Wednesday 13 September 2017

A Smart System connecting E-Health Sensor’s and the Cloud

1.      A smart system connecting e-health sensors and the cloud. The cost of the project is 11000/-
2.      IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi,
3.      Best ECE Projects For Final Year ECE | IEEE Projects,
4.      An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi,
5.      IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi,
6.      WiFi Based Personal Health Monitoring System Using Android,
7.      RaspberryPi Based Patient Health Status Observing Based On IOT,

8.      Patient Parameter Monitoring System using RaspberryPi,
9.      Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network,
10.  Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi and,
11.  Healthcare based on IoT using Raspberry Pi,
13.  IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project,
14.  Healthcare monitoring system-BIO MEDICAL project by geek wave,
15.  IOT (Internet of Things) based remote monitoring of patient body,
16.  A Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor,
17.  Wireless ECG, Heartbeat and Body temperature Monitoring System,
19.  *NEW*!!Health care arduino project with GPS on TFT LCD,

20.  ieee 2016-2017 embedded bsn care a secure iot based,
21.  Cloud Enable Wireless Body Area Network Healthcare Projects,
22.  A Smart System Connecting e-Health Sensors and the Cloud,
23.  E-Health Care Smart Networked System - International Journal of,
24.  Smart e-Health Monitoring and Maintenance Using Cloud – ijrest,
25.  Patient HealthManagement System using e-Health, - Eurecom,
26.  A smart system connecting e-health sensors and the cloud | DeepDyve,
27.  HealthCare Monitoring and Alerting System Using Cloud, - ijritcc,
28.  A Raspberry Pi eHealth Smart Monitoring System – IJATIR,
29.  A Smart E-Health Care System with Health Sensors and Cloud,
30.  a smart system connecting e-health sensors and the cloud ppt,
31.  patient health monitoring system project report,

32.  A Survey on Sensor-Cloud: Architecture, Applications and Approaches,
33.  IoT Based E-Health Monitoring System | Cloud Computing | Wireless,
34.  Design of E-Health Monitoring of Patient using Internet of, - IJLTEMAS,
35.  A Review of Wearable Health Monitoring Systems – IJAREEIE,
36.  Implementation of PHM System using IoT and Raspberry Pi,
37.  raspberry pi based patient health status observing, - SSRG Journals,
38.  Cloud Care: A Remote Health Monitoring System,
39.  ITU-T Standardization Activities on e-Health,
40.  An Intelligent Health Observation System Using Smart, - IJARCSSE,
41.  Use of Cloud Computing with Wireless Sensor Networks, - ThinkMind,
42.  Telehealth- In IoT Environment - IJSDR ISSN,
43.  IoT based Remote Patient Monitoring System - MASK International,
44.  A Smart System Connecting e-Health Sensors and the Cloud,
45.  Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 21st,
47.  Internet of Things (IoT) Based Smart Health Care System - scopes – 2018,
48.  Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless,
49.  Embedded Iot projects for Btech students|Takeoffgroup,
50.  Book A Raspberry Pi Ehealth Smart Monitoring System Ijatir (PDF,
51.  Embedded PROJECT ABSTRACTS - CITL Projects,

