QR codes,
42. Online Attendance Sheet by using Google Sheet UPDATED,
43. present and absent attendance sheet in excel (hindi),
44. QR Attendance Using Google Drive with QR Codes Generator Add-ons,
46. QR Codes Attendance System,
47. Record attendance in Excel with a time stamp function,
48. RFID - based Student pass Monitoring System with SMS Notification made in VB6.0 DBASE:MS ACCESS,
49. RFID and GSM Based Attendance System Using Arduino and DS3231 RTC Module,
50. RFID Attendance Solution For Students,
51. RFID Attendance System with SMS and android notification,
52. RFID Attendance System with SMS Notification,
53. RFID Attendance System with SMS Notification Using Arduino,
54. RFID Based Attendance and Monitoring System with SMS Notification,
55. RFID Based Attendance System & Message Alert System to Parents,
56. RFID Based Attendance system with GSM notification System using PIC Microcontroller,
58. RFID Based Gate Attendance System With Sms Notification,
59. RFID based student attendance system with parents notification by SMS,
60. RFID-RC522 with Excel using Arduino (As a attendance system),
61. School Attendance Register and Report Excel Template,
62. School Form 2 - Automated Attendance Sheet,
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Wireless Hand Gesture Controlled Robot Using Arduino & Ultrasonic Sensor
Wireless Hand Gesture Controlled Robot Using Arduino & Ultrasonic Sensor | Robotic Hand With Wireless Glove Controlled | NRF24L01 | Desi...
Watch Video Demonstration Carefully Till End -- Temperature and Humidity Controller For Incubator Temperature and Humidity Controller For ...
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