52.  Get new IOT Projects Ideas & Training, IEEE Internet Of Things (IoT,
53.  a wearable remote patient monitoring system using raspberry pi – ijrise,
54.  Secured smart healthcare monitoring system based on iot – SlideShare,
55.  Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Microcontroller IoT Projects Titles | Academic,
56.  e-Health Sensor Platform V2.0 for Arduino and Raspberry Pi,
57.  cloud based healthcare monitoring system using wearable sensors,
58.  e-Health Sensor Platform for Arduino and Raspberry Pi [Biometric,
59.  Pulse and Oxgen in Blood Measure,
60.  Canary: The first smart home security device for everyone | Indiegogo
61.  Telemedicine, Telematics, E-Health, iPad | T-Systems,
62.  Smart E-Agriculture Monitoring Using Internet Of Things,
63.  Smarter Connected Societies - Intracom Telecom,
64.  IoT Healthcare – Vodafone,
65.  Survey of Health Monitoring Management Using Internet of Things (IOT),
66.  Implementation of Context Aware e-Health Environments Based on,
67.  Libelium - Connecting Sensors to the Cloud » Makers,
68.  Architectural Framework for eHealth Security - River Publishers,
69.  How the Internet of Things Is Revolutionizing Healthcare - white paper,
70.  Secure Sharing of Personal Health records in Cloud using, - viXra,
71.  A Health-IoT Platform Based on the Integration of Intelligent Packaging,
72.  Virtual Sensors in Remote Healthcare Delivery: Some Case, - ITRA,
73.  MySignals - eHealth and Medical IoT Development Platform,
75.  a review paper on smart health care system using internet of, - IJRET,
76.  Smart Buildings with Internet of Things Technologies – Intel,

77.  cloud based healthcare monitoring system using wearable sensors,

Wednesday 30 August 2017


AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR. the project cost is 3500/- svsembedded,svskits,svsprakash,9491535690,7842358459,
1. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 2. Micro controller based automatic engine locking system for drunken driver, 3. Alcohol Detection Alert with Automatic Engine Locking Project, 4. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNK AND DRIVER, 5. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Controlling, 6. automatic drunken drive prevention system - GIAP Journals, 7. Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Controlling - IJETA, 8. Road Accident Avoiding System using Drunken Sensing Technique, 9. automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers pdf, 10. alcohol sensing and engine locking system ppt,
11. ppt on automatic engine locking system for drunk drivers, 12. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project pdf, 13. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking project circuit diagram, 14. alcohol sensing alert with engine locking ppt, 15. automatic engine locking system for drunk and driver using raspberry pi, 16. alcohol detection with vehicle controlling using arduino, 17. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project, 18. Alcohol Detection System for Drunken Drivers with Engine Locking, 19. Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken, 20. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project, 21. Alcohol sensing alert with engine locking, 22. VEHICLE LOCK SECURITY AND ALCOHOL DETECTOR SYSTEM,
23. Alcohol detector project, 24. vehicle accident and Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking system, 25. Drunk Driving Detection And Control, 26. High sensitive Alcohol sensor with auto car ignition disable function, 27. Liquor Detection through Automatic Motor Locking System Using, 28. Breathalyser circuit featuring the MQ3 alcohol sensor,
29. Alcohol Detector System, 30. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling using Mq3 sensor with, 31. Factory Worker Alcohol Detector with Automatic Machine Shutdown, 32. Arduino Alcohol Detector for Cars, 33. SMART VEHICLE WITH ALCOHOL DETECTION AND AUTOMATIC, 34. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling, 35. How to make a Alcohol Detection System, 36. Alcohol Detection and Accident Avoidance Using Locking With Tracking, 37. smart drunken driver detection and speed monitoring system, 38. Alcohol Detection and Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System, 39. Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project,
40. Drunken Driving Protection System, 41. Mcep Based Intelligent Vehicle With Multitask Management, 42. Alcohol Detection and Motor Locking System, 43. Driver Safety Awareness and Assistance System for, 44. Automatic alcohol detection circuit breaker deployed in the, 45. Helmet Based Vehicle's Auto Ignition with Alcohol Detection, 46. Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM, 47. Automatic locked control system of vehicle drunken driving based on, 48. ARM Based Drunk Driver Identification with Tracking System, 49. Automated Control System for Alcohol and Pollution Detection, 50. Intelligent Vehicle Control Using Wireless Embedded System in, 51. Alcohol Detection System in Vehicle Using Arduino, 52. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling, 53. Intelligent Car System for Accident Prevention Using ARM7, 54. International Journal of Engineering Research-Online A Peer,
55. Embedded system based automobile accident prevention, 56. Driver Authentication and Accident Avoidance System for Vehicles,
57. Implementation of Advance Automobile System for, 58. Design and Implementation of Weal Vehicle System, 59. Drunk Driving Detection Vehicle Controller - ManTech Publications, 60. Fuzzy Based Model for Accident Prevent System, 61. Patent US8201437 - Alcohol detection system and method for vehicle, 62. Study on the prevention of drink-driving by the use of alcohol interlock, 63. Vehicle Ignition over Ride System Using Breath Analyzers for, 64. VEHICLES ACCIDENT PREVENTION SYSTEM MOHD HAFIZZIE BIN, 65. Blood alcohol sensors could make cars shut down if over legal limit, 66. An Intelligent Vehicle Control and Monitoring Using Arm - International, 67. Unobtrusive Breath Alcohol Sensing System, 68. GPS and GSM/GPRS Based Futuristic Automobile Live, 69. Ignition Interlock Devices to Prohibit Operation of Motor Vehicles By, 70. Anti-Theft Vehicle Locking System using CAN,
71. smart drunken driver detection and speed monitoring system for vehicles, 72. Integration of Body Sensor Networks and Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, 73. Drunk Driving Detection With Car Ignition Locking,

Saturday 26 August 2017

IOT based Garbage Management System

IOT based Garbage Management System.SVSEMBEDDED PROJECTS, +919491535690,+91-7842358459
1. IOT based Garbage Management System.SVSEMBEDDED PROJECTS, +919491535690,+91-7842358459.

2. IOT Garbage Monitoring System Project | svsProjects,

3. IOT based smart garbage alert system using Arduino UNO - IEEE Xplore,

4. IOT based Garbage Management System - International Journal of,

5. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring Project using Arduino & ESP8266,

6. IoT-Based Smart Garbage System for Efficient Food Waste Management,

7. IoT based garbage monitoring system – SlideShare,

8. IoT Based Waste Management for Smart City – IJIRCCE,

9. Application: IoT Based Waste Management System - Smart Garbage,

10. IoT Based Smart Garbage Detection System – IRJET,

11. iot based automatic waste management system – KSCST,

12. iot based garbage monitoring system project report,

13. iot garbage monitoring system ppt,

14. iot garbage monitoring system project report,

15. iot based garbage monitoring system pdf,

16. iot garbage monitoring system pdf,

17. gsm based garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator pdf,

18. iot based garbage monitoring system using Arduino,

19. iot based garbage monitoring system abstract,

20. IoT Based Smart Garbage and Waste Collection Bin – ijarece,

21. A Survey on Smart Garbage Management in Cities using IoT,

22. IOT based Smart Waste Management – ijarcce,

23. IoT-Based Smart Garbage System for Efficient Food Waste Management,

24. Waste Management System Using Iot - International Journal of,

25. How IoT will change the future of waste management in Africa,

26. Smart waste management system based on IOT (Internet of things,

27. IOT Garbage Monitoring System,

28. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring,

29. Smart Garbage Management System,

30. IOT Based Garbage Disposal System,

31. Smart IoT Garbage Management System,

32. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino - GPRS,

33. iot based garbage monitoring and alert system,

34. Waste Monitoring and Management using IOT code explanation,

35. Iot Garbage Monitoring System,

36. Smart Dustbin-An Efficient Garbage Monitoring System – IJESC,

37. Smart Trash Can IoT System -,

38. Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT): 18,

39. Waste Management System using Internet of Things for Smart Cities,

40. Smart Garbage Management System,

41. IOT Garbage Monitor,

42. IOT Garbage Monitoring System using Arduino,

43. IOT Based Solid Waste Management system for smart city,

44. IOT Garbage Monitoring System,

45. IOT based garbage monitoring system by 2017 batch ECE HIT,

46. Smart Garbage Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IOT),

47. GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator,

48. Automatic Garbage Collecting Truck Using Arduino, GSM and GPS,

49. IOT Based Waste Management and Water level Monitoring System for,

50. Waste Monitoring and Management using IOT,

51. Swachh Bharat Waste Collection Management System using IOT,

52. Smart Waste Management Solution,

53. Smart Bin-Garbage and Waste Collection Management solution for,

54. IOT Garbage Monitoring,

55. Automatic Garbage Collecting VAN Using GSM and GPS,

56. Smart Waste Management Solution with Sensor Technology from,


58. How can IoT help with waste management,

59. IOT Smart Garbage Monitoring System in Cities-An, - IJARCSSE,

60. Smart Waste Collection System based on IoT - International Journal of,

61. Reward Based Intelligent Garbage System Using IoT - Scientist Link,

62. Smart Waste Management Systems – Postscapes,

63. IoT: Smart need for Garbage Management and Monitoring System,

64. A Review: Multipurpose Garbage Monitoring System Using IoT – ijritcc,

65. IOT based Garbage Management System for Smart Cities – IJSTE,

66. IOT Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System – IJAREEIE,

67. Smart Garbage Management System - International Journal of,

68. iot based garbage monitoring system – IJARCET,

69. Smart City and the need for IoT-based solid waste management system,

70. smart waste management system,

71. IoT based Smart Bin for Indoor,

72. Smart Bin : Waste Management solution for Smart Cities,

73. Smart garbage management system,

74. e-Garbage Monitoring System | IOT - NODEMCU – CLOUD,

75. iot - IoT projects- IOT Projects - IOT Based Projects,

76. Automatic Garbage Disposal System (AGDS),

77. Smartbin Smart waste management system,

78. Smartbin |Smart City|Smart Monitoring|Ultrasonic Level Sensor,

79. A Novel Approach to Garbage Management Using IoT for, - IJCTER,


81. Waste Management as an IoT-Enabled Service in Smart Cities,

82. What Is Smart Waste Management? - Link Labs,

83. Automatic Garbage Collecting VAN Using GSM and GPS | BITLING,

84. Smart Waste Collection System Based on Location Intelligence,

85. IoT Based Smart Waste Management System,

86. IoT and waste management: Revolutionizing an old industry,

87. IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System -,

Friday 25 August 2017

How to Make a Dustbin School Project

1. How to Make a Dustbin School Project.SVSEMBEDDED PROJECTS, +919491535690,+91-7842358459.

2. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring,

3. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring Project using Arduino & ESP8266,

4. IOT based smart garbage alert system using Arduino UNO - IEEE Xplore,

5. IOT Garbage Monitoring System Project,

6. IoT based garbage monitoring system - SlideShare,

7. IOT based Garbage Management System - International Journal of,

8. Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT),

9. IoT Based Smart Garbage Detection System - IRJET,

10. Smart Dustbin-An Efficient Garbage Monitoring System - IJESC,

11. IoT Based Waste Management for Smart City - IJIRCCE,

12. iot garbage monitoring system ppt,

13. iot garbage monitoring system project report,

14. iot based garbage monitoring system using arduino,

15. iot based garbage monitoring system pdf,

16. iot garbage monitoring system ,

17. iot garbage monitoring system circuit diagram,

18. iot based garbage monitoring system project,

19. gsm based garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator pdf,

20. IoT-Based Smart Garbage System for Efficient Food Waste Management,

21. DIY : #109 Floral Dustbin,

22. Emotibins - How to Make Motivating Dustbins for Classroom: 7 Steps,

23. How to Make a Dustbin in Cardboard?: 7 Steps,

24. how to make dustbin for school project,

25. How to Make a Dustbin in Cardboard? | Wrapping papers - Pinterest,

26. Creative design dustbin! Creativity . Imagination . Art & Craft . Design,

27. One dustbin per child - SlideShare,

28. Situated Design Methods - Page 191 - Google Books Result,

29. Dustbin Kids | Center for Education Innovations,

30. how to make dustbin from cardboard,

31. how to make dustbin out of waste material,

32. dustbin making competition,

33. how to make dustbin from bottle,

34. how to make a dustbin out of recycled materials,

35. how to make dustbin for fancy dress,

36. how to make dustbin with newspaper,

37. how to make dustbin with cardboard for school project,

38. Dustbin Kids | Center for Education Innovations,

39. Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education: Contextual,

40. Picture of Galvanised 18" Dustbin With Lid | Dustbins | Pinterest,

41. 'Alex schools create a dustbin of failed children' | Alex News,

42. 20 Innovative Ways To Reuse Old Plastic Bottles - The Better India,

43. Dustbin diggers pilot project reaches phase two | Krugersdorp News,

44. Project Waste- Presentation by Grade 3 - GEMS Genesis International,

45. Extreme Dustbin (a.k.a Extreme Trash Bin) - Sembcorp Marine Ltd,

46. Projects - Steelcrest High School,


48. Smart Dustbin | Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award,

49. 31 amazing innovations from young Indians - Get Ahead,

50. Operation Paperclip - Wikipedia,

51. Dustbin Project,

52. Cardboard Dinosaur Dustbin - Crafts Ideas With Boxes | DIY on Box,

53. Origami Trash Bin Tutorial - DIY - Paper Kawaii,


55. Easy to make TRASH BIN | DUSTBIN - DIY Tutorial by Paper Folds,

56. How to Make a DustBin(easy and simple),

57. Smart Dustbin,

58. automatic dustbin open project,

59. How to make origami dustbin,


61. IoT Based Waste Management System - Smart Garbage Monitoring,

62. A Survey on Smart Garbage Management in Cities using IoT,

63. IOT Based Waste Monitoring For Smart City,

64. A Review: Multipurpose Garbage Monitoring System Using IoT - ijritcc,

65. IOT Smart Garbage Monitoring System in Cities-An, - IJARCSSE,

66. IoT Based Smart Garbage and Waste Collection Bin - ijarece,

67. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring Project using Arduino & ESP8266 | IoT,


69. Smart Trash Can IoT System -,

70. IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino - GPRS ,

71. IOT Garbage Monitoring System using Arduino,

72. iot based garbage monitoring and alert system,

73. IOT Garbage Monitoring System,


75. IOT based garbage monitoring system by 2017 batch ECE HIT,

76. Smart Garbage Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IOT,

77. Waste Monitoring and Management using IOT code explanation,

78. Iot Garbage Monitoring System,

79. IOT Based Waste Management and Water level Monitoring System,

80. Smart waste management system based on IOT (Internet of things,

Wednesday 23 August 2017


SVSEMBEDDED PROJECTS, +919491535690,+91-7842358459.

Liquor Detection through Automatic Motor Locking System Using Arduino---------3000/-

Automatic Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor-----2500/-

water level detection for overhead tank using 8051------2300/-

Automatic Plant Watering System-----------2400/-


Embedded Password Based Door Lock System---------2500/-

Water Level Detection For Overhead Tank Using Arduino------2400/-

Smart Blind Stick Using Arduino With Ultrasonic Sensor and IR Sensor-----2800/-

Temperature ,Humidity Indicator Control using Arduino-----2500/-

Alcohol Detection system with Vehicle Engine Locking Project -------3000/-

Password Based Door Lock System using 8051-----------2500/-

Temperature Based Fan Speed Control And Monitoring Using Arduino---2500/-

Microcontroller Based Toxic Liquid Level Monitoring Control System---2300/-

Automatic Drunken Drive Prevention in Automobiles-----2500/-

Top List of Electronics and Electrical Projects for Diploma ------  svskits

Wednesday 19 July 2017


 1. IoT Based Project for Submersible Motor controlling,

2. Smart Irrigation System Using Internet of Things,

3. An IOT based Water Supply Monitoring and Controlling,

4. IOT Based Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless,

 5. Supervision of IoT Water Pump Remotely through Versatile Media,

6. Arduino Automatic Water Tank Pump Switch – ElectroSchematics,

7. Geeco pumps price list of submersible pump in Tools – Machinery,

8. Spring Time With Arduino - DZone IoT,

9. Multidisciplinary Approach for Connecting Agriculture to IOT,

10. iot based submersible pump,

11. IoT Based Project for Submersible ,


13. Automatic Water Level Controller to turn the water pump on / off automatically ,

14. Programmable On and Off Controller for 3-Phase Motor,

15. RealTech Systems :: Real Mobile Starter,

16. Automatic irrigation motor controling with waterlevel and overheat,

17. Smart irrigation system using Internet Of Things – SlideShare,

18. Alizem — Internet-of-things (IoT) for electric motor control,

19. Pool pump motor shows off end-to-end implementation with IoT platform,

20. Solar Powered Automatic Irrigation System - ECE Projects – ElProCus,

 21. mobile starter for 3 phase motor,

22. gsm based agriculture motor control,

23. mobile starter for water pump,

24. mobile starter for 3 phase motor price,

25. agriculture motor control using mobile,

26. cell phone motor starter,

27. mobile pump starter,

28. mobile motor starter circuit,

29. Cell phone motor starter - Irrigation Mobile Pump Starter Manufacturer,

30. An IOT based Water Supply Monitoring and Controlling,

31. Automatic Starter for Submersible Pump,

32. Kisan Raja GSM based Smart Control Panel (Mobile Motor Controller),

33. Automatic Pump Controller,

34. Relay - Contactor with push button ON OFF control ,

 35. SMS Controlled Wireless Irrigation System,

36. Solar Water Pumping Controller - Welcome to Cybermotion,


38. Automatic Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor | ECE Projects,

39. 3 Questions to Ask Before IoT Implementation | Pumps & Systems,

40. a review paper on controlling of three phase & single phase electrical,

41. Automatic plant irrigation based on soil moisture and monitoring over,

42. Arduino Automatic Water Tank Pump Switch – ElectroSchematics,

43. how to create Internet of Things projects,

44. IOT Projects | IOT Based Projects | Internet of Things Projects,

45. how to create iot project - home automation,

46. Internet of Things (IoT)-based Home Automation Project using Arduino,

47. The Smart Trash Can - IoT projects,

48. IoT based project,

49. IOT Greenhouse (Embedded Project) ,

50. iot based projects for ece 2016-2017 final year iot based projects,


52. Security in Real World IoT Projects,

53. BIG IoT Project Video Presentation,

54. iot - IoT projects- IOT Projects - IOT Based Projects,

55. IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi,

56. Simple IoT Project : Electric Lamp part ,

57. IOT Based Projects: Women safety device using internet of things,

58. The IOT Model House - Powered by PubNub,

59. AWS IoT project: Select language & tools & set up a development,

60. DIY World's Smallest IoT project| IoT button | First Giveaway,

61. Tools review for your first IOT project | Internet of Things,

62. IoT dev with Arduino - final project - smart home,

63. 100+ Ultimate List of IOT Projects For Engineering Students,

64. Latest IOT Projects Ideas & Topics | NevonProjects,

65. World's Top 20 IoT Projects for The Internet of Things Development,

66. Internet of Things (IoT) Projects | 2017 Ideas and Example DIY Projects,

67. Get new IOT Projects Ideas & Training, IEEE Internet Of Things (IoT),

68. IOT Projects for B.Tech and M.Tech Engineering Students,

69. 5 Awesome Internet of Things Project Ideas | element14 | Internet of ,

70. Latest IOT Projects For Engineering Students -2016 - svs Kits,

71. 132 iot Projects - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create,

72. 2016-2017 Final Year Projects Internet of Things « Elysium,

73. iot projects for cse students,

74. iot based projects for ece,

75. iot projects using arduino,

76. iot mini projects,,

77. iot projects ieee,

78. iot projects for beginners,

79. iot projects using raspberry pi,

80. iot projects pdf,


1. IoT Based Project for Submersible Motor controlling,

2. Smart Irrigation System Using Internet of Things,

3. An IOT based Water Supply Monitoring and Controlling,

4. IOT Based Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless,

5. Supervision of IoT Water Pump Remotely through Versatile Media,

6. Arduino Automatic Water Tank Pump Switch – ElectroSchematics,

7. Geeco pumps price list of submersible pump in Tools – Machinery,

8. Spring Time With Arduino - DZone IoT,

9. Multidisciplinary Approach for Connecting Agriculture to IOT,

10. iot based submersible pump,

11. IoT Based Project for Submersible ,


13. Automatic Water Level Controller to turn the water pump on / off automatically ,

14. Programmable On and Off Controller for 3-Phase Motor,

15. RealTech Systems :: Real Mobile Starter,

16. Automatic irrigation motor controling with waterlevel and overheat,

17. Smart irrigation system using Internet Of Things – SlideShare,

18. Alizem — Internet-of-things (IoT) for electric motor control,

19. Pool pump motor shows off end-to-end implementation with IoT platform,

20. Solar Powered Automatic Irrigation System - ECE Projects – ElProCus,

21. mobile starter for 3 phase motor,

22. gsm based agriculture motor control,

23. mobile starter for water pump,

24. mobile starter for 3 phase motor price,

25. agriculture motor control using mobile,

26. cell phone motor starter,

27. mobile pump starter,

28. mobile motor starter circuit,

29. Cell phone motor starter - Irrigation Mobile Pump Starter Manufacturer,

30. An IOT based Water Supply Monitoring and Controlling,

31. Automatic Starter for Submersible Pump,

32. Kisan Raja GSM based Smart Control Panel (Mobile Motor Controller),

33. Automatic Pump Controller,

34. Relay - Contactor with push button ON OFF control ,

35. SMS Controlled Wireless Irrigation System,

36. Solar Water Pumping Controller - Welcome to Cybermotion,


38. Automatic Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor | ECE Projects,

39. 3 Questions to Ask Before IoT Implementation | Pumps & Systems,

40. a review paper on controlling of three phase & single phase electrical,

41. Automatic plant irrigation based on soil moisture and monitoring over,

42. Arduino Automatic Water Tank Pump Switch – ElectroSchematics,

43. how to create Internet of Things projects,

44. IOT Projects | IOT Based Projects | Internet of Things Projects,

45. how to create iot project - home automation,

46. Internet of Things (IoT)-based Home Automation Project using Arduino,

47. The Smart Trash Can - IoT projects,

48. IoT based project,

49. IOT Greenhouse (Embedded Project) ,

50. iot based projects for ece 2016-2017 final year iot based projects,


52. Security in Real World IoT Projects,

53. BIG IoT Project Video Presentation,

54. iot - IoT projects- IOT Projects - IOT Based Projects,

55. IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi,

56. Simple IoT Project : Electric Lamp part ,

57. IOT Based Projects: Women safety device using internet of things,

58. The IOT Model House - Powered by PubNub,

59. AWS IoT project: Select language & tools & set up a development,

60. DIY World's Smallest IoT project| IoT button | First Giveaway,

61. Tools review for your first IOT project | Internet of Things,

62. IoT dev with Arduino - final project - smart home,

63. 100+ Ultimate List of IOT Projects For Engineering Students,

64. Latest IOT Projects Ideas & Topics | NevonProjects,

65. World's Top 20 IoT Projects for The Internet of Things Development,

66. Internet of Things (IoT) Projects | 2017 Ideas and Example DIY Projects,

67. Get new IOT Projects Ideas & Training, IEEE Internet Of Things (IoT),

68. IOT Projects for B.Tech and M.Tech Engineering Students,

69. 5 Awesome Internet of Things Project Ideas | element14 | Internet of ,

70. Latest IOT Projects For Engineering Students -2016 - svs Kits,

71. 132 iot Projects - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create,

72. 2016-2017 Final Year Projects Internet of Things « Elysium,

73. iot projects for cse students,

74. iot based projects for ece,

75. iot projects using arduino,

76. iot mini projects,,

77. iot projects ieee,

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79. iot projects using raspberry pi,

80. iot projects pdf,

Design & Implementation of an Automated Medicine Reminder for Old People...

Design & Implementation of an Automated Reminder Medicine for Old People in Hospitals Using Arduino | Design and implementation of Autom...